February 7, 2025
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Dear WBMS families,
Our Jaguars have been very busy! I am so proud to say that our Science Olympiad team earned first place at the regional competition last weekend at Shorter University. The team placed in 20 out of 23 events earning a total of 27 medals, along with the 1st place trophy! Thanks to Ms. Melissa Beam, 8th grade science teacher, for coaching this team. We are heading to the State Competition at the University of Georgia on April 19th.
In addition, our WBMS Debate team competed on February 1st and brought home the Community Award for exemplifying “Community over Competition”. They also placed 2nd in the Sweepstakes Award, demonstrating high competition scores combined with high volunteering participation. Many other individual awards were achieved which are highlighted further in this newsletter. Thanks to teacher, Ms. Casey Taylor, for sponsoring our debate club and providing great experiences and guidance to our students.
Our students in the music department continue to “wow” us with beautiful concerts and performances. In addition, many students have been diligently practicing for our upcoming musical, High School Musical Jr., which debuts later this month.
For our student athletes, basketball season is underway. The girls' team lost a close game on Wednesday at Elkins Pointe MS. The boys' team achieved another win and are currently 2-0 for the season. I am looking forward to cheering our Jaguars on at our basketball game tonight as we play Crabapple MS! Additionally, track tryouts start on Monday and Tuesday (weather pending). Interested families should turn in forms to Rankone.com.
Have a great Super Bowl weekend! Even though none of my favorite teams made it to this championship game, I am excited to take in the final professional football game of the season and enjoy the commercials! 😊
Kind regards,
Julie Morris
Principal, Webb Bridge Middle School
Please follow me on X (Twitter) and Instagram: @Principal_WBMS
Dates to Remember!
- Feb 10- 7th Grade Jr. Beta Field Trip (Check Canvas for info)
- Feb 11- Spring Picture Day
- Feb 11- 8th Grade Tours of AHS Field Trip
- Feb 13- 14- Orchestra LGPE and All-State Chorus
- Feb 13- Rising 6th Grade Parent Info Night
- Feb 17- President's Day No School
- Feb 18- FCS PD Day- No Students
- Feb 21-22- WBMS Musical
- Feb 26- 8th Grade Jr. Beta Field Trip (Check Canvas for info)
Assessment Calendars
Have a question about what tests or quizzes your student has coming up? Check out the Assessment Calendar! Teachers place all major assessments on these calendars:
6th Grade Assessment Calendar Link
Reminder to Parents and Guardians
As we approach the upcoming Valentines Day holiday, it is important to remind parents and families that candy, desserts, baked goods (store bought/homemade), or any other edible items are not to be sold or distributed at school or on the bus unless approved in advance by school administration. Per our Student Code of Conduct, students who do not adhere to this expectation are subject to disciplinary action for violation 7A: Failure to Follow Rules and all candy or food items will be confiscated. Please discuss this expectation and possible consequences with your student(s) as this will be taken very seriously. This is due to recent National and State reports about students sharing edible items and synthetic medications that have been shared with other students that contain very harmful substances.
Please know that taking this measure will help us maintain a safe environment for all students. You can help us protect your student(s) by requesting that they not eat anything given to them by another person, anything that they have not brought from your home or anything not in its original sealed package.
Thank you for your continued partnership in keeping all of our students safe at school!
Georgia School Climate Survey
We value your feedback! Fulton County Schools wants to hear from you through the Georgia School Climate Survey. This survey gives you the chance to share your thoughts on your child’s school.
Key points:
- The survey will be available from February 3-March 31.
- The survey is anonymous and confidential.
- The survey is available in both English and Spanish.
Participation in this survey directly impacts our school’s CCRPI score. Please use this link to access the survey for WBMS:
Your input helps us make improvements, and we truly appreciate your time and feedback!
Alpharetta High Transition Night
Spring Picture Day is Friday, February 11! This is a pre-order event; students will not get their picture taken without a pre-order and payment. You may order online or send payment in with your student using the picture day form that was sent home this week. Pre-order online at mylifetouch.com with your student’s ID number or picture day ID code EVT4C4C3B. Any questions regarding picture day please contact: nanceh@fultonschools.org
National School Counselor Week
We’d like to spotlight our awesome school counselors as it’s National School Counselor Week. Mrs. Vogel, Mrs. Clarke and Mrs. Ramsey go above and beyond to help our students at WBMS and we are so grateful for their commitment to our school community!
Our 7th grade Character Council at WBMS and AMMS Water Warriors have already begun their grassroots efforts. Our goal is to raise $15,000 to help 15 villages with approximately 15,000 people in South Sudan through our partnership with Water is Basic.
To date, our students have raised $2,325. That’s 2325 lives changed because of student efforts ❤
Registration and t-shirt sales are now open for our 4th Annual Walk for Water, which will take place on Sunday, March 23rd from 2-5 pm at WBMS.
Below are all the links you may need.
Register to Walk
Buy a T-Shirt
Sign up for the Village Market *WBMS and AMMS students and clubs only
Direct Donation Site
If you have a WBMS or AMMS student, please encourage them to sign up for the Village Market. We already have 3 amazing clubs participating: Engineering, Chinese, and Library Stream Council. We love to see all of the amazing entrepreneurs who practice CITIZENSHIP by helping make a positive impact on tomorrow’s world.
Debate Tournament at Sequoyah Middle
On February 1st our Webb Bridge Debate Team competed at Sequoyah Middle School against 8 other Metro Atlanta Schools.
Webb Bridge brought home the Community Award this month for exemplifying the AUDL motto: “Community over Competition.”
We also placed 2nd in the Sweepstakes Award, demonstrating high competition scores combined with high volunteering participation.
In the Novice Division, Anaya Verma and Anisha Nagpal finished 2nd overall, undefeated in their rounds. Aarav Sagar and Himani Kakustham placed 5th, Annelle Oyoo and Anika Seth placed 7th, Srinika Manchana and Delisha Dulla placed 8th .
Individual Novice Speaker Awards went to:
Anaya Verma-2nd place
Anisha Nagpal-3rd place
Himani Kakustham-5th place
In the JV Division, Donovan Jarrett and Graylan Edmonds placed 1st and Aadhya Godera and Dana Chang placed 2nd overall. Both teams undefeated in their matchups!
Individual JV Speaker Awards went to:
Donovan Jarrett-4th place
Dana Chang-5th place
Graylan Edmonds-6th place
Aadhya Godera-7th place
A huge thank you to our parents and guardians who selflessly gave up their Saturday to car-pool, attend, and volunteer at our tournament. We could not do this without you. Thank you so much for all you do to support of our team.
Our final competition is coming up!
The AUDL State Championship will be held on March 22nd.
Congrats to the Science Olympiad team!
They placed 1st at the Regional Competition at Shorter University! The team placed in 20 out of 23 events and won 27 total medals. Next up: State Competition at the University of GA on April 19th!
Congrats to our Jaguars who made All State Band!
Out of the 30 students that moved to the 2nd round All-State auditions, 11 were selected for the 2025 Georgia All-State Band and 4 were selected as alternates. Students auditioned in a 2-round process with over 1000 students in the 2nd round alone. Making the All-State band is probably the greatest honor that a middle school student can achieve in band, and we are proud of our students!
All-State Band
Samantha Kim-Clarinet
James Liu-Clarinet
Benjamin Kim-Alto Sax—1st Chair
Emma Chen-Alto Sax
Owen Chen-Alto Sax
Jeremy Yang-Alto Sax
Andrew Kong-Trumpet
Ashrith Thatiparthi-Trumpet—1st Chair
Julian Strickland-Tuba
Claire Chang-Percussion—1st Chair
Audrey Gardner-Percussion
All-State Alternates
(Called to participate if others cannot go)
Tejesh Narang-Flute
Jayden Lee-Clarinet
Nathaniel Legrand-Trumpet
Rohan Balakrishnan-Trumpet
Congrats to our February Sub of the Month, Ishita Sammadar!
Sending best wishes to Officer Kemp!
Today was Officer Kemp's last day with us before she begins her maternity leave. She will be missed, but we will be in good hands with Officer Turnipseed, who we will welcome back to WBMS on Monday.
To all of our Scoliosis Screening volunteers, we say THANK YOU!
We couldn't have done it without you all!
Mohanapriya Saravanan
Jayanthi Dinakaramohan
Neelu Kshirsagar
Kalpana Guturu
Rohini Amara
Mrinmayee Bangal
Elyna Linardi
Tara Dennis
Phebe Connors
Vinothini Shanmugan
Sharmila Mohan
Sarita Poonia
Friday, March 28 6:30 PM
Dinner, photo booths, and dance
Buy tickets here: https://tinyurl.com/WBMS8thDance
Tickets are $30 if purchased by February 28. Price goes up March 1
Society of Stem Club
Alpharetta High School students are offering programming classes on every other Thursday after school in the media center. Throughout the semester, students will start learning about the basics of python and even develop their own projects. Students with and without past coding experience are encouraged to attend and participate. We are excited to have you join us!
Our first meeting is February 20th, from 4:10 pm until 5:10 pm in the Webb Bridge Media Center.
To keep informed of future meetings and events, students can join our Society of Stem page by going to Microsoft Teams and entering the code 7qugnud. Students can also e-mail Brooke Wood at woodb@fultonschools.org with questions or requests to be added to the Teams page.
School Governance Council Elections Coming Up!
It is time for the election of new members to our School Governance Council. The School Governance Council has both parent/guardian and teacher positions open for election. Parents or guardians of students who will be attending our school during both the 2025-2026 and 2026-2027 school years are eligible to run for the parent/guardian SGC positions. Our School Governance Council (SGC) plays a critical role in the success of our school. The SGC works with school leadership and the community to help determine the long-term direction of the school, design innovative solutions to increase academic achievement, and serve as school ambassadors to the local community. Specifically, the School Governance Council has the following powers:
• Create, approve, and monitor the implementation of the school strategic plan
• Manage the Request for Flexibility process
• Approve the annual budget recommendations and related allocations
• Participate in the hiring of the principal, in the case of a vacancy
• Provide annual feedback to the Area Superintendent on principal performance
We are very excited about the work and value-add of our SGC. We hope that you will consider running for a position! The Candidate Declaration period ends March 28th and voting will take place April 16 – April 23. In the meantime, if you would like more information about the charter system or SGC elections visit our school’s website.
Forms will be available at the link below beginning February 5th:
Make Sure You Have Paired Your Canvas Parent Observer Account
Need Help? FCS is holding online help sessions to walk you through the process
Rising 6th Grade Parent Information- February 13
Don't Miss Spirit Night at iCode February 28th!
Click on the graphic to secure your spot today! Proceeds will benefit WBMS.
Raider Report
Join the Alpharetta Debate Team!
Click here to download the presentation
2025 Building the Bridge to AHS
Click here to download the presentation
Clubs and Community Happenings
Junior Raider Football Registration is Open for Rising 6th-8th Graders!
WBMS Athletics Tryouts Fall 2024
WBMS Athletics- 7th and 8th grade only
Student must be present on first day of tryouts
Tryouts after school 4:00pm – 5:15pm
Girls and Boys – Feb 2025 (TBD)
Turn in all forms through www.Rankone.com
Forms must be submitted before tryouts.
Coach Sell - sell@fultonschools.org
North Fulton United Youth Lacrosse
Learn about the Media Center with SWAY
A Media Center Sway is created for each school month (and updated throughout the month) to share information on reading celebrations, reading challenges, maker activities, and special events, so be sure to check for updates each week. Click the picture above to check it out!
Our school was named a 2022-2023 National PTA School of Excellence!
To earn this designation WBMS had to demonstrate families feel welcomed and empowered to support student success, and that our PTA is a key partner for continuous school improvement. Becoming a National PTA School of Excellence began with the joint commitment of PTA and our phenomenal administrative team to work together to welcome all families, communicate effectively, support student success, speak up for every child, share power and collaborate with the community. Congratulations and a huge thank you to everyone who helped make this possible!
To learn more about this accomplishment or to support our PTA during the Fall Membership Drive, visit wbmspta.org.
Do you know a family in need at WBMS?
Please reach out to our counseling staff so we can find ways to help.
Our Community Cupboard provides emergency necessities for families in our school experiencing hardship.
Please consider making a donation! Our largest need currently is gift cards in any amount to Kroger or Walmart.
You may leave your donations at the Front Office. Please mark them PTA/Community Cupboard. Thank you!
Please help us thank our Community Partners by supporting their place of business!
The Smile Design
Aurora Cineplex
Summit Counseling Center
Jordan Orthodontics
Mibab Orthodontics
Coldwell Banker Realtor Tarran Craver
Coldwell Banker Realty | Roswell
601 Houze Way, Suite 800
Roswell, GA 30076
Office: 770-993-9200
Cell: 770-597-9118