Spring Street School
May 3rd, 2024
Important Dates
May 3rd ~ Library Visit ( Dion ) at 10:00 ( Jennings ) at 1:00
May 6th ~ Library Visit ( Gauthier ) at 1:00
May 8th ~ Half Day - Dismissal at 11:30
May 9th ~ Lifetouch Spring Pictures ( class and individual )
May 10th ~ Lifetouch Spring Pictures ( class and individual )
May 13th ~ School Committee Meeting at 6:00 in the MSHS Learning Commons
May 15th ~ School Improvement Council Meeting at 3:00
May 17th ~ Toe Jam Puppet Band Presentation for Kindergarten ( PTO Sponsored )
May 21st & May 23rd ~ PreK Screenings
May 22nd ~ Kindergarten Visit to RLM
May 24th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st ~ Kindergarten Screenings
May 27th ~ No School - Memorial Day
June 3rd ~ School Committee Meeting at 6:00 in the MSHS Learning Commons
June 5th ~ Half Day - Dismissal at 11:30
June 11th ~ Last Day of School
Town Meeting
The annual West Bridgewater Town Meeting will be Monday, May 6th starting at 6 pm in the MSHS auditorium. There will be student volunteers and surround care staff for child care in the Learning Commons. The Learning Commons are upstairs from the cafeteria. The volunteers will be there from the start of the meeting until 9 pm.
Picture day schedule
Please Note
Mrs. Ellis is on lunch break from 1:00-1:30. Please ring the bell at the central office doors during these times. Thank you!
Thank you to the volunteers of ' Reading is Fundamental' for the books
Spots are still available in our 5 day program!
Preschool Information for the 2024-2025 School year is now available. Please click the link below for more information:
Kindergarten enjoyed their field trip to Wards Berry Farm
Thank you to the PTO for sponsoring the Farm Animal Presentation
Message from Nurse Mando
Spring is in full bloom! Let’s take a breath of fresh air and enjoy some time outdoors with our kids again. Spring also means tick season in MA, and the best way to prevent tick-borne diseases is through prevention of tick bites. Always check for ticks after outdoor activities to keep everyone safe and healthy!
More specific information can be found on the following websites:
Reminder to everyone to come to MSHS track this Saturday, May 4th 4-7pm for our Pledge Walk for Childhood Cancer! All funds will be donated to the Jimmy Fund in loving memory of Jase Russell. There will be food trucks, music, outdoor games, and raffles happening at this free family event! Mr. Vinny The Bubble Guy will also be there at 5pm!
Save the Date!
The SECOND ANNUAL PLEDGE WALK FOR CHILDHOOD CANCER will take place on Saturday, May 4th from 4-7pm. Hosted by the MSHS student-run Committee for Childhood Cancer Awareness, this event raised over $18,000 last year for the Jimmy Fund Clinic at Dana Farber Cancer Institute and their goal this year is to top $25,000! It will be a fun day with food trucks, music, games, a chance to dunk Mrs. Page and to just be with the community to help an important cause. Please contact the MSHS with any questions. We hope to see you there!
Please fill out this form to register for the walk: https://forms.gle/h16onUbUbuqyNKnF8
Fun activities in Preschool
WB SEPAC is a group of West Bridgewater families whose children have IEPs and 504s. We offer webinars and events to support families with special needs. If you'd like to learn more, please email us at InclusionMattersMA@gmail.com to join our private email list.
See our upcoming events on our Facebook page at @InclusionMattersMA and our website at www.InclusionMattersMA.com
Wildcat Cafe
May 3rd is the annual School Lunch Hero Day! When we say school nutrition professionals are heroes, we mean it! Please help us recognize the difference Ms. January and Ms. Becky make for every child who comes through the cafeteria.
Free Breakfast for all Students- Please see the attached menu below. Breakfast (or snack as it is often referred) is served mid-morning as is available free to all students.
Monthly Menus - Click on WB Food Services to find May's lunch menus. While we wait for locally grown products to grow the cafe is serving strawberries and watermelon from Florida.
Cafeteria Taste Testing- We are bringing back taste testing! Students love tasting a bite of a new dish before choosing it for lunch.
We are growing potatoes! Our Council on Aging Volunteer and garden expert, Mr. Douglas DeCosta, has started some potato plants and we've moved them outside! He's been spending time on Tuesday at Spring interacting with the students at lunch.
Food Assistance- Project Bread Food Source Hotline , West Bridgewater Food Pantry.
Position available- Great at social media and interested in food photography? There is a stipend available for an individual to promote our School Nutrition program on social media. Hours are very flexible and variable but the applicant will need to be available during the day.
Questions, concerns, suggestions? Contact Ann Marie Grinder, Food Service Director at agrinder@wbridgewater.com or (508)894-1220.
We are pleased to announce that we have a new online portal for building and athletic space use requests. For more information, visit https://www.wbridgewaterschools.org/page/building-use-requests
PTO Information
Please see flyers below for some exciting events!
Stay connected on facebook @WBridgewaterPTO
Surround Care Infomation
The 7th annual River Walk will take place on Sunday, June 2nd from 10 AM to 2 PM (rain date
Sunday the 9th). It is an opportunity to get out and celebrate some of WB’s great outdoor spaces, rich history and farming heritage. Each year, River Walk features a variety of music, activities, and great food & beverage options along car-free, pedestrian-friendly River Street. This year, we are especially excited to announce an expanded Crafter’s Row, WB Food Pantry Raffle and Silent Auction. So walk, bike, train or paddle your way along the street, but don’t miss out!
Contact Information
Email: kgoulet@wbridgewater.com
Website: https://www.wbridgewaterschools.org/o/spring-street
Location: 2 Spring St, West Bridgewater, MA, USA
Phone: 508-894-1233
Facebook: facebook.com/SpringStreetSchool
Twitter: @SpringStreet_WB