HFRCS Newsletter September 10, 2024
SY 2024-2025 Vol. 4 Issue 1
From the Principal's Office
Dear Parents and Guardians,
It is such a blessing to have all our students in school and adjusting to a new school year. This week, with the arrival of our PK and Kindergarten students, our school is full of energy and enthusiasm. We wish all our students, teachers and families a most blessed school year!
With the start of the school year comes some learning curves and kinks that need to be straightened out and resolved. I am speaking specifically about morning drop off, afternoon carline and buses. This morning, we had a traffic moderator assisting with moving lanes in morning drop off. I hope that everyone was able to follow the basic order of operations with drop off. We have staff and student helpers on hand to assist students to disembark from the vehicle and walk into school. You can help by staying in the car and having the students ready. For afternoon carline, make sure to stay in your lane and have your car number posted in the dash area of your car. Make sure your child knows who is picking up and their carline number. On our end, teachers will see the car numbers as they are being called and will be posting them on their smart boards so that students can see the number as well as hear it being called. Regarding any bus issue, please be patient and notify Mrs. St. John of any specific concerns. Thank you for your help. This usually resolves within a week or two and the processes of drop off and pick up run much more smoothly.
This week our school will be offering Back to School Nights, which is an opportunity for parents to meet teachers and learn more about classroom organization and processes. On Wednesday evening, parents of students in grades 1-5 will be meeting in the classrooms beginning at 7:00 PM. There will be two sessions offered on Wednesday evening; session one at 7:00 PM and session two at 7:30 PM. On Thursday evening, parents of students in grade 6 will meet in the Large Hall for a general orientation meeting for middle school beginning at 6:30 PM. Parents of students in grades 7 and 8 will meet in the Large Hall at 7:30 for a session with all middle school teachers. Back to school sessions are intended to be general in nature, not to address individual parent concerns. Parent/teacher conferences will be scheduled at the beginning of November.
This afternoon, our students in grades 3-8 participated in a Reconciliation Prayer Service followed by the sacrament of reconciliation. On Friday, our students will celebrate the Opening of School Mass with Father Weber at 9:30 AM. Please join us if your schedule permits.
Next Friday, September 20, our Home and School Association will be sponsoring a Back-to-School Ice Cream Social and Gift Card Bingo. Please see today’s newsletter for more information. We would also like to give a big shout out to the Home and School for helping fund the water fountain project.
I would like to thank all our parents and guardians for your cooperation and support as we begin a new school year! By working together, we can ensure a more successful experience for our students!
Sincerely Yours in Christ,
Mrs. Haggerty
We are a family of FAITH!
Remember to go to Mass this weekend.
Breakfast & Hot Lunch
All students who ordered hot lunch must come up to get their lunch. Those students who signed up for hot lunch, especially for all year, but are not coming up to claim their hot lunch will be removed from the hot lunch order. If there are any changes to your child's lunch order for the day (e.g. opted to pack lunch and does not wish to take the ordered hot lunch, would like to take hot lunch because there was no lunch packed, etc.), your child must let Mrs. Prasse know during breakfast service, before 8:00 AM, to inform her of the changes.
October Orders
The October breakfast/lunch order form and menus will be available on our website tomorrow. Please complete the order form by Monday, October 16. If you indicated an all year lunch order for your student in the September form, you do not need to complete any other lunch order form unless there are changes.
Car Line Arrival Procedure:
Car line drop off starts at 7:40 AM. Cars should pull up in front of the Parish Center where you will be greeted by a staff member.
- Please DO NOT drop off your child(ren) at the front door when staff members are still available in front of the Parish Center for everyone's safety. If you do, your vehicle will be going against the traffic when you exit the parking lot.
Please have your child(ren) exit by the right passenger side (if possible) so they can safely exit toward the sidewalk.
- Please be extra cautious and attentive when exiting the parking lot.
- If dropping off for morning CARES, please park in the parking lot and walk your child to CARES. The fire lane should remain free and not be used for parking.
Help Us With Morning Carline
How you can help with morning carline:
DO: Say goodbyes in the car while waiting
Give hugs, say goodbyes and reminders while you wait. Have the students ready to leave the vehicle.
DO: Unbuckle seatbelts while waiting
It will reduce waiting time for all when students are ready to exit the vehicle.
DO: Remain in your car at all times
Staff is ready to assist your children out of the car.
DO: Stay in your lane and wait for your turn
It is a first-in, first-out procedure. Please stay in your car lane and not switch lanes. If your child has exited your vehicle but the vehicle in front of you still needs to be unloaded, please stay in line and DO NOT overtake the vehicle in front of you.
DO: Enter & Exit School Grounds from Trenton Rd.
Apple St. is reserved for buses. Cars should not be entering or leaving school grounds from Apple St. during school hours.
DO: Be Patient
Sometimes we get new family members/friends dropping off and it is their first time at carline. Please share the carline procedures to family and friends responsible for carline.
Help Us With Car Dismissal (K-Gr.8)
Please make sure your child knows your carline number.
DO: Give us a thumbs up if you are ready to go
Help our staff know whether your car is loaded and ready to leave the parking lot! Give us thumbs up if you are ready to go or a thumbs down if you are not ready.
DO: Wait for direction from staff member
For the safety of students and staff, please wait for direction from a staff member BEFORE PULLING OUT OF YOUR LANE
DO: Remind students to listen and watch for their car number
Carline numbers are announced during dismissal and also displayed on the classroom SMART boards.
FACTS Family Portal and Start of the School Year Documents
All students must have all start of the school year documents completed/signed in the FACTS Family Portal. This applies to ALL students (new and existing students).
Sign in to your FACTS Family Portal. Please see attachment to setup your account if you do not have FACTS Family Portal Account. District Code is HFR-PA
> Apply / Enroll
> Enrollment / Reenrollment
> Click here to open reenrollment
See attached file for more details.
Forms are past due. Please complete them ASAP. Please note that the FACTS Payment Plan / Financial Aid account (where you setup your tuition plan) is different from the FACTS Family portal.
Safeware Chromebook Insurance Refund and Enrollment (Gr.3-8 only)
Safeware has notified us that any family that entered the portal prior to September 5 and purchased coverage for the 2023-2024 school year in error has been refunded and your account has been reset. At this time, you should be able to enter the portal and utilize the information on the flyer to enter the serial number and model number of your student device to make the correct premium purchase for the 2024-2025 school year. Thank you for participating in the Safeware Insurance progam.
Test Text and Email Alert
Today at around 4:00 PM, a test text and email alert from our FACTS communications system were sent. If you did not receive the text and/or email, please check your contact information in the FACTS Family Portal and call the school office 215-269-9600 for any changes.
Sept 11 Update: If you are getting the daily text alerts and school emails, then the FACTS communication is working and the school has the correct email address and cellphone number for your family. We will do another test next week to be sure.
Emergency Information Record & Medical Information update - RETURN
All students must have a completed Emergency Information Record & Medical Information Update form on school file. This is a double-sided white form that was distributed to all students on the first day of school. Please return ASAP.
From the Nurse's Office
Specific grades have State-mandated screenings (Physical for Kindergarten & 6th Grade and Dental for Kindergarten, 3rd Grade & 7th Grade). Refer to the school website for more information.
Also, signed Medical Treatment Order forms will also be needed if your child needs to take any medication during school hours. All are included as part of the Start of the School Year Documents and uploaded in the FACTS Family Portal.
Book Club is BACK!
We are open to students grades 2nd through 8th and permission slips are in the Little Library as well as included below for your convenience. Students will be placed in sections according to grade and our first meeting will be in October (date to follow). If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to Miss Brittany! brittany.konen@hfrcs.org
School Year 2024-2025 Calendar
Attached is the tentative calendar for the 2024-2025 school year. The calendar is also available on our school website hfrcs.org > Parents > School Forms.
**** HOME & SCHOOL ****
H&S Upcoming Events
See the calendar of events and flyers for details:
- Sep 10: H&S Meeting @ 7:00 PM at the Parish Center
- Sep 20: Ice Cream Social and Gift Card Bingo
- Sep 26: Red Robin Fundraiser
H&S Calendar of Events
Sep 20: Ice Cream Social & Gift Card Bingo
Sep 26: Red Robin Fundraiser
Queen of the Universe
Father John R. Weber, Pastor
Father Manuel Flores, Parochial Vicar
View the Parish Weekly Bulletin.
Sunday Mass Schedule:
4:00 PM (Vigil Mass), 7:30 AM , 9:30 AM , 11:30 AM , 1:00 PM La Misa en Español
Weekday Daily Mass:
8:30 AM - Monday through Saturday
Holy Days: (subject to change)
5:00 PM (Vigil), 8:30 AM, Noon, & 7:00 PM
The Sacrament of Reconciliation:
Thursday: 6:45 PM - 7:30 PM, Saturdays: 3:00 PM - 3:45 PM
The Sacrament of Baptism:
1st and 3rd Saturdays, at 11:00 AM
St. Frances Cabrini
Monsignor Michael Magee, Weekend Assistant
View the Parish Weekly Bulletin.
Mass Schedule:
- Monday-Saturday: 9:30 AM
- Saturday Vigil: 5:30 PM
- Sunday: 7:00 AM, 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM
- Holy Days: 6:30 AM, 12 Noon, 7:00 PM (except January 1st which follows a Sunday Mass schedule)
The Sacrament of Reconciliation
Saturday: 4:15-5:15 PM or by appointment
Daily Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament
Saint Joseph Chapel
Monday - Saturday: 8:00 AM–8:00 PM
Sunday: 12:30 PM–8:00 PM
The results of the drawing can be found here. The jackpot prize is $38,000!
**** OTHER NEWS ****
CYO Soccer
Games are starting. See game results and upcoming games.
CYO Volleyball
Our newest sport - volleyball! We already played a game. Look for volleyball updates throughout the season. If you have the time - please come to a volleyball game and cheer the girls on!
St. Charles and St. Ephrem 2024 Swim Team Registration
St. Charles and St. Ephrem are inviting Holy Family students to join their swim team. The team competes in the Catholic youth Swim League. They are looking for new swimmers to build the team. See flyer for details.
Registration will be open until Friday, October 4th. For additional registration information, email scseswim@gmail.com
Pack 19 Open House
See flyer for details