News from Navin
September 2024
📄 Notes from Ms. Van
Fall is officially here, and with that comes some changes on the school front. Weather begins to cool down, and you may need to remind your child to wear a jacket to school (or more likely to remember to bring it home). Routines are a bit more settled compared to the frenzy that the start of the year brings. Fall also brings us our first parent teacher conferences of the school year. These are important times for the people that know and love your child the most to get together and share their progress and goals for the year. These conversations are critical to our work as a team supporting your child. If you don't yet have a conference scheduled, please reach out to your child's teacher. As always, thank you for your partnership in education. We truly couldn't do what we do without your collaboration with us!
A huge thank you to everyone who participated and volunteered to make Navin's 3rd annual Color Run a smashing success! Thanks to your efforts, our PTO raised over $15,000 that will go a long way in supporting fun and free opportunities for students as well as support our staff this year. It was great to see families having fun together, and completely worth kissing a goat or two in order to see the joy and excitement on our students' faces.
I also want to share our most recent state report card for Navin. Overall, we earned a 3.5 star rating (out of 5 possible stars) which indicates that we are overall meeting state standards. While there are certainly areas to celebrate, like our achievement at 4 stars, we also received ratings in some components that showed we need to make improvements. The report card is one important indicator of our progress and achievement, and we use it as a resource to guide our building goals for this upcoming school year and beyond. Click here to see Navin's 2023-2024 report card.
Keep reading for important reminders, upcoming dates, and to learn more about the great things happening at Navin.
Your partner in education,
- Ms. Van Schoyck (but you're welcome to call me Ms. Van!)
⏰ Attendance Line
👮 A message from School Resource Officer Rowe
As always, before or after school, be vigilant.
If you see something, say something.
Call Marysville Police at 937-645-7300.
📝 Navin Navigates New Learning in Literacy
We have a lot of new learning happening at Navin, and it's not just with our students. Staff members have undertaken a huge learning task as we adopt new literacy curriculum aligned with the Science of Reading. Our Kindergarten - Second Grade learners have been introduced to the UFLI curriculum, which is a systematic approach to teaching foundational reading skills like phoneme blending and segmenting. We've also boosted our phonemic awareness instruction through the use of Heggerty in Kindergarten and First Grade. Finally, all Kindergarten - Fourth Grade learners are working through a new comprehensive English Language Arts curriculum called Into Reading from HMH.
As you can see, there's a lot of new and exciting work happening with literacy at Navin. These programs are robust and really hone in on mastery of essential skills. As with anything new, there is a period of adjustment and we're still learning how to make the programs fit the needs of our students. I'm so proud of our staff for their collaboration and intention in learning these new instructional materials. We dedicated our most recent workday on September 20th to meeting with representatives from HMH, working with our instructional coaches, and planning out assessments and instruction together. We know these workdays aren't always easy for families to facilitate, but we appreciated the time to learn together to grow ourselves professionally and support students!
🚗 Student Drop-off/Pick-up/Walker Procedures
For those new to Navin or wanting to know more, here's a complete listing of our arrival and dismissal procedures.
🏫 November 8th Ballot Information
🎨 Artist Spotlight: The Power of Yet!
4th Grade artists started the year thinking about their Yet. What's a "Yet" you may ask? A Yet is an encourager, supporter, and a mindset that tells you to keep going, even when things are challenging. As part of our focus on Growth Mindset, we work to help students develop resilience and see learning as a process towards mastery. When something isn't mastered, we want students (and adults, too) to have the mindset of "it's not mastered, yet." That one simple word opens a world of possibilities and helps us remember that learning is a process of growing our brains and that even failure is part of that learning process.
Check out these awesome Yets that our 4th grade designed using mixed media, and a whole lot of creativity in Mrs. Ingraham's art class!
🎤 Music Moments
Students are always moving and grooving in Mrs. Helmuth's music room. From exploration of dance to learning rhythms and how our voices work together, music class is a fan favorite at Navin. Check out Mrs. Hahn's first grade musicians singing and dancing to a familiar tune below.
🥪Marysville Food Service
Reminder: Complete Your Free and Reduced Application by September 30th.
Families are encouraged to submit their Free and Reduced Application each year before
September 30th. After this date, if no application is on file, students will be charged full price for
Don’t miss out on this important opportunity - apply today.
Here is the link to the application.
Here is the link to a Spanish version of the application.
Meal Prices
Elementary $2.00 Reduced $.30*
Intermediate, Middle, High $2.00 Reduced $.00*
Elementary: $3.25 Reduced $.40*
Intermediate, Middle, High: $3.50 Reduced $.00*
Milk $.75
*For the 2024/2025 school year the state of Ohio will be paying the reduced-price meals.
Students who qualify for reduced meals will not be charged for a reimbursable breakfast
as a reimbursable lunch.
Meal Charges
Marysville Schools will allow students to charge up to $11.75 Elem and $12.50 Inter/Middle
and High. Parents will be notified when their student’s meal balances are negative. After the
student has reached their charge limit, the student will be offered an alternative meal. No ala
carte/ snack items may be charged, only meals. Pre-payment for meals is strongly
Make Payments online by using EZPay
Directions to set up an account or make changes to your existing account can be found on the
district website. Please see the link below.
📚 Scholastic Book Fair September 25 - October 4
The Scholastic Book Fair opens up this Wednesday, September 25th and runs through Thursday, October 3rd. Purchases made through the book fair benefit our school, oftentimes putting books in classrooms and students' hands. The book fair will be open during parent teacher conferences, making it a great place to shop for items to support reading at home or celebrate the great news you hear at conferences! We are in need of volunteers for the bookfair. If you're interested in volunteering, please sign up. You can add money to your student's digital wallet here.
Thank you our PTO and Mrs. Fraker for organizing the book fair and setting it up in the Navin library!
📏 Math Matters
Mrs. Shearer knows the importance of lining up math equations in order for students to successfully subtract.
Mrs. Malany takes time to help her students understand place value with expanded form addition.
🤝 Navin PTO! (Parent Teacher Organization)
A huge thank you to our PTO for organizing this year's Color Run. Through your fundraising and generous support, we raised $15,213. This money will go towards programming throughout the year for both students and staff, and ensure that cost is not a barrier to these opportunities for fun and learning.
We have several exciting events coming up, including:
- October 19th 12:00-3:00pm: Digging Up the Past (Archaeology and Paleontology day with local experts in the field, crafts, and free activities for the whole family!)
- October 22nd-31st: PTO Coin Battle to benefit Blessings in a Backpack
Our fantastic Naving PTO is crucial to our success in supporting and growing students. Please join us for our next PTO Meeting of the year, October 8th @5:30pm in the Navin Library! Until then, follow us on Facebook!
Officers for the 2024-2025 school year:
President: Kat Patrick
Vice-President: Chelsea Bruening
Secretary: Elsa Lopez
Treasurer: LaQuita Chambers
Event Coordinator: Mikayla Belli
📆 Upcoming Events
9/25 - 10/4: Scholastic Book Fair
9/26, 10/3, & 10/4(am only): Parent/Teacher Conferences
10/4: No School for Students (Professional Development Day)
10/8: PTO Meeting in the Navin Library (5:30pm)
10/19: PTO's Digging up the Past Event
10/21: Let's Talk Levy Information Session at Central Office (5:00pm)
10/22 - 10/31: Coin battle to benefit Blessings in a Backpack
10/29: Fall Picture Retakes
11/1: Fall Parties
11/4: The Great Navin Pumpkin Drop
Contact Info
Navin Elementary
Principal: Katie Van SchoyckEmail: katie.vanschoyck@mevsd.us
Website: https://navin.marysville.k12.oh.us/
Location: 16265 County Home Rd. Marysville, OH 43040
Phone: (937) 578-7000
Facebook: Navin Elementary
Twitter: @NavinElementary