The Bedford Buccaneer
August 26, 2024

Weekly Newsletter: September 30, 2024
Save the Dates
- Monday, September 30: 9th Grade iPad Case Swap
- Thursday, October 3: 9th Grade iPad Case Swap
- Monday, October 14: No School (Indigenous Peoples Day)
- Tuesday, October 22: Student Flu Shot Clinic
- Saturday, October 26: PSAT Exam for 10th/11th Grade
- Monday, November 4: Picture Retakes
- Tuesday, November 5: No School for Students (Teacher Professional Development)
- Monday, November 11: No School (Veteran's Day)
- Tuesday, November 19: Freshman Seminar
- Friday, November 22: Freshman Seminar
- Wednesday, November 27: Early Release
- Thursday, November 28 & Friday, November 29: No School (Thanksgiving)
- Thursday, December 5: Teacher/Caregiver Conferences
The full Bedford High School calendar can be found here.
The 2024-25 Bedford Public Schools district calendar can be found here.
The Lunch Menus for Bedford Public Schools can be found here.
Update from the School Nurse
Dear Parents & Guardians,
I hope your children are off to a good start to the school year. Please see the link below regarding whether or not you give permission for your child to receive Tylenol and/or Ibuprofen at school. For those who have returned the emergency information forms, I already have your consent.
Please let me know if there are any medical updates for me to be aware of, including any new allergies.
Thank you.
-Annmarie Vaughan, RN, BSN
Student Forms Due
We still need forms from a number of students. Please check the list below and ensure you've completed any online forms and submitted any paper forms. Contact information for each form is provided if you have questions. You can drop off Emergency and App Consent forms in the main office.
- Emergency Form (Nurse Annmarie Vaughn) - print & complete
- Student Agreement Form (Nina Tate) - complete online while on the BPS network.
- Parent Agreement Form (Nina Tate) - complete online
- App Consent for MobileServe (Brianna Creamer) print & complete
Reminder About Attendance at Bedford High School
We would like to remind students and parents/guardians of our Attendance Policies on, pg. 21-28 of the BHS Student Handbook.
- Caregivers must call the Bedford High School Automated Attendance Line by 8:30 AM to report an absence, dismissal, or tardy.
- Automated Attendance Line: 781-918-4561
- Email: kara_gallagher@bedfordps.org
9th Grade iPad Case Exchange
Monday, September 30; Thursday, October 3
9th graders can swap their iPad cases for new ones on these days during Flex block.
AP Exam Registration
October 1 - 31: Online Registration
Cost: $105
Beginning October 1st, 2024, students will able to register and pay for AP exams through Total Registration. Students will be able to register and pay for their exams without a late fee ($40.00) until the evening of Thursday, October 31st, 2024. This year, the cost per BHS class based exam is $105.00.
Steps to Completing Registration:
Students should FIRST ensure they are registered with their class Join Codes in myAP. Please see your teacher for your specific class section Join Codes. Join Codes should not be shared between students as they are specific to each class section. Please visit https://myap.collegeboard.org/ to register with your class Join Code if you have not already.
AFTER you have registered in myAP, payments will be processed with Total Registration (www.TotalRegistration.net/AP/220112). Please be sure to register for your class specific section. You will receive a confirmation email once your registration is complete. If you or your student qualifies for financial assistance, please mark ‘yes’ when asked during the registration process.
Student ID numbers are now required in order to complete the steps in Total Registration. This number can be found in the student’s Aspen account under the “My Info” tab. The required ID number is labeled as “Local Identifier” followed by a number beginning with 5050…. Students will not be able to pay for their exams without this Student ID number.
Self Study Exams:
Bedford High School does not offer Self Study Exams coinciding with classes offered as part of the BHS Program of Studies. Students may still register for Self Study Exams not offered as a class at Bedford High School. If you or your student is interested in taking one of these exams, you are encouraged to reach out to the surrounding school districts to see if they offer testing to out-of-district students; no contact lists can be provided.
This year there will be an additional test administration fee for Self Study exams in order to offset the cost of proctors for small group test administration. The cost per Self Study Exam will be $150.00.
If you are interested in taking a Self Study Exam, first complete the Google form (will be released October 1st) BEFORE you will be able to pay for your exam in Total Registration. This form must be completed before October 31, 2024, at which time the form will stop receiving responses and no further self study exams may be requested. This form may only be completed by students (i.e. not parents/caregivers), and students will be emailed the next steps of the Self Study registration process by the AP Coordinator.
Please note Self Study exams will NOT show up on student transcripts or impact GPAs as the subject has not been formally instructed by a teacher at BHS. Colleges will know a Self Study exam has been taken if and when the student chooses to send the final AP score directly to the college through the College Board website. BHS does not send any AP Scores to colleges regardless of whether or not a student has Self Studied. It is strongly recommended that students have a conversation with their caregivers regarding whether or not self-studying an exam makes sense for the student’s school/life balance. It is also encouraged students to review the AP Score usage policies to see if AP credits are accepted.
If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to AP Coordinator Samantha Thyne (samantha_thyne@bedfordps.org).
Principal's Advisory Applications for Students
Applications due by Wednesday, October 2
The students are invited to apply for the 2024-2025 Principal’s Advisory. Meetings will take place once/month during flex block in the main office conference room and attendance is mandatory. Please consider your schedule and your commitment before you submit the application. Students will be selected across grade levels. Diverse representation is important.
If you were part of Principal’s Advisory last year, you MUST apply again if interested. The deadline to fill out the application is Wednesday, October 2. You will be notified if you are selected. Thank you for your interest.
PSAT Information: Grades 10 & 11
Registration Ends: Friday, October 11, 2024 | 11:59 pm
Unpaid Registrations Cancelled: Wednesdays October 23, 2024
Exam: Saturday, October 26, 2024 | 7:45 am
Bedford High School will be administering the PSAT on Saturday, October 26. Students should arrive at the high school no later than 7:45 am. Here is important information:
This year the PSAT will be administered electronically. There is no paper and pencil option available.
All students must bring their fully charged SCHOOL ISSUED iPad on the day of the test. Bedford High School will NOT provide iPads, charging devices, or any other technical support on the day of the test.
If you arrive without your iPad or your iPad shuts down because it is not fully charged your exam will be canceled.
For the 2024 PSAT/NMSQT, students at Bedford High School will be registering online. This registration will take a few minutes and can be completed from any computer with internet access. To register, students should click on the following link: www.TotalRegistration.net/PSAT/220112 Registration is not complete until students have printed the pdf of the confirmation page that is provided at the end.
The cost of the exam is $30. Bedford High School is excited to offer families the convenience of paying exam fees online at the time of registration. Please be sure to have a debit or credit card available before beginning registration. Paying online is a great way to make sure that payment has been made while avoiding mailing payment.
The Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test is a great tool for students considering college. The PSAT/NMSQT measures critical reading skills, math problem-solving skills, and writing skills. Bedford High School recommends that students take the PSAT/NMSQT to receive feedback about strengths and weaknesses, enter the competition for National Merit Scholar scholarships (11th graders), and help prepare for the SAT.
Please contact Mr. Brian DeChellis, brian_dechellis@bedfordps.org, if you have questions or require financial assistance.
AMC 10/12 A Exam
Register by: October 16
Wednesday, November 6 | BHS Library
The AMC 10/12 A math exam will be given after school on Wednesday, November 6 in the BHS library. The test will begin immediately after school. If you’d like to take the test Mr. Morrissey needs to order you a test booklet.
- More information about the exam can be found at here.
- Please sign up using this form by Wednesday, October 16.
- If you have any questions, please email patrick_morrissey@bedfordps.org.
Flu Vaccine Clinic
Tuesday, October 22 | Flex Block | LGI
The Bedford Health Department, along with the Bedford School Department is offering flu vaccines during a school-based flu clinics at the High School. More information and registration can be found here: https://www.bedfordma.gov/201/Flu-Clinic-Information---School-Based
School Picture Retakes
Monday, November 4
Freshman Seminar
Tuesday, November 19; Friday, November 22
The Counseling Department will be running Freshman Seminars during Flex blocks on 11/19 & 11/22.
Afternoon Pick Ups at BHS
Please note that the bus loop is closed to cars beginning at 1:45 pm (M/T/Th/F) and 12:20 pm (W).
Cars should not enter the bus loop after that time. Buses will not be able to move to let cars through.
Recycle Printer Toner Cartridges at BHS
Do you have printer toner cartridges around your house or work? Drop them off in the Main Office at BHS. We will recycle your used cartridges to help raise money for our student support fund, which is not funded by the school district.
Questions, please contact Brenda Sweetland.
Seal of Biliteracy Information
This letter has information on obtaining a Seal of Biliteracy from the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. For additional information, please reach out to Adam Bailey, World Languages Program Administrator.
Information Opt-Out
Student Yearbooks
Order your yearbook online (school code:13423). If you have difficulty making an online purchase, you can also order over the phone: 1-866-287-3096.
Deadline: 12/31/24
Student Activities
Athletics This Week
Monday, September 30
Golf @ Newton South
Girls Soccer (V / JV) vs. Weston
Boys Soccer (V / JV) vs. Weston
Volleyball (V / JV / F) vs. Arlington Catholic
Tuesday, October 1
Field Hockey (V / JV) vs. Weston
Boys Soccer (F) @ Weston
Volleyball (V / JV / F) vs. Weston
Wednesday, October 2
Unified Basketball vs. Acton-Boxborough
Cross Country @ Waltham
Field Hockey @ Wilmington
Friday, October 4
Volleyball (V / JV / F) vs. Lexington
Saturday, October 5
Boys Soccer (V / JV) vs. Burke
Girls Soccer (V) vs. Methuen
The full Athletic Department schedule can be found here.
Seniors4Seniors is non-profit youth-led organization founded by BHS students to focus on encouraging volunteer work with senior citizens. We work as a branch of the Bedford Council on Aging, and we created this non-profit to help organize and innovate youth-led volunteer work at the senior center. Please email us if you're interested in learning more.
Class of 2027 Apparel Sale for Students & Staff
ends October 10
Please support the Class of 2027 and purchase some BHS apparel to wear this fall. The order deadline is 10/10. Apparel will be delivered roughly three weeks from this date. You can pick up clothing from Mrs.Sergi or Ms.Torres in room E201.
Black Student Union Fundraiser
ends October 11
Please consider supporting the Black Student Union (BSU) by ordering a hooded sweatshirt! Order deadline is October 11th, 2024. Apparel will be delivered roughly three weeks from this date. You can pick up clothing at BHS from Kristina Sergi or Alexa Torres.
New Student Clubs
Deadline for applications is October 15.
If you are applying for a new club the deadline is October 15th. No applications will be accepted after that date. All applications must have a BHS staff volunteer. The link to apply for a club is:
Dominican Republic Trip 2025
February 14-21, 2025
There are still slots available for the trip to the Dominican Republic in February 2025. The trip will include ziplining, snorkeling, sightseeing of traditional landmarks, white water rafting, a waterfall adventure and many more fun activities. The cost of the trip is currently $3,595, plus $200 for tips and incidentals.
- If you would like more information CLICK HERE for our presentation.
- If you would like to sign-up, please fill out this APPLICATION FORM.
- If you are interested and/or would like more information please contact Mr. Olson or Mrs. Billouin in person or via email kristofor_olson@bedfordps.org or beth_billouin@bedfordps.org
Panama & Costa Rica Trip: February 2026
Applications will be accepted through September 30, 2024
BHS students have the opportunity to travel to Panama & Costa Rica during February Vacation 2026. This trip will be open to all BHS students with priority given to the Class of 2026 and the Class of 2027. Please read on for additional information.
In Panama, we’ll visit the Panama Canal, hike to a waterfall, visit a local indigenous village, go snorkeling and take a boat ride with dolphins. Then cross the border by foot into Costa Rica, where we’ll visit a sloth rescue center, zipline, relax in the hot springs, kayak, and take part in a folklore evening.
The cost per traveler is $3938 (a discounted rate for accepted student travelers who enroll by December 19th) plus $200 for tips/incidentals paid just before the trip. Check out the full itinerary and additional trip details!
Students who are interested should fill out our online application form - you will need to use your BHS email to fill out this form. Applications will be accepted through September 30, 2024. The trip has a capacity of 32 students and is about half full at this time - if we have more applications than spaces, a lottery will be used to select students. Students will be notified of their acceptance status via school email after review of the applications. Students accepted will receive an email on how to register for the trip on Explorica’s website.
If additional spaces are available after September, applications will continue to be accepted on a rolling basis until the trip is full! We are opening registration early to take advantage of the current discounted tour price.
Please reach out to Ms. Leshay at sarah_leshay@bedfordps.org with any questions.
Class of 2025: Information for the Senior Class and their Families
Flex Sign In
College Representative Visits
through November 15
Visits will be held in the Counseling office unless otherwise noted and will be communicated to students. Please sign up through Naviance and notify your teacher at least 24 hours in advance of the visit. If you are unable to attend due to an exam, presentation, etc. Please let your counselor know if you are interested in a visit, but are unable to attend so we can connect with the representative on your behalf.
Monday, September 30
9:15 am - Montserrat College of Art
10:30 am - Carnegie Mellon University
Tuesday, October 1
8:00 am - Wheaton College - Massachusetts
1:30 pm - Lafayette College
Wednesday, October 2
10:15 am - Roger Williams University
12:15 pm - University of New England
Thursday, October 3
8:00 am - Lesley University
9:15 am - Merrimack College
10:30 am - University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth
1:30 pm - Lasell University
Friday, October 4
9:15 am - Muhlenberg College
1:30pm - University of Rhode Island
Monday, October 7
8:00 am - Lehigh University
1:30 pm - Bennington College
Tuesday, October 8
8:00am Worcester State University
9:15am Case Western Reserve University
1:30pm The School of Fashion Design
Wednesday, October 9
8:45am Connecticut College
12:15pm University of Massachusetts-Lowell
Thursday, October 10
8:00am University of South Carolina-Columbia
9:15am Hofstra University
10:30am Framingham State University
1:30pm Mount Holyoke College
Friday, October 11
8:00am University of Massachusetts-Boston
9:15am Curry College
10:30am College of the Holy Cross
1:30pm Christopher Newport University
Important Due Dates
Senior Thanks
Members of the Class of 2025 will be emailed a Google Form that they can use to share their thanks. Please encourage your senior to submit theirs to us.
Deadline: October 4
Submit Your Baby Photo
Submit one baby picture using the same submission method as the senior portraits, enter "Baby" for the grade information, and spell the student's name how you would like it displayed with the picture.
Deadline: October 4
Submit Your Senior Portrait
Please submit your photo to HJeShare.com using the school code "Bedford".
IMPORTANT: When uploading your portrait, please select the “Portrait” option as you upload in order to link your senior's name to the image.
Deadline: October 25
Submit Your Family Congratulatory Ad for the Yearbook!
Design, purchase, and submit an ad at YearbookOrderCenter.com using the school code 13423. Choose the option that says “Start Your Ad.”
Deadline: October 25
Senior Siblings
Share pics of senior siblings. Please submit the siblings' picture using the same submission method as the senior portraits, enter "Siblings" for the grade information, and spell the students' names how you would like them displayed with the picture.
Deadline: October 25
Yearbook Orders
Order your yearbook online by going to YearbookOrderCenter.com and using the school code 13423. All sales will be correctly priced online. If you have difficulty making an online purchase, you can also order over the phone: 1-866-287-3096.
Deadline: December 31
Counseling Corner
If there is a mental health emergency, please call: Advocates Psychiatric Emergency Services (available 24 hours) at (800) 640-5432, or Massachusetts Behavioral Health Helpline (available 24 hours) at 833-773-2445 (call or text), or Call 9-1-1.
If you are seeking counseling support for your child, please reach out to one of these resources:
- Your child’s pediatrician to ask for a counseling referral
- Bedford Youth and Family Services at 781-918-4328
- Eliot Community Human Services at 978-369-1113
Bedford Youth & Family Services
Check out the services available to BPS students and their families.Additional Notices
Bedford High School Parent Association (BHSPA)
Fall Appeal
Our Fall Appeal is under way. Please visit our website for more information and to make a donation.
Informal Caregiver Groups on Social Media
Over the years, BHS parents have created informal "parent groups" for each graduating class on Facebook. These private groups are not affiliated with the BHSPA, but we wanted to spread the word so that all parents in our school community could join them if they are interested. The groups are a good place to ask questions or share information with fellow parents. The links to the parent groups that exist are below.
Bedford High Class of 2028 Parent Facebook Group
Bedford High School
School Hours:
Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 7:45am - 2:24pm
Wednesday 7:45 am - 12:55 pm
9 Mudge Way, Bedford, MA 01730
Phone: 781-275-1700
Absence Line: 781-918-4561
Fax: 781-275-6664