Middle School Update

February 13, 2025
Upcoming Events
Friday, February 14: Last day of Term 2 classes (except PE and arts)
Monday, February 17: First day of Term 3 classes
Tuesday, February 18: Math League Competition for all Grade 7 & 8 students (8:30-9:30)
Tuesday, February 25: Scholastic Challenge for Grade 8 students during period 3 (11:15-12:30)
Thursday, February 27: Dismissal at 11:10 a.m. No lunch served.
Thursday, February 27: Virtual Parent-Teacher-Student interviews from 1:30-8:00 p.m.
Friday, February 28: No classes for Middle School
Friday, February 28: Virtual Parent-Teacher-Student interviews from 8 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Monday, March 3 - Friday, March 14: Spring Break - no classes for students
Monday, March 17: Ped Day - no classes for students
Tuesday, March 18: Students return to classes
Need to Know
Parent-Student-Teacher Virtual Conferences February 27 & 28: Beginning next Thursday, February 20 at 3:00 p.m., parents can make appointments with teachers. The instructions for booking appointments are here. Students are expected to attend the virtual meetings with their parents on Feb 27&28.
Class photos were (finally!) received from Lifetouch this week and have been distributed to Grade 7 students. Grade 8 students will receive them on Friday morning. Anyone who was absent can pick up their class photo from Ms. Beech’s office.
Message from Selwyn House staff: Thank you to all the parents who helped make our Staff Appreciation Week such a wonderful experience! We are truly spoiled by the love we are receiving this week: coffee and breakfast, luncheon buffet, and the raffle prizes and treats in store for tomorrow! Your thoughtfulness and generosity means so very much!
Save the Date! Red Cross Babysitting Course: This certification course will be held at ECS on Saturday, April 26, 2025 from 8:30am-4:00pm. Grade 7-9 students from ECS and SHS will learn first aid skills, leadership and professional conduct for use in any capacity (babysitting, day camps, sports teams, etc.). It is also a great addition to a young person’s CV. The cost is $80/person. Click here for course details or consult this website. Registration will begin after the March Break!
Visit our MS Update page for news and action items you may have missed, such as:
- Des ressources pour devenir un griffon francophile - L'édition pour le mois d'octobre et l'édition pour décembre
- Clubs, Tutorials and Activities for Middle School Students - descriptions and calendar
Math Contest: During the first period on Tuesday, February 18, all Grade 7 & 8 students will be participating in the National Math League contest. The contest will not count for marks, but will be a good opportunity for students to challenge themselves and to test their general math knowledge. Sample contests from previous years can be found here.
Middle School Trivia Night - February 25: Teams are invited to sign up for this inter-school event with ECS taking place on Tuesday, February 25 from 4:30-5:30pm at Selwyn House. The $5 admission fee covers the cost of snacks and prizes. Teams can sign up using this form; registration is complete once all team members have submitted payment to Ms. Beech.
Scholastic Challenge - Test Yourself on your General Knowledge! On Tuesday, February 25, Grade 8 students will be competing in a Scholastic Challenge. This online quiz tests general knowledge of students nation-wide. A practice quiz is now available to all Grade 7&8 students! Print this quiz or pick up a paper copy from Ms. Beech’s office and return the completed test before Thursday, Feb 20. Students who participate can earn prizes and top scorers will be announced at the MS assembly.
March Break Camps: A Debating camp and a Chess camp are being offered at SHS for Grade 7-11 students March 12-14. Visit the links for more information and to register.