Redwood Reader
August 30, 2024

Pick -Up End Of Day Car Line
Reminders and New Information
Thank you everyone for a great first 2 week. The first week or so are always a little slower than normal and I appreciate your patience. Just a few reminders for the end of the day pick up line.
1. No Cars will be allowed to enter the loop directly in the front of the building until after the Pre-school students have dismissed. Once all students have left the front of the building we will allow you to enter.
2. Please do not pull all the way to the corner or wrap the corner from Moorewood to Redwood. This blocks the view and forces car to pull onto incoming traffic in order to cross Redwood.
3. Please be mindful of the neighborhood and DO NOT block the driveways while waiting to pick up students.
Calling Parents of all Redwood Artists! Don't forget to sign up for Artsonia, the online tool to view your student's artwork and purchase gifts made with their creations! Artsonia produces quality items such as mugs, t-shirts, canvas prints, jewelry and more- all adorned with your little artist's masterpiece! 20% of all sales come back to benefit the Redwood art program. Simply visit this link https://www.artsonia.com/connect/FZ3SDSC2 and enter the Redwood code of FZ3SDSC2. If you have already signed up for Artsonia, your information is saved and you don't need to do anything!
Redwood PTA 2024-2025 School Year
The new school year has arrived and we invite all Redwood families to join the Redwood PTA! Attending meetings is not a requirement to be a part of this great organization. Click on the image below to sign up today.
Upcoming Important Dates
28th- PTA Meeting
2- No School Labor Day
20th- Homecoming Float Decoration
21st Homecoming Parade
25- Early Release Day (12 Noon)
After School Car Line
Redwood Families,
I wanted to take just a moment to review the car line dismissal at the end of the day. We have implemented system and have been making small adjustments along the way to ensure an expedient pick up, while keeping student safety first.
The first Item is the rearview mirror car tag. We are asking each family to print the first and last name of students using a permanent marker on the sign. (See example Below) The signs can be easily stored in a car sun visor and then displayed when you reach the car line. Having the names displayed is necessary in order to pick up your student.
Secondly, the direction and order in which the car line follows is extremely important. Names are being typed into a live document and students are being lined up and brought out in that order. If a car enters (cuts into) the line and has not been accounted for this slows down the entire process as it then becomes necessary to look for the missing student(s) and prohibits the next group from advancing. (See Map on Back)
The car rider line begins in the front of the building, exits the driveway, goes west down Redwood and then turns the corner south on Moorewood.
Once the line is established:
1. Cars SHOULD NOT be entering the car rider line turning left from Redwood.
2. Cars SHOULD NOT come straight (South) from parkwood.
3. Cars SHOULD NOT turn left from Morewood
4. Cars Should Not come (East)across Morewood into the existing line of cars. The line wraps around Morewood; it is not coming from both Redwood and Morewood.
Spirit Wear
Purchase your Redwood and Avon Lake gear & have it shipped directly to your home
A percentage of all sales goes to Redwood PTA
Store link for Redwood: https://1stplace.sale/72840
Store link for Avon Lake: https://1stplace.sale/7283
Safer Ohio School Tip Line
Redwood Elementary School
Website: https://www.avonlakecityschools.org/redwood
Location: 32967 Redwood Blvd, Avon Lake, OH 44012, USA
Phone: (440)933-5145
Twitter: @RedwoodAvonLake