1st Grade Busy Bee News
with Mrs. Berry
Teasley Vision Statement:
Fancy Nancy Word of the Week
- Perseverance: Doing something despite difficulty
Ruby Bridges In-House Field Trip On Wednesday
All permission slips and Field Trip $ Due Monday.
Don't forget to order a class T-shirt. Class Shirt $ is also Due on Monday.
Picture Day September 19th
Wear Standard Attire
Important Transportation Information
- No changes of transportation can be accepted over email. Changes during the school day must be made in writing to the office and received by 1:30 each day.
• Any kids staying after school for clubs must have a written transportation change for that day. Please send a note EACH DAY that they are staying for ASP enrichment. This cuts down on confusion if there is ever a substitute teacher in the class.
Thank you!
This is US!!!
I would like to make a display board in our classroom of all of our families!!! Please send in 2-3 pictures of you and your family. They can be baby pictures, vacation pictures, or anything to show and share a special memory with our class. We will keep them up throughout the year and send them back at the end of the year. Thank you!!!
Class Blog
PTA Reflections is a wonderful way to allow your child some freedom of expression. The theme this year is “Look Within”. Be sure to check out information on our website for more information: https://teasleypta.membershiptoolkit.com/reflections
Have you checked out Mrs. Crosby’s blog? If not, you should definitely check it out. There is TONS of information on her page!
All students are encouraged to utilize Mackinvia for some fun, amazing reading resources. Students can go to: https://www.cobb.mackinvia.com/
Primary Years Program (PYP) Curriculum Corner
The PYP trans-disciplinary framework focuses on the development of the whole child as an inquirer, both at school and beyond. Informed by research into how students learn, how educators teach, and the principles and practice of effective assessment, the programme places a powerful emphasis on inquiry-based learning. For further information, check out the following website: https://www.ibo.org/programmes/primary-years-programme/what-is-the-pyp/
Learning for the Week:
Personal Inquiry
Kiddle is the kids version of google and a great place to start!!!
IB Unit: Where we are in Place and Time. This Unit and Key Concepts will continue until October 11.
Key Concepts:
Central Idea: Pioneers Drive Change - This week we will learn all about Theodore Roosevelt
Ask me what I’m learning!
Math- How do I add and subtract within 10? What strategies do I use to add or subtract?
Writing- How do I write an opinion writing piece? How do I edit my work?
Daily 5/Language Arts- How do I ask and answer questions about key details in a text? How do I describe the characters and setting during my retelling?
Phonics- What are letters and letter blends?
IB: Who was Teddy Roosevelt and why is he important to our nation’s history? Why are these historical figures pioneers who drove change?
Specials for the Week
September 17th:
Teasley Spirit Night
Wednesday - September 18th:
Ruby Bridges Field Trip
Thursday - September 19th:
Picture day
Friday - September 20th:
Dress Down Day $1
September 23rd-27th
Fall Break
October 11th:
International Night
Parent Guide to International Baccalaureate Global Theme Units of Study
Tentative Dates for this instruction: August 1st- October 11th
Where We are in Place and Time- 1st
Central Idea: Pioneers drive change.
Lines of Inquiry:
-Aspects of the past still influence us, today.
-People can be influenced to make changes.
-Some practices and behaviors have remained and stayed the same.
Teacher goals for students’ learning:
-Students will be able to identify the impact historical figures have had on our lives (how have our lives changed because of these historical figures).
-Students will be able to identify what motivated these pioneers to want to make a change.
-Students will be able to identify how these pioneers exhibited the IB profile traits.
How can you help at home?
- Encourage your child to research the historical figures we are learning about, as well as, any who have helped shape our history.
- Is there an injustice around you? What would you do to change or improve the injustice/situation?
Learner Profile Connection
This unit we will focus on being a risk-taker, principled, and a communicator.
Encourage them at home to be risk-taker by:
*Encourage your child to try new things- new foods, a new ride, a new drink, or a new activity.
*Encourage them to share their opinion with others
*Be careful to explain to your child the difference between being a risk taker and doing dangerous things.
Encourage them at home to be principled by:
*Encourage your child to create a game with rules, then encourage them to stick to those rules.
*Encourage your child to play games where there are teams-learning to work with people is just as important as working alone.
*Talk with your child about being a good winner or loser. It’s not about the outcome of the game, it’s about the fun!
Encourage them at home to be communicator by:
*Encourage your child to stay in touch with relatives via email, letter, or phone.
* Talk with your child- ask them questions that causes them to give more than a simple response. Ex: “If you enough money to buy anything you would like, what would you buy and why?”
*Have your child explain the steps to a problem/situation. For example: How to make a PBJ.
Cobb County Resource Links
To login use your Office 365 login: firstname.lastname@students.cobbk12.org
password: read
Please use this at home for extra practice in all subject areas.