Anderson Preparatory Academy Bands
Find everything you need to know about APA Bands!
Newsletter for the Week of May 15th, 2023
Big Items for the week-
Big Items this Week!!!!
- Wednesday, May 17th-Jazz Band and select 7th and 8th grade students to perform at APA Elementary during the day
Congratulations on a great spring concert!!!
Jazz Band Performance at the Elementary School-Wednesday, May 17th
*7th and 8th grade members who are participating need to turn in a permission slip that they were given in class last week.
Graduation Band (all students participating in band in 7th-12th grade)
Arrival time and other details coming soon.
APA Band T-Shirts
Students who need a blue APA Band spirit shirt for pep band or concerts can purchase one from Mr. Drabyn for $15.
All 6th-12th grade students are required to purchase the blue APA band shirt for pep band games. 6th grade will purchase the shirt for concerts but will not perform with the pep band until 7th grade.
If you have a blue APA band t-shirt you do not need a new one.
If you purchase one from the link that was open in the past, items will be delivered to APA for students to pick up.
Jazz Band Dates (let Mr. Drabyn now immediately if you cannot attend)
2nd Semester (check if you have a contact and let Mr. Drabyn know)
Friday, Feb. 24th-Marion University Jazz Festival
Friday, May 12th-7pm
2nd Semester Concert Dates
Wednesday, March 8th-5pm
Spring Band Concert (6th-12th Grade)
Friday, May 12th-7pm
APA Band Google Classroom Codes
Exploring Music-xqw3v75
6th Grade Band-4is3vrb
7th Grade Band-lj2d6oz
8th Grade Band-a2t2osk
Jazz Band-7opnrho
Advanced Concert Band-whxdk7o
In the event that we have to go virtual or for any students who are quarantined, assignments will be posted onto Google Classroom.
Students may set up a Google Meet with me if they need extra help.
2022-23 APA Band Handbook
Includes the class syllabus, policies, and performance dates for the year.
Required Supplies for Band this Year 2022-23
Anderson Preparatory Band Supply List 2022-23
Required for a grade in class (talk to Mr. Drabyn for help with these items if needed)
1. Your instrument in good working order (You will need to rent an instrument if you
don’t have one-see below)
2. A 1” three ring music binder with 25 clear sheets at least.
3. A pencil (this year we cannot share or let students borrow a pencil)
4. Your band method book (check for each class)
5. Valve oil for brass, extra reeds for woodwinds, and necessary sticks for percussion-(percussion will need their own sticks and mallets this year. We cannot share materials this year due to Covid-19 restrictions)
At home-
1. A music stand for practice (Most important!)
2. A mirror to observe good playing habits
Extra Items (optional)
1. A metronome and a tuner
2. The Tonal Energy App (great for tuning and developing a sense of
Click on this link to see how to rent and instrument or get materials!
Required Books for each class
Standard of Excellence Book 1 for 5th, 6th, and 7th grade
Standard of Excellence Book 2 for 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade
You can purchase these books from JW Pepper online, Lambert’s Music in Anderson, or on Amazon online.
Remind App for Band Classes 2022-23
I will be sending communication texts through the app Remind. Remind is a safe, secure method for teachers to communicate with parents and students. Please sign up with the correct class.
6th Grade Band
Text the message @dfd449 to the number 81010
7th Grade Band
Text the message @cfbbkh to the number 81010
8th Grade Band
Text the message @ka6khb to the number 81010
Jazz Band
Text the message @f8a97e to the number 81010
Advanced Concert Band
Text the message @khgf8d to the number 81010
Paige's Music-A representative comes with supplies and deliveries every Tuesday!
Our program works with the music vendor Paige's Music out of Indianapolis. I have researched multiple music companies and found that they have the best service and product to offer. They will be coming to the school every Tuesday to pick up repairs and drop off supplies.
If you need to send an instrument in for repair or get supplies, please call them before Monday night for a loaner instrument.
Paige's Music-317-842-2102
If you prefer to go through Muncie Music, please continue to do so as well. I am also working with them on a limited basis for all veteran students.
Contact Mr. Drabyn
How to Find out More about the APA Band Program
About Mr. Drabyn
Chris Drabyn going into his 4th year as the band director at the Anderson Preparatory Academy! Chris is starting his 19th year as a band director having taught in the Carmel and Avon school districts previously.
Chris is a graduate of Valparaiso and DePaul University with a Bachelor's in Music Education and Masters in Jazz Studies.
Chris currently serves as the secretary and All State coordinator of the Indiana Jazz Educator's Association. He also serves at the faculty for the Butler University Summer Jazz Camp. He performs regularly in the Indianapolis area including playing trumpet with the GMH Jazz Orchestra, Joy Swing Jazz Orchestra, and the Director's Jazz Orchestra. In the summer and fall, Chris teaches as an adjunct teacher with the Noblesville High School Marching Band and teaches a studio of private trumpet students at this home.
Along with music, Chris enjoys biking, running, reading, and spending time with his family. He lives in Noblesville, IN with his wife, Emily, who teaches elementary music in Noblesville, his 12 year old daughter Annie who plays piano and flute, 9 year old son Nate who plays piano and aspires to play trombone when old enough, and their Labradoodle-Bennett Coltrane Thelonius Hubbard or just Bennett.
Email: cdrabyn@goapa.org
Phone: 756-649-8472
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/2465734190329619/