The Lion's Roar
September 6, 2024
A Note From Mrs. Bowden...
Thank you again for a wonderful start to the 2024 - 2025 school year. It truly has been an amazing start.
I know that carpool can be stressful and the staff has worked tirelessly to do all the improvements that we can. If you turn in the front entrance at 7:45 your student will not make it to their class on time. The doors open at 7:30am. I know the back up is from Teel and the cross traffic. I am working with the City of Frisco for solutions to this issue.
Please know that I listen to your concerns and solutions. I am asking that you please treat the staff with kindness, please do not use foul-language, intimidation or threats. This does not solve the issue and creates more concerns. We are working on solutions to the concerns.
I am here to serve you along with my staff. We are happy to be a part of this community and to serve the students of LPS.
It is a great day to be a LION.
Mrs. Bowden
Secondary Principal
Just a reminder that the doors open at 7:30am and the tardy bell rings at 7:50am.
Below is a reminder of the consequences. This taken from the Parent Student Handbook:
- Tardy 1-2 per 9 weeks: Warning (parent contact)
- Tardy 3-4 per 9 weeks: Detention – 30 minutes (parent contact)
- Tardy 5-6 per 9 weeks: Detention – 1 hour (parent contact)
- Tardy 7+ per 9 weeks: Student Success meeting with Teacher, Principal and Registrar
Helper Helper
Students are expected to complete service hours each semester. Middle school will complete 5 hours, and high school will complete 6 hours. Hours MUST be submitted in Helper Helper within 2 weeks of the serving opportunity. Please see page 88 in the Parent/Student handbook for more details regarding what qualifies and what does not qualify for service hours.
At this time, we are working on getting all students access to Helper Helper and should be complete by the end of next week and will notify students. If you have questions, please reach out to your student's Leadership teacher.
6th Grade-Reana LeBlanc; rleblanc@lpsfrisco.com
7th Grade-Lakisha Forbes; lforbes@lpsfrisco.com
8th Grade-Christy Scifres; cscifres@lpsfrisco.com
9th Grade-Joe Looney; jlooney@lpsfrisco.com
10th Grade-Drew Walker; dwalker@lpsfrisco.com
11th Grade-Joe Looney & Drew Walker (will depend on the student’s schedule for that particular class)
12th Grade-Christy Scifres; cscifres@lpsfrisco.com
**Guidelines related to community service hours may be found in the Parent-Student Handbook, a digital copy of which is available on the school website.**
Lighthouse Bingo Night!
Booster Spirit Wear
The store is open August 22 through September 8, 2024
Hot Food Lunch Option
We have continued our partnership with Wholesome Foods for families to order food, if they choose. These options are Tuesday and Wednesday. Please use the link to set up your account. If you are a returning family, please update your child's grade and teacher so that it is delivered to the right campus.
Little Miss Cheer
My School Bucks
We will continue using My School Bucks for payment. You will start receiving invoices for student fees. If you paid before school, we have that noted.
School Fees are due October 4.
9 Week Habits to Learn About & Practice
Habit #1 Means:
- I am in charge of the choices I make.
- I can react to things happening around me, like a soda bottle fizzing over, or I can Be Proactive and choose my mood and attitude.
- I can do the things I need to do without being asked by my teacher or parent.
Habit #5 Means:
- I listen to others without interrupting.
- I raise my hand when I want to speak and I wait to be called on.
- I don't blurt out.
- I try to understand other people's views and feelings, even if they are different from my own.
Bell Schedule
****Please note the changes to lunch times this year. Lunch drop-offs are occurring for last year's lunch time. Please make sure that you have the correct time.
Art Classes
Servant Leader Checks
Parents, please complete the Servant Leader Background Check. Field Trips and Serving Opportunities are close and we would love for you to be in the school serving.
You Need to Know!
See You at The Pole
Orange juice and donuts provided by Elevate Life Youth.