PJP News Updates
Principal's Updates
Hello everyone,
It is a busy time of year for everyone but we wanted to share a few school updates with everyone.
Parent teacher Meeting
Thanks to everyone who attended the recent parent teacher meetings we know they can be long days and appreciate everyone's patience in allowing people the time to meet and discuss our students, your wonderful children. We have two classes that we will schedule meetings for in the new year as due to teacher changes it would have been too soon to have the meetings.
Christmas Cracker
Our second and third classes are busy working on their class songs for the PJP Christmas Cracker event. As usual it promises to be a great night. We look forward to the children preforming along with our choir and a few surprises along the way. We are hoping to buy some musical instruments including a class set of Ukuleles from the proceeds of the night so please drop in any raffle prizes you might have at home!
St Vincent de Paul Christmas Appeal
A big thank you to the boys and girls in Ms. Farrelly's sixth class who along with their teacher are taking on organising this years SVP Christmas Appeal, under the watchful eye of Ms. Brahshaw who helps to coordinate this every year. Every class in the school will be given a family or person in need of a little help at this time of the year. Every student will be asked to bring in an item that will make a lovely hamper with food for the press, some practical items and a few Christmas treats! Staff members alongside SVP volunteers will deliver these items on Thursday the 19th December. Our 26 classes along with additional staff hampers will help to make a big difference to families in need.
Should you find yourself in difficult circumstances this year at Christmas, or at any stage throughout the year please feel free to contact me directly on principal@pjp.ie or by phoning through the office and asking to speak to me.
Feet First Friday
I look forward to seeing the boys and girls tomorrow on feet first Friday counting down to the Toyshow. Children are encouraged to walk, scoot or cycle to school.
This is a Parents Association fundraiser and the PA ask participating children to bring in €1 for a non-uniform day, which will contribute towards the transformation of the school yard.
Children can wear their pyjamas or their own clothes to school tomorrow!
A Trip to the Library
It all started when the vice principal, Ms Byrne, came into our class on a regular Monday two weeks ago. She told us that a few people in our class had won the art competition. She said Aoibhín won the class prize and Ethan and Robyn W got an honorable mention. Anna, Robbie, Jasmine, Caiman, Sophia, Corrisa, Dylan and Summer were all in the Excellent category. The winning posters were on display in Malahide library. Our teacher, Ms McDaid, organized a trip to the library with Ms Farrelly’s class on the 13th of November 2024.
When the day came, we started to walk down with Ms Farrelly’s class. 20-25 minutes later we arrived at the library. As soon as we got in the door, we were met with loads of colourful pictures. We were stunned at the amazing work. After 15 minutes we went into the book section, and we got to read in the library. It was fun to read for a while. After a bit we went to The Yellow Door for a nice warm hot chocolate. Then we came back to school. We were all very happy. Overall it was a great day.
By Oscar Walsh and Conor Skelton
Using Science to Put out a Flame
The school was a hive of scientific activity last week as students conducted fantastic experiments in every classroom, and Ms. Farrelly's class was no exception! Louis Miller captivated everyone with an exciting experiment showing how to extinguish a flame using carbon dioxide. He even created a clear, step-by-step procedure so you can try it at home and join in the fun!
Invisible Extinguisher
by Louis Miller
What you will need:
§ A glass
§ Vinegar
§ A spoon
§ Bicarbonate of soda
§ A candle
§ A lighter
What to do
1. Pour 25ml of vinegar into a glass
2. Then add a big teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda to the vinegar
3. Next, give it a big stir.
4. If you did it right, you should see a chemical reaction happen making bubbles. These bubbles are filled with carbon dioxide.
5. Put your hand over the glass, bring the candle beside the glass, then take your hand off the glass.
6. Now pour the carbon dioxide on the candle. Try not to get the liquid on the candle and it should extinguish the candle.
What is happening
When vinegar and bicarbonate of soda are mixed together, the reaction makes carbon dioxide and water. Carbon dioxide is much denser or heavier than air and so it will collect in the glass. When you tip your glass, you are pouring carbon dioxide on the candle, cutting off the supply of oxygen causing it to go out.
Writing Spotlight
The talented students of 5th class have been exploring the enchanting world of poetry. Below are two outstanding examples of their creative work.
by Remy Lynch, 5th class
Bazzozas are predators
feared by all.
They can locate any creature
Large or small.
Here are just some of their defining features
Two glowing red eyes
that hunt their prize.
A big bushy tail
That keeps them on the trail.
Prowling, lurking, swimming
watching, chasing, running, leaping.
In the rainforest with your friends
It might be time to meet your ends!
The Toe-Nibbler
by Seán Wallace, 5th class
Once there lived a toe-nibbler
it took away kiddies toes
it nibbled and nibbled
and nibbled and nibbled
and when done gave
the kiddies some woes.
But it nibbled too much
and then its teeth did bend
and then it had to say “The End”.
But he lived on in the corners
plotting and planning revenge,
then he realized it isn’t the end.
He went to a dentist called Mr Fentist
Who fixed his terrible gnashers
So he nibbled some rashers and
rashers and rashers and the pigs
did meet their end,
but his teeth did break
and he got toothache
and then it was truly
“The End”.
PJP Teachers scoop Dublin GAA Award
Congratulations to Ms. McKenna and Mr. Murphy who were awarded Dublin Primary Hurling Coaches of the year for all their work with last years victorious PJP Cumann na mBunscoil Camogie team. There were presented with their awards at a Gala Ball in the Bonnington Hotel on Friday night last week.
Agallamh as Gaeilge
Agallamh as Gaeilge
I Rang 5, Seomra 10, chuireamar ceisteanna ar Lily-Anne. Tá Lily-Anne ina ball den Chóiste Gaeilge inár scoil.
Cad a rinne tú an deireadh seachtaine seo caite?
Chuaigh mé go dtí an Pavilions ach níor cheannaigh mé aon rud. Chuaigh mé go dtí cóisir breithlá Emma. Thaitin sé go mór liom.
Cén bia is fearr leat?
Is fearr liom piotsa.
Cén dath is fearr leat?
Is fearr liom bán-dearg.
Cár mhaith leat dul ar do laethanta saoire?
Ba mhaith liom dul go dtí an Spáinn ar mo laethanta saoire.
An bhfuil a lán cairde agat ar scoil? Cad is ainm dóibh?
Tá a lán cairde agam. Sarah, Emma, Tilly, Remy, Annabeth, Grace, Katie-May, Annabelle, Toma, Lillie agus Riessa is ainm dóibh.
Cén t-ábhar scoile is fearr leat?
Is fearr liom corpoideachas!
An bhfuil peata agat?
Níl peata agam.
Cén t-amhránaí is fearr leat?
Is fearr liom Taylor Swift.
Cé acu is fearr leat:
seacláid nó criospaí? seacláid
Cáca nó uachtar reoite? Uachtar reoite.
Píotsa nó pasta? Píotsa
Snámh nó rothaíocht? Snámh.
Léamh nó tarraingt? Tarraingt.
Cat nó madra? Madra
Ag imirt taobh amuigh nó taobh istigh? Taobh istigh.
An Nollaig nó Oíche Shamhna? An Nollaig .
Go raibh míle maith agat, Lily-Anne!
Matilda to feature in World Championships
Matilda from Mr. Murphy's class dances for the Mary grimes school of Irish dance. She competed at the Leinster championships on the 24th November and came 6th in her preliminary championship out of a huge number of dancers. She’ll now go on to dance at the world championships in April.
Different but All the Same
Our past pupil, Lucy Williams, returned to PJP last week for her Transition Year work experience. As part of her work experience and her Gaisce Award, Lucy led a rock-painting project with several classes under the title "Different but All the Same." She shared her experience working with Fingal County Council to make Seabury Playground more inclusive and emphasised the importance of recognising and celebrating our differences. We look forward to displaying the painted rocks in the school so that all the children can benefit from their empowering messages.