Welcome to Loya Primary
July Newsletter 2024
Where our little Eagle Scholars take their first flight!
Mission Statement:
We, the faculty and staff at Lorenzo G. Loya Primary, are committed to creating a secure and positive learning environment in which students are encouraged to develop intellectually, physically, socially, and emotionally.
Vision Statement:
The faculty and staff at Lorenzo G. Loya Primary are committed to establishing a professional learning community that fosters trustworthy relationships while promoting high expectations; that will develop lifelong learners who are confident, competent and contributing members of society.
Loya Families,
Welcome new and returning Loya Families,
We are thrilled to welcome you back to the 2024-2025 school year, where TEAM Loya promises you a safe and nurturing learning environment where your child will learn social skills, learn to become independent, problem solvers in math & science and a strong foundation for pre-reading skills.
If this is your child first experience in school, they will need time to adjust to the daily schedule, meetings new friends, ritual and routines and most importantly the time away from their families. This is a difficult transition for them as well as for you too, but I ensure you they will get use to it and fall in love with school, you just have to give it some time for them to adjust.
We will have an open house for our families to come visit teachers and instructional aides (T-2's), bus transportation, office staff and walk around the campus. The date will be July 19, 2024 from 4:30 to 6:15 p.m. This will take place instead of one during the first week of school.
We look forward to seeing you soon, on behalf of TEAM Loya, welcome back to school!
Thank you for choosing Loya Primary "Where Eagles take their first flight" .
Best Regards ,
Mrs. Julissa Esquivel
Proud Principal
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Open House: July 19, 2024
Open house information
Friday, Jul 19, 2024, 04:30 PM
Lorenzo G. Loya Primary School, Socorro Road, San Elizario, TX, USA
Time: 4:30-6:15 p.m.
First day of school: July 23, 2024
Families are welcomed to walk their children to class the 1st day of school.
The remainder of the week they may walk them to the front doors.The 2nd week students will be need to be dropped off at the gates so that our TEAM Loya may begin walking them in.
Thank you for understanding,
💙 TEAM Loya 💛
July 2024 Events
7/2-5/24: SEISD: Independence Day Closure
7/9-23/24: Open for on-line registration: 8:00 to 4:00
7/16/24: Teacher and T-2's return to work.
7/19/24: Open House: 4:30 to 6:15 p.m.
7/23/24: 1st day of school: Bell rings at 7:20 a.m.
7/29/24: Monday: No School
Information on our Dual Language Program
Registration information below, click on link.
Special Dress days
Superhero Wednesday
SEISD Spirit Fridays!
Click on links below for more information about our campus.
School hours, uniforms, supplies, daily schedule and more..
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Click on button to get more information on Safety Protocols & Procedures
Follow us on Twitter: Click on link below
Loya Primary Military Information
Military Connected Families
Military Liaison: Sylvia Graves, Social Worker
Email us: sgraves@seisd.net
Phone: 915-872-3940
EXT: 3616
Campus Information:
Principal: Julissa C. Esquivel ext:3601 julesquivel@seisd.net
Counselor: Mrs. Ceci Santiesteban ext:3627 csantiesteban@seisd.net
Instructional Specialist: Mari Vallejo mvallejo@seisd.net
District/Campus Social: Work & Military Liaison: Mrs. Graves ext:3616 sgraves@seisd.net
Attendance/Registrar: Ms. Erica Almanzar ealmanzar@seisd.net
Campus Nurse: Mrs. Aida Russell arussell@seisd.net
Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday
7:15 am - 4:20 pm
For Questions or concerns:
Email us: loya@seisd.net
Website: www.seisd.net
Location: Lorenzo Loya Primary School, Socorro Road, San Elizario, TX, USA
Phone: (915) 872-3940
Twitter: @Loya_Primary90