What's Up Westside
December 20, 2024
Wishing all of our Wildcat families a restful winter break and a fresh start in the new year!
At A Glance
- December 23–January 3, 2025: NO SCHOOL, Winter Break
- January 7: First Tuesdays Parent Social (Larry's Tavern, 7pm)
- January 9: CIEE Application Support Session (During Advisory)
- January 9: SPS Community Meeting About Levies (Genesee Hill ES, 6:30pm)
- January 10: Senior Portrait and Baby Photos Due
- January 18: Black College Expo (Rainier Beach HS, 10am–3pm, Register Now)
- January 20: NO SCHOOL, MLK Jr. Day
- January 23: Public School Funding Teach-In and Advocacy Training (WSHS Library, 6–8pm)
- January 24: Deadline to Request AP Exam Accommodations
- January 30: Incoming Student Open House (WSHS Commons, 6–7:30pm)
- January 31: Senior Shout-Out Due
Giving Opportunity
Direct Drive for WSHS Music
This is the final week of the WSHS Music Direct Drive. Hear from our music students just how much the program means to them in this video!
For WSHS Families
Library Notes from Ms. Vattuone
It has been an amazing few weeks in the WSHS library with lots of great library programming, 100+ students packing the space each day during lunchtime, and an increase in book circulation overall. Our Library Club has had great success with their “Blind Date with a Book” displays, our last Fresh Reads Friday with Wally from Seattle Public Library had more than 60 students talking books and getting new titles in their hands before break, and WSHS Winter Bingo has brought some fun and novelty to this dark and cozy time of year.
As we round the corner to the new year, I wanted to offer three ways you can support our thriving WSHS library:
- Follow our Instagram page to get the latest updates (@wshs.library).
- Write an email to our school board member Gina Topp (Gina.Topp@seattleschools.org) and Superintendent Brent Jones (bjones@seattleschools.org) letting them know what you appreciate about the WSHS library and its programming! The SPS School Board is considering reducing all middle school and high school librarian positions to half time starting next year to save money and your voice matters on this issue!
- If you are inclined, donate a book to our library shelves. Check out the WSHS Library Wish List for titles I would love to get on the shelves for students to enjoy.
First Tuesdays Parent Social
Tuesday, January 7, 2025, Larry's Tavern (3405 California Ave SW), 7pm
Every first Tuesday of the month, Larry’s Tavern donates partial proceeds to the WSHS PTSA. Come meet other parents and caregivers in a casual, fun setting. Bingo starts at 7:30pm. It’s free to play and there are prizes for every round. All are welcome! You do not have to be a PTSA member.
Request Accommodations for AP Exams
Deadline is January 24, 2025
Students wanting to take an AP Exam with accommodations must work with our AP Coordinator, Amy Doll, to seek approval by the College Board’s Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD) office. Please visit the College Board website to learn more about accommodations for students with existing 504 or IEP plans. For questions, please contact Amy Doll at asdoll@seattleschools.org.
Incoming Student Open House
Thursday, January 30, 2025, WSHS Commons, 6–7:30pm
Incoming students and their families are invited to meet our staff, visit with each of our academic departments, learn about clubs and sports, and tour the school.
Student Life
CIEE Application Support Session
Thursday, January 9, 2025, During Advisory
Attention adventurous Wildcats! Were you thinking of studying abroad next summer but haven't started your application yet? Or have you started the application and haven't gotten around to finishing it yet? Winter break is a amazing time to sit down and get your application nailed! Then, come to a help session where Ms. Schumacher or a program alumnus will read your essays and answer any questions. The scholarship deadline is Wednesday, January 15, at 9pm. Get more information and start your application with a referral code and $200 off! Questions? Contact Ms. Schumacher at mkschumacher@seattleschools.org.
Class of 2025 Yearbook Deadlines
Seniors, be a part of the Kimtah Yearbook (Details and Links):
- Senior quotes are past due but seniors can still submit a quote over Winter Break
- January 10, 2025: Senior Portrait and Baby Photo Due
- January 31, 2025: Senior Shoutout Due
PTSA Presents
What to Expect in the 2025 Legislative Session
Thursday, January 9, 2025, Via Zoom, 7–8:30pm, Sign Up Now
Join WSPTA Legislative Consultant Marie Sullivan to meet newly elected legislators of the Washington State Legislature for a discussion about education priorities during the 2025 Legislative Session. Sign up to attend the session.
Public School Funding Teach-In and Advocacy Training
Thursday, January 23, 2025, WSHS Library, 6–8pm
The WSHS PTSA is hosting an teach-in for families that will include an overview of how Seattle Public Schools are funded, where that funding fails to meet Washington State’s constitutional obligations, and what our community can do to help create sufficient and consistent sources of public school funding. Topics covered will include the 2025 state legislative session and school levies, the People’s Big 5 funding proposal, and advocacy opportunities such as the Billion Dollar Bakesale and the Olympia lobbying days on January 30 and February 17. Speaker information and further details to follow, as they are confirmed. Please direct questions and suggestions to Paul Bugala at legistlative@wshsptsa.org.
WSPTA Student Scholarship
Application Due February 13, 2025, Apply Now
Washington State PTA offers four $2,500 scholarships to graduating seniors from Washington state public high schools with an active PTA, who will be starting college (either two-year or four-year) in the fall. More information here.
Counseling Corner
Seattle Gap year Fair
Tuesday, February 11, 2025, Roosevelt HS, 6–8:30pm, Register Now
Connect with gap year program providers, counselors, alumni, and college admissions representatives to learn about taking a gap year, including applying for gap year scholarships.
Seattle Promise Scholarship
Applications Due Friday, February 14, 2025, Apply Now
The Seattle Promise scholarship provides up to two years or 90 credits of tuition at one of the three Seattle Colleges. All SPS graduates from the Class of 2025 are eligible for Seattle Promise, regardless of GPA, income, or country of birth.
Book an Appointment with Your School Counselor
The WSHS Counseling Office prioritizes student meetings. Students can book an appointment with their assigned school counselor through the Counseling Center website. Parents/caregivers who would like to speak with a counselor should please email wshscounseling@seattleschools.org. Counselor assignments are as follows:
- Erica Nguyen: Last Names A–Et
- Kinsey Hedeen: Last Names Ev–Marg
- Mallory Neuman: Last Names Mari–Pig
- Christine Nutters: Last Names Pin–Z
Athletic Announcements
This Week's Varsity Sports Schedule
- December 20: Boys Swim vs. Cleveland and Franklin (SW Pool, 4pm)
- December 20: Girls Basketball vs. Holy Names (WSHS, 5:30pm)
- December 20: Gymnastics Meet (Roosevelt HS, 7pm)
- December 21: Wrestling Santa Slam (Juanita HS, 9am)
- December 21: Girls Basketball vs. Kingston (WSHS, 7pm)
- December 21: Boys Basketball vs. Kingston (WSHS, 8:30pm)
- December 23: Girls Basketball vs. Sammamish (WSHS, 7pm)
- December 23: Boys Basketball vs. Sammamish (WSHS, 8:30pm)
- January 2: Wrestling vs. Roosevelt (WSHS, 6pm)
- January 2: Wrestling vs. Seattle Academy (WSHS, 7:30pm)
- January 3: Girls Basketball vs. Roosevelt (Roosevelt HS, 7pm)
- January 3: Boys Basketball vs. Roosevelt (Roosevelt HS, 8:30pm)
Seattle Public Schools News
Join SPS for a Community Meeting About the Levies
SPS will be asking voters to consider two expiring levies in the February 11, 2025, election. These levies provide continued funding for building safety, school programs, student services and building improvements, ensuring students have safe and supportive learning environments. We invite you to learn more about these levies by attending one of five regional community meetings in January. These in-person meetings offer a chance to ask questions, hear details, and learn how the levies fund our schools. Interpretation services will be available at all meetings.
Levy informational meetings (All meetings are 6:30–7:30pm):
- January 9 at Genesee Hill Elementary, 5013 SW Dakota St., Seattle
- January 13 at Wing Luke Elementary, 3701 S Kenyon St, Seattle
- January 14 at Viewlands Elementary, 10525 3rd Ave NW, Seattle
- January 16 at Kimball Elementary, 3200 23rd Ave S, Seattle
- January 21 at Olympic Hills Elementary, 13018 20th Ave. NE
For more information including meeting updates and levy details, visit the SPS website at www.seattleschools.org/levies.
Black College Expo
Saturday, January 18, 2025, Rainier Beach HS, 10am–3pm, Register Now
The FREE expo is open to students of all ages. Everyone is welcome! Meet with representatives from Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU), other colleges, universities and educational programs. More than 50 colleges will be there, ready to waive application fees, accept students on the spot, and award scholarships. High school juniors and seniors should bring their transcripts and ACT or SAT scores.
Students are also invited to participate in an essay writing contest for a chance to win scholarship money. The topic is “Why is a college education important to me.” Submit your 500-word essay by Monday, January 6, 2025.
World Language Credit Testing
Students who are proficient in another language may be able to earn high school credit! Seattle Public Schools offers World Language Credit Testing in many languages on the following dates:
- January 18, 2025
- February 15, 2025
Find out more information about World Language Credit Testing, including languages offered and eligibility criteria.
Community Connections
Free Therapy for Seattle Youth
Sign up today with keyword: seattle.
City of Seattle is partnering with Talkspace to bring free online therapy for Seattle youth and young adults ages 13–24. Seattle youth also have access to Talkspace Go, a self-guided therapy app tailored for individuals. To get started, simply download the Talkspace Go app from the Apple App Store or Google Play Store and enter your organization code: seattle.
S.P.A.C.E. (Seattle Pacific's Access to the College Experience)
Friday, January 10, 2025, SPU Upper Gwinn Commons, 8:30am–3pm
Seattle Pacific’s SPACE is a free, in-person opportunity for high school juniors and seniors from diverse communities, students of color, and students who will be the first in their family to attend college. We will provide you with resources to succeed in college!
- Extend your Early Action apply deadline to January 15 and apply for free!
- Qualify toward a $1,000 Visit Scholarship by attending SPACE on campus (applicants only).
- Experience themed student-led workshops.
- Receive continued access to exclusive content.
- Explore what your time at SPU could look like through tours, current student interactions, and engaging with various departments across campus!
Helpful Links
If you would like to share news or publicize an event or opportunity relevant to the West Seattle High School community, please contact us at communications@wshsptsa.org.