Weekly Family Communication
The mission of Holy Rosary School is to help each child discover and fully develop their God-given talents. As a Catholic School community, we strive for excellence in our students’ spiritual, academic, physical, mental, aesthetic, and social-emotional growth. It is our intention that those who attend this institution mature into active citizens leading a committed faith life and reaching out to help others locally, nationally, and internationally with their wisdom, time, talent, and financial resources.
Principal's Message
Dear Holy Rosary Families,
Parents Club hosted a wonderful celebratory ice cream social last night in honor of our favorite Pastor Father Oakland. It was a fun spring evening!
These spring days are ticking by quickly with lots of events happening here at school. Tomorrow is the big school talent show. We also have the return of the Glow Bowl tomorrow night and spots are still available to sign up! We look forward to field day next Friday!
Keep a close eye on each eFC for many important details.
In Christ,
Dress Code Reminders
With spring here and warmer weather, we've had many students using up free dress passes (and kids who have grown throughout the year!). Please make sure that all clothes are school appropriate. Shorts, skirts, skorts should extend beyond the fingertips when arms are extended and all shirts should cover the midriff at all times.
Faith At Home
Feast of the Mexican Martyrs– May 21, 2024
In 1917, the Mexican constitution gave control of Catholic churches to the state and out-lawed religious schools, religious orders, and foreign-born priests. Between 1926-1929, the Catholics of Mexico revolted against the government in what is known as the Cristero War. The war was halted due to diplomatic pressure from the US. It took until 1992 for the anticlerical provisions to be removed from the Mexican constitution. The feast of the Mexican Martyrs remembers the 25 saints who arose from the Cristero War, many priests, who were executed for continuing to minister to the faithful in violation of the new constitution.
Ways to celebrate:
· Celebrate Mexican culture by eating Mexican food.
· Buy a pinata as part of the celebration – pinatas have a Catholic backstory. Traditionally with 7 points to represent the 7 deadly sins. A person whacks at the 7 deadly sins with a stick and blindfold to represent blind faith. And when they triumph over sin, they get a sweet reward of heaven – candy!
Upcoming Dates
- May 17th - Talent Show
- May 17th - Glow Bowl
- May 24th - Field Day
- May 24th - Noon Dismissal
- May 27th - No School, Memorial Day
- May 31st - 8th Grade Pizza
2024-2025 Update
We have made an adjustment to the 2024-2025 School Calendar. Our Half Day in March has been changed to Friday the 21st. The calendar is available on the school website.
Notes & Reminders
Library News
Congratulations to the 5th grade Battle of the Books Team for taking 4th place at the final competitions last Friday. The team members are: Liesel, Mila, Julianna and Parker.
The Battle of the Books is a fun reading competition for 4th-6th graders at Holy Rosary.
The year is winding down and all library books need to be returned by May 31st. Please look around your house and in backpacks for missing library books. Overdue notices will be given to students on Friday.
Talent Show
Yeehaw! The Leadership Elective hopes everyone comes dressed for the Holy Rosary Rodeo Talent Show on May 17. Find those cowboy hats and kick up those boots... see you May 17 for the rodeo!
Watch our talented students:
Act 1: https://vimeo.com/event/4310020/8f88120476
Act 2: https://vimeo.com/event/4310030/638190c9f8
Field Day Colors
Field Day is coming...Friday, May 24th. Show your spirit by wearing your class
colors. KA-white, KB-red/blue, 1A/1B-red/white/blue, 2A-check with your teacher, 2B-black/pink, 3A/3B-neon, 4A-blue/green, 4B-pink/blue, 5A-blue, 5B-blue/white, 6A/6B-blue, 7A/7B-blue/white, 8A/8B-class shirts.
Car Prowlers
Please do not leave valuables in your car when parked outside the school or church. Thieves are always on the lookout, especially during mass times.
2024 Holy Rosary Glow Bowl
Join us as we bring back this fun and popular tradition.
When: May 17, 2024- 5:00 PM- 7:30 PM
Who: All Holy Rosary Students and their parents (Pre-K thru 8th Grade)
What: An Incredibly Fun & Memorable Time Bowling w/Family & Friends
Theme: Neon
Where: West Seattle Bowl – 4505 39th Ave. SW – westseattlebowl.com
Cost: $40 per person. Your SchoolAdmin account will be charged prior to the event.
Cost includes bowling, shoes, pizza/chicken strips/fries, cookie, and a glow necklace.
Used Uniforms
We have many skirts, skorts and jumpers up for grabs. If you need any item from the Uniform Closet please contact Nannette at: NannetteBuroker@gmail.com
Currently we are getting requests for red cardigans, cadet jackets and sweatshirts. Please continue to turn in uniform items so the uniform closet can fulfill student requests. Thank you for those families who have turned in outgrown and unused uniforms.
Action Items
This year our students voted on a new GATOR logo. All PS-7th grade current students, as well as incoming 24/25 students will receive a t-shirt with the new logo designed by current 5th grader, Dominic. Please complete this form for all current or new 2024/25 HRS students by tomorrow (FRIDAY) at noon.
Additional Gator/Hrs Apparel – Order By May 20th
Our friends at Kotis Design have been designing a few apparel items featuring our new GATOR logo. Also, back by popular demand are the full zip sweatshirts from last year. This is a limited time purchase. All items will be shipped directly to your house within 3-4 weeks of placing your order. CHECK OUT ALL THE DESIGNS HERE. These items are not uniform compliant, but students may wear on free dress days.
We wanted to share that BASE for the 2023-24 School year is very full after completing the re-enrollment period for current BASE families.
Knowing that there is a great need in our community for before- and- after school care, we invite families to get on the BASE Wait List. Our hope is that there might be some movement over the next few months and BASE could accommodate some families who are still in need of care for the next school year.
Please complete the application form to get on the Waitlist: https://forms.gle/4dmmtenmZu5CyiEd7
BASE Staffing For Fall
Our BASE (Before and After School Enrichment) is seeking creative, confident, and energetic individuals to assist in its Extended Day Program beginning in September, 2024.
This is a part-time position, 6 -20 hours per week, primarily in the afternoons from 3-6. Additional hours are available on half-days and school closure days. We welcome former HRS students as well and can usually work around their high school schedule.
Interested applicants should send a letter of interest to BASE director, Rachel at base@holyrosaryws.org.
Used Uniforms
End of the school year is arriving. Please help restock the uniform closet for Fall 2024 by turning in outgrown and unused uniforms plaid/navy skorts, skirts, jumpers, & Holy Rosary logo Red Items. 8th Grade Graduates, the closet will happily take your uniforms too. The closet does accept all HR red logo items & will get recycled into a special HR item if too worn out for a student to wear at school.
*Uniform Closet requests please contact Nannette at: NannetteBuroker@gmail.com
*Uniform Closet is looking for volunteers that can sew & mend for the upcoming 2024-25 year. Contact Ellen at: Ellen.Voelker@gmail.com
Input Parent Volunteer Hours!
Submit your volunteer hours by May 31st. Hours to be completed in the last 2 weeks of school (New Family Orientation, 8th Grade Baccalaureate Dinner, etc.) can be estimated and submitted before May 31st. Families will receive statements of incomplete hours June 3rd. Any questions - email admissions@holyrosaryws.org
Parent Club 8th Grade Parent Award
It’s that time again! We are seeking nominations for the 2024 Parents Club Distinguished Service Award. This award is given annually to an out going 8th grade parent who has dedicated considerable time and service, truly above and beyond, to make our school what it is! Interested in nominating someone? Send your nomination to Parents Club President sacha@copelandgrp.com! Please submit your nominations by 5pm on Friday, May 24th.
May Is Bike To School Month!
It's time to dust off that bike, find missing helmets, and remember what the bike lock code is. All students are invited to participate by biking/walking/scooting/skipping to school during May. Raffle prizes will be given out during the month to students that participate. Print of the (attached) tracking calendar at home or pick one up in the front office. Bikes will be locked up on the north side of school.
What if I live too far away to bike? What if I take the bus to school?
When you get home, ride/scoot/walk for at least 15 minutes and it counts!
Have an adult sign off on your calendar and pick up a raffle ticket in front of the school the next day.
We also need volunteers to help cheer on and count bikers/scooters/walkers, hand out raffle tickets, and help students lock their bikes up every morning throughout the month. This is an approved volunteer hour activity.
Sign up for one (or more!) days HERE.
School Band News
Don't let the music stop at the end of the year...............ELEMENTARY SUMMER BAND PROGRAM IS SET FOR JULY 8 - 12 AT KENNEDY CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL. Musical fun with Miss McKamey is the plan - having YOU attend will make it GRAND!!
Click the link for details:
Events & Fundraising
WS Grand Parade
Walk with the Holy Rosary float in the WS Grand Parade this summer!
Mark your calendars for Saturday, July 20th!
We will meet in front of Menchie's at 10:30 am. Plan to finish between 1 and 2 pm.
It is so fun and a great way to log some volunteer hours. We will wave and hand out candy. Wagons and strollers welcome!
This year's float theme is Super Mario Bros. Sign up today! July 20th Walk with the Holy Rosary Float - Holy Rosary School (Seattle, WA) (holyrosaryws.org)
Don’t forget to apply for MATCHING FUNDS from your company. All money spent over Fair Market Value is eligible for matching. If you are unsure if your company has matching funds, check this web site for easy to follow steps to match your donation.
AUCTION PURCHASES are available for pick up in the main office, please pick up asap. The exceptions are BUYBACKS and TEACHER BOOKS, these will be sent home before the end of the year.
Our Title Sponsor has a few words, please listen here.
Credit cards have been charged and receipts sent. If you didn’t receive yours, please contact Beth Martin. Don’t forget to apply for MATCHING FUNDS from your company. All money spent over Fair Market Value is eligible for matching. If you are unsure if your company has matching funds, check this web site for easy to follow steps to match your donation.
AUCTION PURCHASES are available for pick up in the main office, please pick up asap. The exceptions are BUYBACKS and TEACHER BOOKS, these will be sent home before the end of the year.
LOST ITEMS If you are missing the following from auction night, please pick up in the main office. Items not claimed will be donated next week.
-one pink glove
-black tall umbrella
-multi-colored small umbrella
Please patronize our sponsors, they helped to underwrite the auction.
Good Society Night Out
First Tuesday of the month (see dates below) is HRS night at The Good Society! Grab a pint and a bite at The Good Society and 25% of your sale goes to HRS. Social time, great beer and fundraising for HRS…it’s a WIN-WIN! Be sure to mention you are there to support Holy Rosary!
***June 4th***
Volunteer Opportunities
Help With Vision/Hearing Screening
We will be finishing up our Vision & Hearing screenings on Thursday, May 30th. We need parent volunteers that would be able to come in during the day to help. No previous experience needed. Please reach out to Claire Bederaux-Cayne if you are interested.
Love Yard Work
Need Volunteer Hours? Want to work on your own schedule. The school flowerbeds and surrounding areas need some love. Pick your time and bring your tools. This is a great way to earn hours and help our school shine.
Volunteer Opportunity!
We will be a sponsor for the 4th of July Kid's Parade in North Admiral. Lead the Craft/Activity Table. Craft and activity can be decided by you or the school. Manage volunteers and the craft table, in charge of set-up and take down. Approximately a 5-6 hour time commitment - available for double hours due to the holiday! Email: admissions@holyrosaryws.org
Room Parents Needed 2024-2025
Be a room parent for the 2024-2025 school year! If you enjoy planning and attending classroom parties, parent nights out, and spoiling the teachers with birthday gifts, then this job is for you! Room parents fill such an important role in each class and help take a little weight off our teacher’s shoulders. This time spent also goes towards your family commitment hours. If you are interested in being a room parent for the 2024-2025 school year or would like more information on room parent responsibilities, please contact Nikki Henning at nsantee@gmail.com. In your email, please include the grade you are interested in and your child's name.
Glow Bowl
We are excited to bring Glow Bowl back this year. The Parents Club will be hosting this fun-filled community building event on May 17 at West Seattle Bowl. We're looking for volunteers to help with planning and/or day of event logistics/set-up. No prior Glow Bowl experience necessary. Please contact parentsclub@holyrosaryws.org if interested.
Safe Environment Training
To volunteer at any school or parish events, individuals need to be Safe Environment cleared (includes a background check). Please login below and select the Protecting God’s Children class.
1. Log in to the Virtus web site
2. Create an account
3. Select Archdiocese of Seattle from the dropdown
4. Then select Holy Rosary Seattle
Baptism for Children
If you are interested in having your child baptized, please email Deyette at Deyette Swegle. You may also complete our Baptism Registration form by using this link, https://holyrosaryseattle.org/infant-baptism-registration.
1st Reconciliation & First Holy Communion Preparation
Please contact Sr. Stella at srstella@holyrosaryseattle.org or call 206-937-1488 ext. 252.
OCIA Adapted For Children (Former RCIA)
Please contact Sr. Stella for more information at srstella@holyrosaryseattle.orgor call 206-937-1488 ext. 252.
Becoming Catholic: Order Christian Initiation Of Adults (OCIA)
Please contact us at evangelization@holyrosaryseattle.org
Children’s Liturgy Of The Word (CLOW)
We offer Children’s Liturgy of the Word year round at Sunday 10:30am Mass.
Other Opportunities For Children
- Parish Children’s Choir YouthChoir! (Grades 3-6) | Holy Rosary Catholic Church | Seattle, WA (holyrosaryseattle.org)
- Altar Serving (5th -High school)–email Paul Dolejsi at Pdolejsi@holyrosaryseattle.org for more information.
Adult Confirmation
Please contact us at evangelization@holyrosaryseattle.org.
Shug's Mini
Holy Rosary family owned Shug's is now open Wednesday- Sunday from 1pm to 9pm. 3800 California Ave SW
Girls Water Polo Clinic
May 18, 2024 - West Seattle High School Girls Water Polo Team will host their first Clinic & Open House event for middle school aged girls on Saturday, May 18, 2024 from 3:00 to 4:30 pm. Learn and play alongside the high school girls team players, under the direction of Coach Truly Dorland. Find out what this growing sport is all about and get a chance to learn the basics. 6th through 12th grade girls are invited to attend. This is an educational event open to all middle school and high school-age girls. Registration required in advance of the event. Please contact WSWP to receive a link to register. wshswaterpolo@gmail.com
Cake Decorating Lessons With Miss Angel!
To book contact Angel at anjulijoy@hotmail.com After school cake decorating lessons with Miss Angel!
I’ll be running private and group cake decorating lessons for up to 6 kiddos for the month of April. Walking distance from HRS! Email Angel Joy for more info. Anjulijoy@hotmail.com
For more info see our newsletter: http://angels-bakery.com/newsletter
Summer Camps
A Child Becomes Summer Camps
A Child Becomes invites your children age 3 - 7 to join their summer camps! A Child Becomes summer camps are a sensory experience designed to enhance your child’s awareness and understanding of science, the arts and nature. From gardening and marine science, to space exploration, woodshop building, and even the Olympic games! Check out the offerings and sign up on our website: Summer Camps
O'Dea Summer Camps
Join the Fighting Irish this Summer!
We are excited to introduce academic and enrichment camps in addition to our popular athletic options. We welcome girls and boys for academic and enrichment camps. Athletic camps will be for boys only. Click here for more information.
Vacation Bible Camp
Vacation Bible Camp is a wonderful week of activities for kids around the theme. “SCUBA: Diving into Friendship with God.” Kids meet from 9-noon and participate in singing fun songs, teamwork-building games, one-of-a-kind Bible adventures, testing out sciency-fun experiments that get imagination bubbling, and much more! At Our Lady of Guadalupe’s VBC, we make it very camp-like. Children are all part of a crew with a teen leader. They meet as a whole group and then go to activity stations with their crew. They build friendships and have lots of fun all while learning more about God!
Scuba: Diving into Friendship with God
Our Lady of Guadalupe Church
June 24-28, 9:00-Noon
Campers (ages 4-entering grade 5 in the fall): https://bit.ly/VBC24
Crew (entering grade 6 through high school): https://bit.ly/VBC24
Holy Names Academy Summer Camps 2024
We are pleased to let you know that registration is now open for HNA Summer Camps 2024. These camps are open to young women entering Grades 4 through 8, and to any student starting Grade 9 at HNA in the Fall. We offer Athletic Camps (all skill levels welcome) and a wide variety of Special Interest Camps. More details are available on our website
Summer School 2024 At St. George Parish School
Dates: June 24 through July 26 with the exception of July 4th and 5th
We offer a 5 week academic summer school program with certificated teachers and Instructional Assistants. It is not a summer camp. It’s an all or none program in order for students to make the most gains academically.
Summer School registration is open to all students currently attending a Catholic school. Your own school uniform is the required dress code. All students who apply must come with a positive, cooperative attitude ready to learn. Your child’s teacher/principal will supply us with Spring MAP Student Progress Reports along with recommendations for areas of focus during summer school.
· St. George Parents will be charged through Finalsite on June 17th.
· Non St. George parents who wish to enroll his/her children are required to attend a Parent Education Night on Tuesday, June 11th at 6:30 p.m. in the school hall. ALL FEES are due in full that night. Payable by cash, money order or cashier’s check. No personal checks will be accepted. Summer School requirements and expectations will be clarified. See our Flyer for more information.
Summer Camps For Rising K-9th Graders -Registration Is Open
BBHS families - please share this with your friends and family! Soak in the summer fun at Bishop Blanchet! Registration is now open for in-person camps in athletics, academics, and the arts at BBHS.
Multiple Athletics Camps run throughout the summer
The Discovery Learning Camp (gr 5-8) runs August 12-16.
The BBHS Study Skills Camp (gr 5-8) runs August 12-15.
The Musical Theatre Camp (gr 5-8) runs August 19-22.
Summer Prep
Seattle Preparatory School: Summer Prep
Summer Prep is for rising 5th-8th grade students
Summer Prep Week 1: June 17, June 18, June 20, June 21
Summer Prep Week 2: June 24 – June 27
Registration Link: https://campscui.active.com/orgs/SeattlePreparatorySchool?season=3441639
Summer Art Camp
2024 Summer Art Camps are being offered next door at Hope North. All rising first through sixth graders at HRS are welcome to attend. Dates: July 8-11 and July 15-18. We may also offer a third week of art camp in August - stay tuned! Each camp offers a totally new and unique set of projects. These camps are taught by former HRS art teacher, Lacey Reuter. More info and registration here: www.rainbowparrotart.com (This is not a Holy Rosary School program).