CLA Newsletter
October 30, 2024
No School Tues, Nov. 5th - Election Day
All Saints' Day - November 1st
All Saints Day is a holy day of obligation in the Catholic Church (a day when all Catholics are asked to attend Mass). The word “saint” comes from the Latin word “sanctus” which means “holy.” During the feast of All Saints, we honor holy men and women in Heaven who lived lives of heroic virtue on Earth. This includes those who have been “canonized” or officially recognized as a saint by the Church or any other man or woman who strove throughout his/her life to closely follow Christ.
The Catholic Church recognizes the value of these saints as intercessors and models of holiness for us here on Earth. Although we do not pray to the saints, we believe that these holy men and women can pray to God on our behalf. The lives of the saints also provide us with examples to imitate as we try to live lives of faith and virtue.
Celebration of All Saints Day at Cardinal Lacroix Academy
Throughout the month of October, students in grades four, five and six have been learning about a canonized or soon to be canonized saint. Fourth graders are researching saints who clearly lived the Beatitudes and Works of Mercy and are designing a paper bag puppet of that saint. Fifth graders are studying about an American saint and are creating colorful posters showcasing what they've learned. Sixth graders are learning about a modern day saint and making a trifold poster or a Google Slides presentation to share the fruits of their research.
On Friday, November 1st, Cardinal Lacroix Academy will celebrate All Saints Day and showcase the hard work of our upper elementary students. Our celebration will begin at 8:00 AM with Mass, followed by a parade of saints around the perimeter of CLA and our third annual Saints Museum in the school cafeteria. All students will dress up as their saint and share what they have learned. Please feel free to join us for this wonderful, inspiring event!
How blessed we are to have such wonderful role models in these holy men and women we call saints!
Morning Drop Off Reminder
Additionally, please remain in the car line and do not pass cars on the left. Some students exit from the left side, so passing can be dangerous.
Thank you for helping us maintain a safe and organized start to the school day.
Fall Colors Dress Down on Thursday, October 31st.
Dan's Chocolates Fundraiser
It's that yummy time of year again! Dan's Chocolate Sale is our first fund raising event of the school year. Once again, we are selling bags of chocolate truffles. The bags sell for $14, and the school ears $7.00 on each bag.
Sales begin today, October 30th, and all the forms and money are due on Friday, November 14th. We invite all families to participate in this fundraiser. The proceeds directly benefit your children, so please ask your family members, co-workers, neighbors, and friends to purchase a bag or two! The truffles are delicious, and they make wonderful Christmas gifts!
Order forms went home with the students today.
December hot lunch ordering is now open!
The deadline to order is November 14th.
Log into the Family Portal to place your order. District code is CLA-NH
Lost Agenda?
Title I Tidbit
How Can I Help My Child at Home? Experiences
Exposing your child to a variety of experiences and information increases “background knowledge” which increases comprehension because students have something to connect to. Therefore, I encourage you to go exploring, either in person or through books.
Games to Play at Home:
Dominoes - Helps students become fluent with visual clusters/ dot patterns and the numbers they represent.
Chess - Helps students practice forward thinking/ cause and effect.
School Swag for Parents
Exciting news! We’re thrilled to announce the opening of our Cardinal Lacroix Academy school swag shop on the Global Schoolwear by Tommy Hilfiger website. Parents can now purchase clothing items featuring the Cardinal Lacroix Academy logo to show school spirit and support.
Shop Cardinal Lacroix Academy Swag on Global Schoolwear by Tommy Hilfiger
Oct. 31: Dress down in fall colors
Nov. 1: All Saints' Day
Nov. 5: No School - Election Day, Teachers' PD Day
Nov. 7: Veterans Day Assembly
Nov. 8: Early Dismissal, 11:30am, no lunch served, no ASP - Teachers' PD Day
Nov. 11: No School - Veterans Day
Nov. 14: Hot lunch ordering deadline
Nov. 20: Picture Retake Day
Nov. 27-29: No School - Thanksgiving Break
Join Our Facebook Parent Group
CLA's Facebook Parent Group is a great way to connect with other CLA families. Also, be sure to like and follow our Facebook Page.
Our website, clanh.org, is another great resource to get information you might be looking for.