Preschool Principal Newsletter
November, 2023
Fall Updates in Preschool
Principal's Message
Dear MVSD Preschool Families and Community,
With the fall season come many opportunities for our preschoolers and their families to engage in positive experiences to support their healthy social-emotional development. I encourage you to purposefully consider enhancing your young children’s vocabulary and cognition skills during special celebrations such as Thanksgiving and everyday interactions. Examples of activities you can do at home are reading a book every night, modeling using new words when speaking to your young child (instead of using the word "good," you can say "excellent," "fantastic," or "superb"), finding objects around the house that start with the same sound as your child's first name (Sebastian, soap, soup, salt, salmon, etc.), counting people at a family gathering, counting together any items at home your child is interested in, comparing fall leaves while taking a stroll with your children by using phrases such as "more or less, how many, longest or shortest, etc.
Most importantly, the fall season can help us create stronger bonds with our children, families, and community. When facing difficult times, it is imperative to protect our youngest children from adult problems because we want them to grow emotionally strong and stable.
On behalf of our Preschool Programs staff, I wish you all a blessed Fall Season!
Glenda Giron, Principal of Preschool Programs
Staff Highlights
Meet our Governance and Family Engagement Specialists
Meet Gloria Silva and Veronica Scheithauer, the facilitators of the Governance and Family Engagement Services for our preschool programs. This dynamic duo strives to make themselves available for our families when in need of voicing a question, concern, or comment. They play a key role in encouraging parents to become involved from the beginning in their child's education, as volunteers sharing in their child's journey of academic growth and becoming their biggest advocate. They also facilitate our Policy Committee, a shared decision-making body that is composed of parent representatives from all preschool classrooms. You may see them at your sites conducting monitoring visits of the parent meetings and ensuring that we have updated and resourceful Parent Community Boards in all classrooms.
Meet our Health and Nutrition Service Leads
Meet the lead team that ensures that we address all health and nutritional needs of your preschool children in our programs. Claudia Salazar, our Health Technician, works closely with the Family Service Workers to ensure students have up-to-date immunizations, physical, and dental exams. She also coordinates medication and special health care needs with the support of Health Consultants for student safety and success in the classroom while also monitoring classrooms in the areas of Health. Erick Medina, our Registered Dietitian, assesses the dietary needs of children and families in the program. This includes planning meals and snacks that provide essential nutrients and accommodate dietary restrictions. This process involves evaluating their nutritional status, identifying potential deficiencies or health concerns, and creating plans to address these issues. He also provides nutrition education and resources to both children and their families.
The Wonderful World of Preschool!
Walk to School Day Event at the Children's Center
On October 4th, our participating students and families enjoyed walking to school with us, and they received a beautiful, reusable MVSD water bottle. Walk to School Day is an annual event for all MVSD schools to promote pedestrian safety and healthy habits through exercise. This was the first time that the Children's Center site participated, and based on the positive feedback we received from our families, we plan to continue to participate in future years.
Unity Day - Say No to Bullying
Unity Day is a national anti-bullying campaign, and it was celebrated this year on October 18. Districtwide, all teachers engaged in professional development to increase knowledge and strategies for recognizing, preventing, and intervening in the trends and harmful effects of bullying. Our preschool students learned about being kind to one another, which is a first step in the prevention of bullying.
Red Ribbon Week
We thank our families for participating on October 23-27 to celebrate Red Ribbon Week with this year's theme, "Be Kind to your Mind - Say No to Drugs." This year, all preschool programs at elementary sites followed their school's plan to make it easier for our families to participate. Some of the activities for our preschoolers were Teaming Up Against Drugs by Wearing a Sports Shirt, Crazy Hair Day, Bring a Stuffed Animal to School, Wear Red, Pajama Day, and Favorite Book Character Costume.
Parents and Families' Corner
Focus on Learning Plan for our Preschool Programs
Did you know that every year we collaboratively create a learning plan to support school readiness goals for our preschool students? We also present this Focus on Learning (FoL) Plan to our MVSD Board of Education. This year we presented our FoL Plan on Thursday, October 26, 2023, and our presenting team was composed of: Kimberly Acosta - Policy Committee Chair and Parent at Cogswell Head Start full-day program and Baker Early Head Start home-based programs, Alicia Ortega - Family Service Worker, Noemi Ochoa - Preschool Teacher at Cogswell, and Glenda Giron - Principal of Preschool Programs.
This year, we have aligned our preschool goals with our Superintendent's Learning Priorities. For your reference, here are our learning goals for this year:
1. All Preschool students will demonstrate increasing awareness of letters in the environment and their relationship to sound, by June 2024.
2. All Preschool students will demonstrate a developing understanding of numbers and quantity, by June 2024.
3. All Preschool English Language Learners will demonstrate progress toward understanding and speaking English, by June 2024.
4. Preschool Student Attendance will increase by removing student and family barriers to learning, by June 2024.
Principal's Sunday Parent Message
In our efforts to keep our preschool parents and families informed, this year you have been receiving a Sunday message from Ms. Giron both in voice and email form and translated in your home language. If you are not receiving this Sunday message, please contact our Preschool Programs main office at (626) 652-4250. We would also love to get your ideas and input on how to improve this and any other types of communication with you. Please consider joining Ms. Giron at the upcoming Coffee with the Principal series to provide your valuable input and ideas!
Coffee with the Principal Series
This year we bring to preschool programs the Coffee with the Principal Series. These are in-person opportunities for parents and families to informally meet with Ms. Giron to discuss all the things that matter to you about your preschool students, our programs, and our services. The series will be held three times this year at two different times of the day to accommodate parent schedules. Save the date for the first Coffee with the Principal on Wednesday November 15th at 9:00 - 9:45 a.m. and at 4:30 - 5:15 p.m. at the Children's Center.
Poll - We need your input!
This poll will be available from Nov 1st - Nov 30th. Please provide your input so more of you can join our Coffee with the Principal Series.
Choose your preferred Coffee with the Principal time?
Choose your preferred Coffee with the Principal day?
Connect with us!
In addition to connecting with us in person or by phone, we encourage you to connect with our programs via Facebook page, our website, and our Schoology Page. From now and on, Ms. Giron will be posting timely short reminders via Schoology to parents.If you do not receive Schoology messages starting in November, please contact our Preschool Programs main office at (626) 652-4250.
Preschool Programs Facebook Page
Schoology Page
Calendar of Events
- November 10 - Veteran's Day Holiday - Schools and District Offices closed
- November 15 - Virtual Mental Health Workshop, 6 pm - Assertive 2 Way Communication
- November 17 - CPAC Meeting, 9 am to 11 am
- November 17 - End of First Trimester
- November 20 - Thanksgiving Break - Schools Closed (except for Children's Center, Early Head Start Center-based and School Age Programs)
- November 21 - Thanksgiving Break - Schools Closed
- November 22 to November 24 - Thanksgiving Holidays - Schools and District Offices closed
- December 9 - Menudo Breakfast, 8 am to 11 am, Twin Lakes School (tickets on sale now)
- December 15 - Virtual Mental Health Workshop, 6 pm - Setting Limits and Boundaries with Children
- December 18 to January 5 - Winter Break
- December Break Please see our child's teacher if your are in the Children's Center, Early Head Start Center-based and School Age Programs.
- January 8 - Students Return from Winter Break
- January 15 - Martin Luther King Holiday - Schools and District Offices closed
- January 17 - Virtual Mental Health Workshop, 6 pm - Suicide Prevention: Understanding, Supporting, Coping & Healing
- January 26 - CPAC Meeting - 9 am to 11 am
- February 12 - Lincoln's Birthday Holiday - Schools and District Offices closed
- February 19 - Washington's Birthday
- February 21 - Virtual Mental Health Workshop, 6 pm, Bullying
News from the District Office
Free COVID & Flu Vaccine Clinics
Herald Christian Health Center is hosting free COVID & Flu Vaccine Clinics during the month of November in the District. The first clinic is on Tuesday, November 14 from 4 to 7 p.m. at Baker School, 12043 Exline Street in El Monte and the second clinic is on November 16 from 4 to 7 p.m. at Parkview School, 12044 Elliott Street in El Monte. Free COVID vaccines are available to uninsured or underinsured adults ages 19 and older and uninsured/underinsured, Medi-Cal or Medi-Cal eligible children ages 6 months to 18 years of age. No appointment necessary.
Traditional Short-Term Independent Study - Less than 15 days
Traditional Short-Term Independent Study is offered to students who may face challenges attending school due to mental health or other health issues or who will be on vacation for less than 15 days.
Parents requesting short-term Independent study of less than 15 days (vacation):
1. Request Independent Study 5 days before the student is absent.
2. Complete the Independent Study form and submit it to the school office.
3. Classroom teacher(s) prepare Independent Study work to be completed.
4. Upon return, students are to submit their work to the school site.
For all other Short-term requests, a parent meeting is held with the Director of Pupil Personnel Services to discuss the need for Independent Study. At this meeting, the terms and conditions of the agreement as well as the start and end date of the Independent Study will be established.
ELPAC Testing to Begin in February
The English Language Proficiency Assessments for California (ELPAC) is California’s assessment system used to determine the English language proficiency of students whose primary language is not English. Every year between February and May, the Summative ELPAC is given to students identified as English learners (ELs). The Summative ELPAC measures EL proficiency in reading, writing, listening, and speaking levels in grades TK-8. Student scores are reported as Beginning to develop (1), Somewhat developed (2), Moderately developed (3), and Well-developed (4). The results help our school plan instruction, monitor academic and language progress, and determine if a student is ready to be reclassified as proficient in English.
For more family resources for the ELPAC, please visit:
MVSD’s Annual Menudo Breakfast
Our annual Menudo Breakfast will be held on Saturday, December 9 from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. at Twin Lakes School. The Menudo Breakfast is a beloved community celebration including delicious, home-made menudo, entertainment, music and raffle prizes including bicycles. Tickets are $5 each (per bowl) and are on sale now at all schools and the Family Center. For more information please call 626-652-4971.
Mental Health Resources
MVSD continues to foster a culture that promotes the health, safety, and well-being of students, staff, and parents, with optional free resources available to families in our District.
As a reminder, 24/7 mental health service is available through our partner Care Solace.
MVSD staff and families may access Care Solace services by calling (888) 515-0595 or emailing to speak with someone from the Care Concierge team or visit the link Care Solace is available at no cost. All information shared with Care Solace or entered on their website is completely confidential and securely stored. They do not share specific user information to any third parties or even the district itself.
Additionally, this school year, the District has launched a new virtual mental health service for students with Hazel Health. Students can see a licensed Hazel Health therapist from home or from school for virtual therapy. Hazel Health’s therapists can help your child or teen with depression, anxiety, change, stress, and everything else. Connect your child to mental health support today.
You can find more information about Hazel Health in Mountain View School District at
Facilities Improvement Update
MVSD construction projects continue with the completion of the underground utility projects at the Cogswell and Voorhis properties. The installation of new digital marquees at each site has begun, as well as the installation of the portable restroom at Twin Lakes School. While a variety of enhancements were completed this summer improving the educational environment for students and staff, we are excited to be moving toward the site modernization phase of the Bond program which will focus on the environment within classrooms, offices, cafeterias, and multipurpose areas. These improvements will be scheduled throughout the school year. Additionally, construction of the solar shade structures will begin this school year.
It's been a very productive first trimester and we thank you for your continued support as we partner together to follow our District’s mission of inspiring each student to succeed every day. As the holiday season quickly approaches, we wish all of our MVSD families peace, hope, joy, good health, and great times with family and friends.
Veronica Sifuentes - President
Christian Diaz - Vice President
Jacqueline Saldaña - Clerk
Adam Carranza - Member
Cindy Wu - Member
Raymond Andry, Ed.D. - Superintendent
Darin De Knikker - Associate Superintendent of Business Services and Strategic Planning
Jefferey Lagozzino, Ph.D. - Assistant Superintendent of Educational Services
Roberto López-Mena - Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources