Welcome Back
September 2024
Hello CHE Families
The beginning of a new school year is always an exciting time for all of our school community. While students are eager to return, renew old friendships, and begin new ones, our staff have been diligently preparing to engage your child(ren) with a variety of strategies that will guide them through the learning process. Our staff is committed to unlocking the potential in every student to help them be successful. As we finalize our preparations, we do so with the vision of CHE in mind: "Learning and Growing Together."
We are ready to welcome back all of our students, teachers, and staff for another fantastic school year!
Please take a few moments to look through this very important newsletter and familiarize yourself with our school and upcoming events.
Once again, welcome back! Let's have a GREAT year!
Sherry Maher
A Heartfelt Thank You!
Over the last couple of weeks, some of our dedicated staff members spent their holiday time volunteering in our school. Their commitment to our students and their education was on full display as they tirelessly organized classrooms. They worked diligently behind the scenes, preparing lessons and their classrooms. It is not every day that you come across professionals who willingly give their time and energy weeks before they officially begin their paid duties. This exceptional dedication is a testament to the extraordinary individuals we have as part of our teaching team. To our teachers, we have the utmost respect and admiration for you. You are the heart and soul of the CHE school community, and your passion for nurturing young minds is an inspiration to us all. Once again, thank you for your exceptional dedication and hard work. We are truly fortunate to have you as part of our CHE family.
Wishing you all a wonderful start to the school year.
7:55 a.m. - Doors open for all students
8:05 a.m. - ALL students should be in their homerooms
8:10 a.m. - Classes begin
10:10 - 10:25 a.m. Recess
12:25 p.m. - 1:13 p.m. Lunch
1:15 p.m. - Classes continue
2:15 p.m. - Dismissal
New to the busing system:
In order for new students (in our school zone) to avail of busing for the 2024-25 school year, ALL families MUST register their child at the Parent Bus Portal https://nlesd.mybusplanner.ca/ This allows parents to have access to busing including routes, runs, and schedules for Cowan Heights Elementary.
Please see Special Rules of the Bus and Student and Parent Expectations documents for complete school busing guidelines.
If you have any busing questions or concerns, please contact our Assistant Principal.
Kiss and Ride
After careful consideration, the new busing announcement from NL Government, and our June Pilot
we have decided to suspend Kiss and Ride services for this school year.
We ask families to:
Utilize the Bus System: All students are now eligible for bus transportation (please note you must be in our school zone and register with on the Parent Bus Portal). We encourage you to take advantage of this convenient and safe option.
Utilize Family Parking: You may park in one of our two lower parking lots and either let your child out to walk to their entrance or walk with them.
Our main goals are to:
- Improve Safety: Reduce the risk of accidents and ensure a safer environment for everyone.
- Improve Time on Task: Ensure staff and students can start their day on time and with minimal delays.
- Reduce Traffic: Alleviate congestion on the surrounding streets for smoother traffic flow.
We understand that many of you cherish the daily interactions during the Kiss and Ride service, as we do. Rest assured, we will continue to be present at the main entrances to greet students each morning once the buses have cleared the lot.
Thank you for your understanding and support as we strive to enhance the safety and efficiency of our school operations. If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us directly.
This system will allow families to make payments to the school online for most things ie. paying for a field trip fee, making a donation or simply paying a facility rental fee; this can now be done through our Rycor online system.
CHE will reduce the number of hard copy forms for families to complete. Most of these forms can now all be done through Rycor using its online forms functionality!
Kindergarten to Grade 6 Families: Families of students in Grade K-6 will need to go to Rycor's NLSchools login page and create an account. Once created, they will be able to add their child to their account by entering their child's Student Number and some other student information (for confidentiality purposes).
Grade 7 Families: Families who have a student in Grade 7-12 AND a student in Grade K-6 can access their Rycor account through their Powerschool Parent Portal account by clicking on the School Fees and Forms link once logged in.
Parents & School Community Members - Support
For NLSchools Rycor account support, please complete a Rycor ticket here.
Cowan Heights Elementary is very fortunate to have Ms. Susan Perry as our Director of Schools again this year. We would like to thank her for her support and guidance. We look forward to working with her again this school year.
Construction Ahead!!!
Our facelift continues, but the end is near. This is a lengthy procedure and your cooperation is still needed and greatly appreciated.
As you all know, with any renovations/construction there will be inconveniences. Contractors are working as fast as they can!
We would greatly appreciate it if all families would depart from school property ASAP and not congregate as work is ongoing around the property.
LEARNING will resume as usual.
We cannot wait to see the finished product! If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.
We realize the significance of the first day of school, especially kindergarten.
Our MEET & GREET for all our Kindergarten students/families, for September 4, 2024, will take place in your child's classroom 8:45 - 9:00 a.m. PLEASE NOTE THAT THE KINDERGARTEN DOORS WILL NOT BE OPEN UNTIL 8:40 a.m. (see picture below for specific door).
We request that a maximum of 2 family members be present for this.
The Meet & Greet will allow families an opportunity to see their child's teacher, have photo opportunities, and a chance for students to meet their classmates in a welcoming, safe environment. Please keep in mind that some families will not want their child(ren) in pictures.
By 9:00 a.m. we kindly ask all family members to exit the building through the staff entrance (see picture below). Students will be dismissed at 2:15 p.m. Teachers will lead students outside for pick up.
*Busing will start for Kindergarten Students on Thursday, September 5, 2024.
Tentative Dates for KinderStart
January 24, 2025
February 20, 2025
March 7, 2025
March 28, 2025
May 2, 2025
*All KinderStart Sessions will take place during the morning.
*There will be no Kindergarten classes during the above dates. Further details regarding each session will be sent out later in the fall.
Assemblies/Concerts for 2024-25
Thanksgiving - Performed by Grade 1 - October 10, 2024
Remembrance Day - Performed by Grade 5 - November 7, 2024
Christmas - Performed by Grade 2 - December 12, 2024
Kindness - Performed by Grade 3 - February 26, 2025
Music Month - Performed by Grade 4 - May 8, 2025
DARE - Performed by Grade 6 - TBD
Kindergarten YEAR END Celebration - June 23, 2025
Grade 7 Leaving Field Trip - June 23, 2025
If you would like more details regarding these performances, please contact our Music Teacher arlenegosse@nlschools.ca
Student Support Services
We use the Responsive Teaching and Learning Model to guide instruction. With Universal Design for Learning at the forefront of Responsive teaching and learning, we use the principles of this model in order to effectively instruct a diverse group of learners.
When Universal Design for Learning is being fostered and implemented, it creates a positive and motivated group of students. This model empowers our students to learn and achieve. They experience high quality teaching and the best conditions for learning to meet their individual needs.
The RTL Model with students at its center, allows for all students to achieve and grow as learners. Students are empowered to take ownership of their learning and to make purposeful contributions to their learning environments.
Comprehensive Assessments
A Service Delivery consultation will be made if the following occurs:
-Intensive interventions are in place for an extended period of time but the student is still experiencing learning difficulties or progress has stalled.
-Team questions if the prescribed curriculum is appropriate for a student either because the student is experiencing difficulty or exceeding prescribed curriculum expectations.
If you have any questions, please contact our Student Support Services Department Head, Mr. Cose at leecose@nlschools.ca
We are a scent-free school. Please be mindful when using hair products, hand sanitizer, perfumes etc.
Please note that there maybe more items added to the below allergy list.
We have many students with severe, life-threatening allergies and we must ensure our school is free of:
Nuts (including peanuts, tree nuts and nut products)
Sesame Seeds (including products containing sesame oil, seeds, tahini, and hummus)
*Please alert your child’s teacher as soon as possible if your child has any serious medical conditions or life threatening allergies. There is also a place for this data on the student data sheet.
We ask that families refrain from sending in food items which contain any of the above products. The district has determined that given the similarities in appearance, texture and taste of Soy Butter products, they are also restricted in our schools where a student has a peanut allergy.
Please help keep everyone safe by following this policy.
Visiting the School
The office is a very busy place and we ask families for their cooperation when visiting CHE.
All visitors must:
- page into the office from the main foyer.
- remain in the porch if picking up/dropping off students and/or items (students will be paged to the foyer to meet you).
- arrange an appointment/meeting to meet with staff members unless it is of an urgent nature.
*Sometimes students innocently open the door for visitors. In order to keep everyone safe at CHE, we ask you NOT to enter the building unless you have gained access from the office. Simply buzz in and we will direct you of what to do next. There are many privacy and safety measures we have to take to ensure all 450 people in this building are safe.
School Lunch Association (SLA)
If you wish to have your child(ren) participate in school lunch please complete the registration form at https://orders.schoollunch.ca/SchoolLunchAssociation/#register
As of right now, Registration and menu ordering is set to open on Sept 9th and close on Sept 17th.
Breakfast Program
Our breakfast program will begin Monday, September 16, 2024 as a Grab & Go program. Breakfast will be available to all students on the first and second floor.
This year our Breakfast Program will operate on Monday, Wednesday and Friday. If more funding and volunteers become available then we can resume daily service.
A HUGE thank you Mrs. Lannon and our breakfast program volunteers for helping put together grab and go breakfast options for all of our students.
If you would like to volunteer, please contact kerrilynnlannon@nlschools.ca
All volunteers must have a current certificate of conduct and a vulnerable sector.
Please contact Ms. Dunn for a volunteer letter to avoid the $30.00 fee.
WE NEED YOU! We would like to give our students the opportunity to join extra curricular activities. For this to occur, we will require support from our school community. There are many benefits to encouraging your child to join these activities:
They are social - students can make new friends, spend time with their group of friends and learn team skills
They are active - students are doing something they enjoy
They boost students’ confidence
They can learn a new skill or improve an existing one
If you would like to volunteer, please contact the school 709-745-1700
All volunteers must have a current certificate of conduct and a vulnerable sector.
When you click "Reason for Request" choose "Volunteer", you will then be prompted to upload the Volunteer Agency Letter. .
Please contact Ms. Dunn for a volunteer letter to avoid the $30.00 fee.
If you are interested in coaching a sports team or an afterschool athletics group, please contact Ms. Careen meagancareen@nlschools.ca
If you are interested in volunteering for our Winter Friday Night Soccer Program , please contact Mme Morris daniellemorris1@nlschools.ca
Student Lockers
Grade 7 - will have their own lockers and a combination lock will be provided for usage this year. Students should keep their personal items (coats, cellphones etc.) in their lockers. No outside locks are permitted. Please note cellphones are NOT permitted during class time. All locks must be returned before the last day of school.
Student cell phones are NOT permitted in school. If your child needs to carry one, they must keep it in their locker. This will reduce distractions and students can focus on acquiring foundational learning skills. Cell phones may be confiscated by staff and held until the end of the day.
Obey the Signs
Our parking lot has been recently painted and clearly marked.
It is important for everyone to follow the same guidelines so that each driver and child knows what to expect.
Please park in an appropriate spot and back in for everyone's safety.
The start of the school year is a busy time for families. We appreciate your patience with all the documents you are required to complete. All School Start Up forms will be sent through our RYCOR system. Please complete during the first week of school.
Attendance Matters - Every Day!
As we begin a new school year, I want to emphasize the importance of consistent school attendance for your child's success. Studies show that students who miss excessive amounts of school often face learning and social-emotional challenges. Regular attendance is crucial for their academic progress and overall well-being.
As educators, we are committed to supporting our students and their families. However, we must follow protocols when attendance issues arise. If a student's attendance does not improve despite our efforts to work with the family, we are required to report the situation to Child Youth Services and NLSchools. Continued lack of improvement may necessitate further reporting to the police. Please understand that these measures are in place to ensure every child receives the best possible education.
Our goal is to work collaboratively with you to support your child's educational journey. We understand that students may occasionally need to miss school due to illness, and we appreciate your communication with your child's teacher in these instances. Maintaining open lines of communication is essential for us to work as a team to ensure regular attendance.
In addition to attendance, punctuality is crucial. Arriving on time sets a positive tone for the day and ensures your child does not miss important instructional time. Much learning occurs in the first 15-30 minutes of school, with our main learning blocks starting at 8:10 a.m. Please make every effort to ensure your child arrives on time, ready to learn. We know that no child enjoys walking into a lesson or activity late.
By ensuring regular attendance and punctuality, you are helping to create a positive and productive learning environment for your child and their peers.
Safe and Caring Work Environment
I would like to remind everyone of the importance of maintaining respectful communication with our staff at all times. When addressing concerns related to your child, it is crucial that the tone and manner of our communication remain respectful and constructive.
I understand that receiving a call or email regarding your child's behavior, attendance, lateness, etc. can be distressing. Please know that these concerns are not a reflection of your care for your child. Rather, they are procedural obligations designed to facilitate open and honest communication between families and teachers.
It is important to emphasize that intimidating, bullying, or aggressive tones, gestures, or behaviors are unacceptable and go against our Safe and Caring Schools policy. At Cowan Heights Elementary and NLSchools, we strive to create and promote a safe and caring learning environment for all students and staff. Each member of our school community plays a crucial role in achieving this goal.
In accordance with the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development’s Safe and Caring Schools Policy, which governs all schools in our district, parents and guardians have specific responsibilities in maintaining a safe and caring school environment:
4.1.5. Parent responsibilities: Support the efforts of the school in creating and maintaining a safe, caring, and inclusive learning environment. Participate in the implementation of the provincial Safe and Caring School Policy and the school's Code of Conduct. Model positive social behaviors both in person and online. Be familiar with the provincial Safe and Caring Schools Policy and the school's Code of Conduct. Encourage and assist their children to abide by the school's Code of Conduct. Practice positive social interactions both in person and online. Engage in positive, nonviolent conflict resolution.
We all need to model appropriate behaviors, and our staff deserves to work in a safe and caring environment. Respectful and constructive communication is vital in addressing any concerns that may arise regarding your child. It is imperative that we engage in dialogue with mutual respect, understanding, and a shared commitment to the well-being of our students. Together, we can work collaboratively to address any concerns or issues and support the academic and personal growth of our students in a safe and nurturing environment.
Meet the Staff
Motivational Mondays
Simple school-spirited theme days at CHE help foster a sense of community, encourage creativity, and enhance school spirit. Continuing this school year, every Monday CHE will show its school spirit by having Motivational Monday. Students and staff are encouraged to wear CHE school colors. Come dressed in yellow and/or blue. Students and staff can also wear any CHE school clothing they may have.
School Council Nomination
Cowan Heights Elementary is now accepting nominations for TW0 parent representatives on our School Council.
To be eligible for election, you must be a current parent/guardian of Cowan Heights Elementary student. Only parents/guardians can nominate, be nominated and vote for parent/guardians. Nomination deadline is Monday, September 16, 2024 at noon. By Thursday, October 3, 2024 a list of candidates and details of the voting process will be sent to all parents/guardians via email. If necessary, voting will take place during the week of October 14-18, 2024. A google form for nominations will be sent out the first week of school.
Some Important Dates for Fall '24
3 - School Reopens for Staff
4 - School Reopens for Students
13 - Dot Day (details to come from your child's teacher)
16 - Grab & Go Breakfast
20 - Picture Day
27 - Open House (further details to come)
30 - National Day for Truth and Reconciliation
7 - School Closed (Teacher Professional Learning Day)
10 - Thanksgiving Assembly (11:00 a.m.)
14 - Thanksgiving Day Holiday (NO School)
1 - School Closed (Teacher Professional Learning Day)
7 - Remembrance Day Assembly (11:00 a.m.)11- Remembrance Day Holiday (NO School)
18 - Tentative Professional Learning Day for Staff