The AGAPE Times
a newsletter for students and families - 2024/25 Vol 5
Upcoming Important Dates
- 11/7 Quarter 1 Ends
- 11/8 No School for Students - Staff Professional Development - Childcare Closed
- 11/11 Quarter 2 Begins
- 11/12 LifeTouch Picture Day 8:45am-10am AGAPE Cafeteria
- 11/12 All-School Circle 12:45pm
- 11/27 Vision Screenings (free glasses!) with the Helen Keller Institute
- 11/28 & 11/29 Holiday - AGAPE and HeadStart childcare closed
Toys for Tots - thanks to Ms. McGee from DIVAMoms for the beautiful flyer!
Back to School/iUpdate Packets coming soon
We will be mailing packets home to families who have not completed the Annual Back to School paperwork, which contains the 24/25 Media Permissions, Tech Agreements, cover-all Field Trip permission slips for Type I (walking) field trips and more. Please have your student return the packet to Angie in the office.
Health and Wellness at AGAPE
Health and Wellness
- Students are able to make appointments at the AGAPE HealthStart clinic for flu vaccines for themselves AND their babies. Contact them at 651-632-2189 or speak with AGAPE's School Nurse, Amy Buck.
- Free Covid tests available by mail from the government - sign up at COVIDTests.gov SPPS is no longer providing tests to families, so take advantage of this - 4 tests per household address!
- Other SPPS Health and Wellness Resources are available here
- Nurse Amy is at AGAPE on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays! Stop by the Health Office and say hello!
- Barb's Gardens at AGAPE are done for 2024! Our late-Fall blooming Prairie Aster plants brought a ton of late honeybee activity thanks to the warmer weather we had in mid-October!
Birthdays at AGAPE
Back to School forms (formerly iUpdate)
Application for Educational Benefits
New Staff At AGAPE
SPPS 24/25 Rights & Responsibilities Handbook (Translations below!)
Title I Annual Meeting - December 5th @ 1pm
Please join us for this meeting - if you can't make it, we will have other ways for families to share their thoughts and opinions with us!
Campus Transportation Information
AGAPE has transportation changes almost every Wednesday. New route information is posted on our student Schoology group on Tuesdays and is also posted on our bus board at AGAPE. Click the PDF below to view instructions on how to look up your transportation in Campus Student
Family Engagement Plan 2024/2025
Parents Right to Know - click document below for more info!
AGAPE High School
Email: lois.vosika-weir@spps.org
Website: agape.spps.org
Location: 1037 University Avenue West, Saint Paul, MN, USA
Phone: 651-744-7970
Twitter: @AgapeSpps