Wiggin Street Parent Update
October 21, 2022
Better Together
This 4 day week has been fun-filled with First Grade going on a field trip to the Pumpkin Patch, 3rd and 5th Grade going to a YES Concert, and our first PBIS quarter reward event! Students were joined by Kenyon athletes and coaches for an extra recess reward. The event cost 25 PBIS points, and it was a hit! Check out details in this update regarding the next quarter's PBIS reward event.
Did you know that our district's website has a Community Bulletin Board for Available Flyers for all Elementary Schools? You can check it out here!
Unfortunately, we had to move the playground painting date to October 30th at 1:00 and are keeping our fingers crossed for dry weather. We will be painting 4-square and other activities on the playground. More volunteers are needed, so please let me know if you are available to help by emailing me at cgrandstaff@mvcsd.us.
Details are also included in this update about our Spirit Wear Sale that goes through Monday, Pumpkins on Parade Tuesday night, and the Scholastic Book Fair. We look forward to seeing you all at conferences!
Best wishes,
Christy Grandstaff
Monday is the Last Day of the Sale!
Wiggin Street Spirit Wear Sale
Our Wiggin Street Elementary Spirit Store is open thanks to Rod Zolman and Sharx Apparel and Design. The Spirit Wear sale will be open October 10-24th and includes the new "Rooted in Respect", traditional W, and retro "Wiggin Street Kids" (Parent, Teacher, and Alumni) shirts and other apparel! This is not a fundraiser, but an opportunity to show your school spirit!
https://wiggin-street-elementary.square.site/PTO Corner
Join us next week for all sorts of fun...
Pumpkins on Parade: Tuesday, 5:00-7:00pm
Book Fair OPEN for PARENTS: Wednesday 9:00am - 8:00pm & Thursday 10:00am - 8:00pm
We are also providing meals for our teachers during conferences. Please sign up if you are able to help donate. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080e4ba5af2da4fb6-meals
The next Friends of Wiggin Street meeting is Tuesday, November 1st at 5:00 pm in the library. All are welcome!
Scholastic Book Fair
Pumpkins on Parade
Fall Harvest Parade and Parties
Costumes should come to school in a bag and children should be able to get in and out of their costumes easily. (If you feel your child needs help with his/her costume, please contact the classroom teacher.) Please make sure that there are no scary costumes because of our younger students. There should be no Halloween masks. No pretend weapons of any kind are permitted at school even as a part of the costume. Please save those for trick-or-treat night.
We ask parents not to pass out treats along the route, however some of the local businesses may pass out candy to kids. Any treats brought to school for the class parties must be individually wrapped.
5th Grade YES Concert- Eric "The Fish" Patton- Multicultural Drumming
3rd Grade YES Concert- MadCap Puppets
PBIS Extra Recess Reward- What's next quarter's event?
Our PBIS reward event for this first quarter was a great success. The students received an extra recess on Thursday afternoon with the Kenyon athletes for earning at least 25 PBIS Rewards' points. The Kenyon athletes jumped right in to cheer the students on and play all the games the playground has to offer. The students even got some extra equipment to use. The huge parachute was a hit. The smiles on the students' faces says it all!
For our next PBIS reward, students will be earning points to redeem for a Popcorn and a Movie event. Students will be working on earning 50 points for this next quarter to be able to attend. We are so proud of our students for showing respect for themselves, others, and the space!
-Mrs. Carlson
Richard Cowdrey- Visiting Author/Illustrator
The Fiona book series is based on the beloved hippo born at the Cincinnati Zoo. Cowdrey's children's books "Bad Dog, Marley" and "A Very Marley Christmas" also made him a New York Times No. 1 Bestselling illustrator.
Coats for Kids
3rd Grade Fall ELA Ohio State Testing
On November 2nd and 3rd, 3rd grade students will take the Fall administration of the state English Language Arts Assessment. In case of absence, the make up day will be November 4th. The test will take place between 9:30-11:30 on these days. We would ask that you please not schedule any special appointments for these dates.
Lost and Found
Remember that it is helpful to label all jackets, lunchboxes, bookbags, etc.
Peer Mediators Explain their Job as a Leader at Wiggin Street
How our Wiggin Street Teachers Spent the Day- Learning!
Upcoming Events
24 Start of 2nd 9 weeks
24 Report Cards go home with students
24 Last day for Spirit Wear Sale
25 Pumpkins on Parade; 5-7:00 (Scholastic Book Fair will be open in the evening.)
26 Gifted Seminar (change from previous updates)
26 Parent/Teacher Conferences 5:00-8:00 p.m.
27 Parent/Teacher Conferences 10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m.
26-28 Scholastic Book Fair
27 No School due to Conferences
28 No School in lieu of Conferences
30 Playground Painting Rain date
31 Fall Harvest Parade/Parties 2:15 pm
1 FOW Meeting, 5:00
2 3rd Grade Fall ELA OST Part 1
3 3rd Grade Fall ELA OST Part 2
4 3rd Grade Fall ELA OST Make-up Testing
4 Popcorn Friday
6 Daylight Savings Time Ends
8 Election Day
9 Gifted Seminar @ Fieldhouse
11 Veteran’s Day
15 Morning Flag Pole Ceremony/
Veterans Day Observance
15 Donuts with Grown Ups
14-18 Food for the Hungry- Students bring donated food to school to place in a box in their homeroom.
Idle-free Zone
Principal-Wiggin Street Elementary
Email: cgrandstaff@mvcsd.us
Website: mvcsd.us
Location: 207 Wiggin St, Gambier, OH, USA
Phone: 740-427-4262
Facebook: facebook.com/wigginstreet
Twitter: @wiggin_street