School Newsletter Term 3, Week 10
Friday 27th September 2024
Kia ora koutou,
As we reach the end of another vibrant and busy term, I would like to extend my heartfelt congratulations to all our tamariki who have participated in various events over the last few weeks. A special mention goes out to the participants and place-getters in our recent Dance Festival. The energy and creativity displayed by each performer was nothing short of inspiring, and I know the whole community takes great pride in their efforts.
Our school also hosted the ‘The Best Me’ talent show today, which gave students an opportunity to showcase their unique skills and talents. Whether it was singing, dancing, playing an instrument, or demonstrating other talents, the courage and dedication of each participant was remarkable. We are so proud of everyone who took the stage and gave it their all. It was a reminder of the incredible diversity of abilities and interests our students have.
Additionally, we want to acknowledge and celebrate the hard work and perseverance of our athletes who competed in the Ricoh Sports Tournament. Despite some challenges along the way, their commitment to representing our school with pride shone through, and their sportsmanship was outstanding.
As we wrap up the term, it is important to take a moment to express our gratitude. A huge thank you goes out to our Board of Trustees, PTA, and staff for their tireless support throughout the term. Their dedication ensures that our school continues to thrive, providing the best possible environment for our children to learn and grow. To our whanau, your ongoing involvement and encouragement are invaluable, and we appreciate all that you do.
Looking ahead to next term, I want to remind everyone that October 29th will be a Ministry of Education-directed teacher-only day. This day will be dedicated to researching and preparing for the rollout of the new curriculum, which will begin in 2025. Our teaching staff will be focusing on how we can best deliver this exciting new curriculum to enhance our students' learning experiences. Your support in allowing us this time to refine our approach is greatly appreciated, as it ensures we remain at the forefront of educational development.
Finally, I wish you all a safe and restful break. Term 4 will bring its own set of exciting challenges and opportunities, and we look forward to seeing everyone refreshed and ready for the final stretch of the year.
Ngā mihi nui,
Upcoming Events
- END OF TERM 3 - Friday 27th September
- First day of Term 4 - Monday 14th October
- Swimming - Room - Monday 14th October
- Swimming - Room - Tuesday 15th October
- Swimming - Room - Wednesday 16th October
- EPIC Music - Wednesday 16th October
- Swimming - Room - Thursday 17th October
- School Working Bee - Friday 18th October
West End School Parent/Caregiver Information
It is very important that we have your correct contact information in case of an emergency.
- Have you changed your address?
- Have you changed your phone number?
Please let us know at the school office either by dropping in to see us or emailing office@westend.school.nz
Enrolments/Leavers for 2025
Please contact the School Office if you know that your child may not be returning next year.
Please contact the School Office if you have a New Entrant that will be starting on 2025.
If you are living out of our school Zone you will need to apply through the Ballot which will be advertised (if there are places available). These will be found on our school Web Site and on our Face Book page.
If you have any questions, please come in and see Amanada or Sue at the Office.
Room 14
Ruma 14 have been using their whakamana by taking risks in their writing. They have also been showing Mana Ao Turoa with their creative descriptions of Fuzzy Wuzzy the bear. They had to describe him using colour, size, shapes, numbers, position, texture and what he was doing. We have also been looking at using similes and using more interesting words like miniscule and humongous!
Room 7
Te Wao Nui o Tāne
Senior Camp Information
Week 1, Term 4 , 31st October, Parent help evening. All camp information to be given regarding expectations.
West End School Dance Festival
We had an amazing turn out on Tuesday for our West End School Dance Festival. Our school hall has never been so full as we witnessed 8 amazing dances from across the school. Room 15 came 3rd, Room 3 came 2nd and Room 4 came 1st in our competition, but all classes who were involved (including the classes who danced the week before) were fantastic. Well done to our Student Council for their great organisation and presentation of our festival.
The Best Me Talent Show
This was held today and was a fantastic way to end the term! Stay tuned for our next newsletter to see a glimpse of some of our acts. Well done to all of those involved for showing great whakamana and sharing your passion and skills!
Sports at West End
Indoor Futsal Term 4:
Unfortunately we do not have enough numbers to make teams in both Year 3 -4 and
Year 5 -6 grades. Therefore families will be refunded that registration. We thank you for your understanding.
Summer Football - Registration still available on KINDO.
6 a-side summer competition held at CET Arena, Palmerston North. Celebrating the beautiful game of football.All junior matches will be 12 minutes each way with a 2 minute halftime break. The junior season begins on Wednesday 16th October and runs through to Wednesday 11th December for a finals night with treats for each team.
Current Team Lists, we have space in all teams.
Touch: Games start 18th October and run through to the 6th of December. Played at Monrad Park Friday afternoons. We still have space in our Year 5-6 team register on KINDO.
Ricoh Sports: Over 50 T.W.N.O.T went to the Manawatu Sports Ricoh Tournament on Thursday. This tournament has some of Manawatu’s top schools participating in the sporting codes of Hockey, Football, Rugby 7s, Netball and Basketball. We thank our whanau who came to support their children participating. We merely missed the final in the Netball placing 4th by 2 shots, 8th in Football, 5th in Rugby 7s, 5th in Hockey and 6th in Basketball. We look forward to attending this prestigious event again in 2025.
Summer Hockey: We still have spaces in all teams for Summer Hockey available on KINDO. Years 1-4 play Tuesday evenings and Wednesdays Year 5-6. Season starts 22nd October through to the 30th November.
School Working Bee - Let's Tidy Up Together
Week 1, Term 4 – Friday, 18th October 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm
Kia ora Whānau,
As we welcome Term 4, we’re calling on our wonderful school community to lend a hand and help us spruce up our school grounds! Our tamariki thrive in a clean, inviting environment, and we’d love your support to make sure our outdoor spaces are looking their best.
Join us for a fun and productive Working Bee on Friday, 18th October, from 3:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Whether you’re an expert gardener, love to lend a hand, or can simply bring some positive energy, there’s a role for everyone!
Tasks for the day include:
Weeding and planting
Cleaning and tidying play areas
Pruning trees and bushes
Rubbish removal
This is a fantastic opportunity to come together, catch up, and make a visible difference for our kids. Even an hour or two of your time will make a huge impact – and we’d be incredibly grateful for your help.
What to bring:
Gardening gloves
Spades, rakes, or any tools you think might be useful
A smile and a can-do attitude!
Let’s get our school looking fabulous for our tamariki to enjoy. We can’t wait to see you there!
Thank you to the parents who have already filled in the form and returned it to the school office. If you haven’t yet and would prefer to let me know by email, please email me at a.zambazos@westend.school.nz to let me know you are keen to come along and help out.
Ngā mihi nui,
Amanda Zambazos on behalf of the Enviro Team
Swimming will start in Term 4
Swimming will start up at Hilton Brown at the start of next term. We will send out a timetable in next week's newsletter. This is a great opportunity for your child to have FREE swimming lessons with trained instructors once a week! We are very fortunate to be able to offer this - so it would be great to have all of our tamariki swimming next term!
Sunhats are compulsory in Term 4
A reminder that in Term 4, wide brimmed sun hats are compulsory. Please have these at school for the first day back of next term so your child can enjoy playing outside in the sun. If you could also have some sunscreen in their bag, it would be greatly appreciated.
Term Dates 2024
Term 1: Monday 29 Jan - Friday 12 April
Term 2: Monday 29 April - Friday 5 July
Term 3: Monday 22 July - Friday 27 Sept
Term 4: Monday 14 Oct - Friday 13 Dec
Term Dates 2025
Term 1: Wednesday 29 January – Friday 11 April
Term 2: Monday 28 April – Friday 27 June
Term 3: Monday 14 July – Friday 19 September
Term 4: Monday 6 October – Friday 12 December
Community Notices
If your child is absent from school.
It is really important under the current circumstances you notify the school if your child is absent.
Please remember to advise the office by 8.30am if your child is not attending school.
You can telephone 358-2465 and leave a message or txt 021 118 0156.
In both cases please give a reason for absence.
Thank you.
Kindo Online Shop
It is very important that families register with Kindo, as this is now the only way to register your child for school sports, and ordering PTA lunches.
Below are the links to register.
If you require help please call the Kindo helpdesk on
0508 454 636
New users need this link
Existing users need this link
Location: West End School, 196 College Street, Palmerston North
Phone: 06 358 2465