Switzerland Point Middle School
Raider Rap May 12, 2024
Upcoming Dates:
May 13: 8th Math FAST (Flipped Bell Schedule)
- May 14: Algebra/Geometry EOC
- May 16: SSA and Biology EOC
- May 17: 8th Grade Gradventure
- May 22: 7th Grade Field Trip, 8th Grade Raider Buck Raffle
- May 23: 8th Student/Staff BBall game, 7th Grade Raider Raffle, 6th Grade Field Trip
- May 24: Last Day for Students, 6th Grade Raider Raffle, Early Release-Wednesday Bell Schedule
A Message from Ms. Carnall
Hello, Raider Families,
We have had a busy and productive year. In 23-24, students have increased their knowledge in all subjects, gone on trips, and participated in various school events. Our student athletes have won many games, and our club members have competed and placed in state and national competitions. Please take the time to celebrate with your children, as well as to thank their teachers, support staff, and activity sponsors. It wouldn’t be possible without them!
With all this growth, I know our eighth graders have the ability to do great things in high school. As for those changing schools, I wish them the best of luck! Finally, for those returning, I look forward to seeing them back next year!
I hope that you have a wonderful summer.
Linda Carnall
Teacher of the Month Contest
95.1 WAPE’s Teacher of the Month will honor the area's BEST TEACHERS! Nominations are open now! Each month on the WAPE morning show, Dex & Barbie T will name of Teacher of the Month who will receive some amazing gifts, along with a plaque to display for all!
Nominations can be made here: https://www.wape.com/fp/951-wape-honors-jacksonvilles-best-teachers-with-teacher-month-award/
Important Information for Rising 7th Graders
Immunization Requirements for 7th Grade Entry
In addition to compliance with all other immunization requirements, children entering, attending, or transferring to the seventh grade in Florida schools must complete the following:
- 1 Tetanus-diphtheria-pertussis (Tdap)
Please call Nurse Kelly at 904-547-8628 if you have questions regarding immunization status.
Spring Testing
FAST/EOC/NGSSS Testing is in May!
- The bell schedule from May 2nd - May 16th has some changes to accommodate for missed instructional time due to testing in the morning. The normal bell schedule will resume on May 17th. Please see the attached bell schedule to plan accordingly. Also, see the attached testing calendar here - https://www-raider.stjohns.k12.fl.us/spring-testing-calendar/ - to determine which day your student is testing. It is imperative that students are present and on time as testing sessions will begin promptly.
- 1st period teachers will let students know where their testing location is for FAST Math and ELA.
- For the Civics EOC on May 2nd, 8th grade students enrolled in Civics will go to the same location they go to for ELA and Math testing.
- Some students also take an Algebra/Geometry/Biology EOC. They will be told of their EOC testing location by their EOC teacher. The week before testing, please ask your child to verify that they remember their testing location!
- Only students who have an oral presentation accommodation on a 504 or IEP plan will need to bring their WIRED ear buds or headphones for testing (wireless ones are not acceptable).
- All students will need to bring their own handheld calculator. Please see the calculator policy for approved calculators: https://www-raider.stjohns.k12.fl.us/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/FAST-Math-Calculator-Policy.pdf. 7th and 8th grade: If you do not have the approved TI-30xa calculator, it can be purchased from Walmart, Target, or Amazon for about $11.
Computer Adaptive Testing
A comprehensive video explaining Florida’s statewide computer-adaptive testing (CAT) is now available on the statewide assessment portal: https://flfast.org/resources/general/florida-statewide-assessments-computer-adaptive-testing-video. This video walks through the different components of how a CAT is designed, how CATs function while a student is taking a test, and how adaptive tests are scored. Please note: This video describes the functionality of current FAST and B.E.S.T. EOC assessments and next year’s Science and Social Studies assessments when they are fully adaptive.
To obtain student scores from FAST testing, be sure to visit the family portal. More information can be found here: https://www-raider.stjohns.k12.fl.us/access-state-score-report/
Locker Clean Out
Elective change request
If you would like to request a change to your elective class for next year please complete this request by 11:59 PM on May 24. There is no guarantee the change will be able to occur but we will look at all available options.
8th Grade Student vs Staff Basketball game
The 8th grade student vs staff basketball game is Thursday, May 23. From May 1- May 23, if a student gets a demerit or commits an infraction that results in ISS or OSS, he/she is no longer eligible to attend.
Infractions occurring prior to May 1 do not count.
End-of-the-Year Reward Trips
- At the end of the year, students can attend a field trip as a reward for their behavior.
- Students who earn ISS or OSS during 2nd semester, or students who commit a Level 4 offense during the entire school year, will NOT BE ELIGIBLE to participate in the grade-level reward trip. Students cannot earn more than 5 demerits or 7 tardies to remain eligible for the trip. See the progressive discipline plan below. Please see Section 5, Levels of Discipline, on page 31 in our Student Code of Conduct for examples of Level 4 offenses.
- Students with 15 or more unexcused absences during the school year will NOT BE ELIGIBLE for the trip.
- For 8th-grade students, these behavior requirements also apply to the 8th-grade formal dance.
- Once a reward trip has been paid for, we will be unable to give refunds or transfer the reservation to another student’s name.
Please see our demerit progressive discipline plan:
- 3rd demerit: Lunch detention
- 4th demerit: Lunch detention (2 days)
- 5th demerit: ½ day ISS or Wed after school detention
- 6th demerit: ISS (1 day in-school suspension and loss of field trip)
- 7th demerit: ISS (2 days in-school suspension)
- 8th demerit or more: OSS
Please see our tardy progressive discipline plan:
- 5th TARDY: Lunch Detention
- 6th TARDY: Lunch Detention (2 Days)
- 7th TARDY: After School Detention or 1/2 day ISS
- 8th TARDY: ISS (1 day in-school suspension and loss of field trip)
- 9th TARDY: ISS (2 days in-school suspension)
- 10th TARDY: Delayed transitions/escort
ILC Newsletter
May Character Counts! Pillar of the Month
This month we are celebrating Citizenship. We look for students who:
- Do your share to make your school and community better
- Cooperate
- Get involved in community affairs
- Stay informed, vote
- Be a good neighbor
- Obey laws and rules
- Respect authority
- Protect the environment
- Volunteer
What can you do at home?
•Minimize waste. Recycle and conserve.
•Reinforce the importance of school rules and that they must be followed.
•Reinforce the importance of sportsmanship.
•Reuse boxes and shopping bags.
•Notice nature around you. Watch a sunrise or sunset. Look for animals. Appreciate the flowers and trees around you.
•Plant a garden with your children. Allow them to help with the yard work and gardening. Grow your own herbs or vegetables.
•Plant a seed or tree and watch it grow.
•Turn the water off while you are brushing your teeth or doing the dishes.
•Participate in a beach clean up day or plan your own for your family for an hour. If not the beach, use your neighborhood park.
•Carpool or walk instead of using a car.
•Encourage your children to watch shows on nature, science, or animals to broaden their knowledge and appreciation.
•As a family, research and select a charity to donate to. Encourage your children to donate a portion of their allowance. Plan to participate as a family to help at the local shelter, senior center, food kitchen, or for an elderly neighbor.
•Have discussions about current events so that your children can become aware of what the important issues are and how politicians or community officials are handling them. Have your children see you reading the newspaper, watching the news and getting involved in community services.
•Observe and follow traffic rules.
•Show and explain to your children how the election process works and how to utilize resources to stay informed of the issues before you vote.
•Model citizenship behaviors and notice when your children are being good citizens in order to reinforce those behaviors.
Microwaves Needed
We started out the year with 5 microwaves and due to wear and tear are down to 3. We are asking if anyone can donate a new or gently used microwave for next school year it woudl be greatly appreciated. With the number of students we have that would like to use the microwaves the lines are lengthy. We would like 2 more to help the lines go down and students be able to eat without rushing.
Thank you in advance for your assistance with this.
From the Dean's Office
It has been brought to our attention that some of our students are selling/buying cologne at school. Students are not permitted to have cologne or perfume at school, as it poses a risk to any student or staff member with allergies and/or asthma. Students are also not permitted to sell or buy unauthorized goods at school. Often, selling or buying goods at school leads to lost or stolen property, students meeting up in bathrooms during class, and issues between the involved students. It also means that students will have large amounts of cash or product on them at any given time, which is concerning. Please help at home by checking backpacks and removing any large amounts of cash and/or bottles of cologne.
District Art Show Congratulations!
Congratulations to Penelope Carroll!
6th Grade
Honorable Mention for Watercolor in the District Art Show
Sunshine State Youth Reader's Award Program (SSYRA)
As we welcome the warmth of summer, let's not forget the power of a good book! Research shows that summer reading is not just a leisurely activity; it's an essential part of your child's development. Just like muscles, young minds need exercise to stay strong. Engaging in regular reading over the summer break helps prevent the notorious "summer slide," where students can lose valuable academic progress made during the school year.
Some great options for summer reading can come from the Sunshine State Young Reader’s Award list! The SSYRA program is a statewide reading motivational program for students in grades 3 through 8. The purpose of the SSYRA Program is to encourage students to read independently for pleasure and to read books that are on, above, and below their reading level in order to improve their reading fluency. Sunshine State books are selected for their wide appeal, literary value, varied genres, curriculum connections, and/or multicultural representation. Students can read them, quiz on them, and earn prizes next school year!
See the flyer below or attached PDF for information about the sunshine state books.
Attention: Parents of Students Attending Trout Creek Next Year
On Monday, May 13th at 6:00 pm, we will have an in-person meeting at Timberlin Creek Elementary in the cafeteria to vote on PTO President and our PTO board positions. Each parent or guardian of a Trout Creek Academy student or students will receive one ballot to vote on the PTO president and the PTO board members. Families already enrolled in a St. Johns County school and zoned for Trout Creek are automatically registered. If you are parents of an upcoming Kindergartener or are new to the county and have not registered your child, please ensure they are fully registered prior to this meeting if you would like to vote. Here’s the link to register:
Those interested in the PTO president, or a PTO board seat, will have a minute to introduce themselves. Parents and Guardians can then vote, and we will collect ballots and determine our inaugural board for Trout Creek Academy.
If you are interested in a PTO President or board position, please keep in mind this will constitute a significant time commitment over the summer as we work to build a PTO from scratch. There will be plenty of opportunities to volunteer in the classrooms once the school year begins, so please do not feel as though you will need to be on the board to have these opportunities. Previous experience on a PTO board is highly valued!
Link for those interested in being on the PTO Board: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=V9CzsxL8P0-S9HK-boRDUfLVzxOmuj1PpoBeLJZvKZlUQlczTElBQUoyMllESElSQVlYNDZaMENUOS4u
Link for those interested in being the President of the PTO Board: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=V9CzsxL8P0-S9HK-boRDUfLVzxOmuj1PpoBeLJZvKZlUNzZWUU1aMzkxWk1HUDQzSzBHUEZZSUgxTi4u
Switzerland Point Middle School will be hosting its Annual Summer Basketball Camp for boys & girls ages 6–14. The camp will have three one-week sessions: June 3-6, June 10-13, and June 24-27, 2024.
This is a fun-filled camp where “Teaching Never Stops.” Do not be left out of this year’s camp because the camp fills up fast. Students may sign-up for more than one session of basketball camp. If you have any questions/concerns, please call or email Coach Singleton (Terrance.singleton@stjohns.k12.fl.us) at 287-2626 or 547-8650.
Weather Kid of the Week
Beach 105.5 FM and St. Augustine Country 106.3 FM are launching Baptist Health and Wolfson Children's Hospital Weather Kid of the Week.
The program runs for 26 weeks starting May 10th. The Weather Kid will read the weekend weather on Friday mornings. Each kid will get a weather kid prize pack!
Parents can enter their child at https://bit.ly/3UO6PHv.
Winterterguard Updates
There are still a few spaces left to fill for the 2025 winterguard season! Please reach out to spmsguardteam@gmail.com for more information!
Special Message on the Marquee
SPMS National Junior Honor Society is sponsoring an opportunity to send a special birthday or congratulations message to your student via the marquee in the front of the school. Cost is $25. Complete the form here to submit your request . Requests are due the Friday prior to the event and will display the following week (Tuesday through Monday). Example: If you turn in the request on Friday, September 17th, then your message will be displayed on Tuesday, September 21st.
SPMS athletics consists of both boys' and girls' volleyball and basketball, in addition to Winterguard.
All other middle school sports are operated by SJMSAA.
The St. Johns Middle School Athletic Association (”SJMSAA”) middle school sports program is not operated or sponsored by the St. Johns County School District. SJMSAA is an independent, private non-profit corporation that uses District middle school names and facilities under a license agreement with the District, and which is solely responsible for the operation of the SJMSAA middle school sports program and its individual teams.
Students need to register through the SJMSAA website prior to tryouts. Once a student makes a team, he/she will be provided with more information on paying and filling out the required forms
The SPMS PTSO wishes all of our Raiders a fantastic summer break! Keep an eye out for the 2024-2025 spirit wear release mid-July! Want to be a part of an amazing group of volunteers to help plan fun events? Contact us TODAY!
Extra hands are needed for the Raider Store!!
In order to get as many kids as we can to shop, at least 8 volunteers are needed.
Unfortunately, some dates will have to be canceled as even half that number just isn’t enough.
It is a lot of fun! Come join the fun!
The SPMS PTSO is a non-profit organization whose mission is to enhance the learning and work experience of the students and staff at SPMS.
Our membership includes teachers, administrators, parents, and students.
What do we do?
Student Initiatives:
- Neon Bash-Fall Dance for students
- Raider Store-Rewards for students who earn Raider Bucks for academic and behavioral performance
- Grade Level Support
- Character Counts! Rewards
Staff Initiatives:
- Classroom grants-teacher members are eligible for up to $100 in a classroom grant to purchase items to enhance their classroom
- Staff luncheons and breakfast
- Staff Appreciation
- Annual Donation to the school for technology and other needs
How do we pay for these initiatives?
- MEMBERSHIP-this is our biggest fundraiser. By simply joining PTSO, families help us reach our goals
- Spirit Wear-PTSO sells spirit wear each fall
- Fall/Spring Fundraisers-examples include Nothing Bundt Cakes and Poppin' Box
- Business Partners-our area businesses help SPMS through our Partners in Education program
- Corporate Donation Matches, Amazon Smile, Box Tops and private donations
How do you join?
- A family membership is $25 for the school year. The membership includes parents and any siblings at SPMS.
- Membership form can be found at https://switzerland-point-middle-school-ptso.square.site/
We are excited about a wonderful and busy 2023-2024 school year and making a difference at Swiss!
If you are interested in finding out how you can help contact Dawn Evans at dawnevanswebpto@gmail.com
There will be various fundraisers throughout the school year to participate in to help fund the PTSO 2023-2024 initiatives.
Box Tops – Download the Box Tops app and scan your receipts for SMPS PTSO to get Box Top credits.
Keep an eye on the PTSO website, Facebook and Instagram to stay up to date on what is coming up throughout the year!
Questions/concerns?? spmsptso@hotmail.com
For up to date happenings LIKE us on Facebook! https://www.facebook.com/SwissPointPTSO/
SPMS PTSO is on INSTAGRAM! Follow us at https://www.instagram.com/spmsptso/
Check the PTSO website for all the latest news! http://www.swisspointptso.com/