WWEA Update
September/October 2024
President's Message
As the end of September and beginning of October are fast approaching, my hope would be that everyone’s school year is settling in, and I’m glad it is for many of you, but we know there are some big needs in several buildings from the loss of staff and a tighter budget. Paraeducators who we did not replace means staff being stretched incredibly to do their best for students with high needs without the support you need. There are class sizes much larger than the guidelines in Article 11, particularly at the primary level. We have many Specialists with intensely unsustainable work schedules.
Thank you to members who have taken the first step to speak up to your administrator or supervisor about these situations. Please keep engaging with your building reps who are also reaching out to me and your Vice Presidents. Despite the budget situation, we will continue to support you and advocate for what you and your students need.
Long term, we all need to continue to advocate for systemic budget improvements at the state level. I have had conversations with state representatives from both sides of the district this summer. They know that the state SpEd cap (which caps state level Special Education funding per pupil after a district has reached 11% of students identified). There is already bipartisan agreement at the state legislature that this is bad public policy for students and our schools. During the 2024 Short Session, the hold up on an agreement to end the cap became how to fund raising or eliminating the cap. Our District currently has a population of approximately 14% students receiving services, so this funding is essential for our students, our staff, and our community.
The overall Education budget at the state level also needs to improve. While the 2023-25 budget was an increase, it did not keep up with the rates of inflation. Last year’s kicker gave $5.61 Billion back to Oregon taxpayers, showing that partially based on economic growth and partially based on inflation, we can expect a much larger overall state budget in 2025-27. But that money will be allocated by the legislature without assuming the “typical” budget increase is adequate with historic inflation since our kicker system began. Legislators need to hear both the positives of recent changes and programs as well as the challenges we still face so that they understand the need for adequate funding and an increase commensurate with both inflation and the underlying needs we’ve had for years.
Please read Michael Sugar’s article on opportunities to be involved to work collectively towards getting the funding our schools need. We will keep you informed of other ways to be involved as the year progresses. Please also consider blocking off your day on Monday, February 17th on Presidents day to be able to go with WWEA and other OEA locals to Salem to talk in person with legislators.
Matt Bell
WWEA President
Sign Up to Elect or Waive Benefits by October 4th
The Benefit Fair was a huge success! Hope everyone was able to take advantage of the time to speak with the vendors and stock up on squeezy balls and pens!
We are in the midst of Open Enrollment:
Remember - you have to enroll or waive your benefits. Benefits do not carry over from last year. New hires - your benefits from your hiring date in the summer will not roll over. You MUST enroll at this time or waive coverage! Failure to do so will result in no coverage - whether you want it or not! Click here for the district's directions on logging in and other helpful hints (here it is in Spanish). Now is a good time to make sure you can log in to iVisions!
Benefit Educational Webinar
If you were not able to watch live, please check out the recorded educational session for licensed employees. There is a lot of helpful information about our benefit options.
*If something after enrollment doesn’t seem right with your plan - a charge or denial - please always call your health care company first to inquire!
Happy Enrollment!
Christine Frisiras
WWEA Insurance Chair
Primary MoU Passes: No Spring Conferences for Primary
The voting window for the MOU regarding Spring Conferences has officially closed. The MOU passed with over 70% in favor, meaning there will NO Spring Conferences held at the primary level this year. The current primary calendar remains in effect.
Stacia Wilson
WWEA Membership Chair
What is OEA PAC?
Reminder: By law, NO WWEA/OEA/NEA dues ever go towards supporting any political candidates. Union dues may support advocating for increased spending on public education, but only PAC donations go to specific candidates.
Outside of work hours, please read this update from WWEA PAC chair Michael Sugar about the importance of fully funding schools and how you can help by becoming a PAC member. Not sure if you are a PAC member or interested in increasing your contribution, contact Michael outside of work hours at m.w.sugar13@gmail.com or 541-912-4981.
Request a Copy of the Contract
To request a paper copy of the 2024-2027 contract, email Jacquie Banet.
WWEA Member Spotlight Nominations
Earn a $10 Starbucks Card!
WWEA features our members on our social media accounts. We highlight the amazing work our members are doing every day!
If you want to be featured, or if you want to nominate a WWEA member to spotlight, please fill out this form. Alexis Harmon or Carly Voigt will reach out to you with more information.
You will receive a gift card if you or the person you nominated are featured!
Thank you for representing WWEA!
Member Resources, Benefits and Upcoming Opportunities
Professional Development Fund Deadline 10/4
Apply for district funds to help cover the cost of professional development opportunities. Due to WWEA's advocacy, these rates have been recently raised!
New Educators
Here are some resources and support for new educators.
Click here to register for the New Educator Collaborative.
Click here to learn more about mentoring through Clackamas Education Service District (CESD).
I HEAR (Inclusion, Healing, Equity, Access, Rights) Summit
This is a full day conference held in 6 locations throughout the state featuring keynote speaker Lesly Munoz. Click here for information and to register.