Tomahawk Talk
Week of May 6th - May 10th
Week of: May 6th - May 10th
We LOVE Our Staff!
Suggested Acts of Kindness from Students
End of Year (At a Glance)
Monday, May 6th:
- Teacher Appreciation Week Begins
- Smencil Sales
Wednesday, May 8th
- WVGSA Testing: Math (all classes)
Thursday, May 9th:
- Creative Arts Night (Art Show @ 4:30; Ensembles Concert @ 6:30)
Friday, May 10th:
- Smencil Sales
- May Hat Day for Relay for Life: Pay $1.00 to wear a hat!
- Strings Concert @ 6:00 PM
Monday, May 13th:
- Talent Show for Students & Staff
Tuesday, May 14th:
- NO SCHOOL: Election Day
Wednesday, May 15th:
- 5th Grade Kickball Tournament
- Bridge Day (Mrs. Ansari's Class)
Thursday, May 16th:
- 5th Grade Visit to Hedgesville Middle (9:00 AM - 10:30 AM)
- 2nd Grade Visit to Tomahawk (9:30 AM - 10:30 AM)
- 4th Grade Field Day Olympics
- Talent Show @ 6:00 PM
Friday, May 17th:
- May Hat Day for Relay for Life: Pay $1.00 to wear a hat!
- 3rd Grade Field Day Olympics
- 5th Grade Field Day Olympics
Monday, May 20th:
- HHS Graduation Walk @ Tomahawk
- 5th Grade Kickball Tournament
Wednesday, May 22nd:
- 5th Grade Graduation
- 9:00 AM: Ansari, Church, Kurutza & Mayes
- 1:00 PM: Blacker, Campbell, Mance & Parks
Thursday, May 23rd:
- 5th Grade Field Trip to Jay Dee's
Friday, May 24th:
- Early Dismissal @ 1:15 PM
- Students v. Staff Kickball Game
- Report Cards
West Virginia General Summative Assessment (WVGSA) Testing Dates
All students will take the West Virginia General Summative Assessment (WVGSA) prior to the end of the school year. Please mark your calendar to ensure students are well-rested and prompt for school on the following dates:
- Tuesday, April 30th: Reading (all classes)
- Wednesday, May 1st: Reading (all classes)
- Thursday, May 2nd: Science (5th grade only)
- Wednesday, May 8th: Math (all classes)
Mrs. Ansari: BCS Teacher of the Year Finalist! 🥳
May Hat Days for Relay
On Fridays during the month of May, students can pay $1.00 to wear a hat. All proceeds benefit Tomahawk's Relay for Life team!
Also, Kona Ice will be available for purchase during our Creative Arts Night on May 9th from 4:30 PM - 7:00 PM. 25% of sales will benefit our Relay for Life team as well!
Creative Arts Night: Thursday, May 9th
Kona Ice Truck Visit: 25% of Sales Go Towards TIS' Relay for Life Team!
Teacher Requests: 24-25 SY
We had previously sent numerous messages regarding the process for requesting teachers for the 2024-2025 school year. The deadline for all requests was March 1st. We are no longer accepting requests as the process for building class lists has already begun. Thank you for your understanding!
Staff Appreciation Week: Donations
Thank you to the families who have already generously donated to our staff! ♥️
The generosity shown by many of our families will help to make this week a bit sweeter for our amazing Tomahawk staff! We cannot thank you enough for the donations of snacks, soda, water, and other items from the list.
Our teachers and staff would also appreciate hand written cards, notes, and other non-monetary gestures of kindness in lieu of donations. 💙
BCS Excused Absence Note Form
Please complete this form if your child is absent from school. This form is for all parent notes, and also for medical appointments. Please upload the doctor's note for all medical appointments during school hours, or when a child is out of sick due to illness.
5th Grade Visit to HMS
May 16th
On Thursday, May 16th, all 5th grade students will travel to Hedgesville Middle School for a brief tour and orientation. Students will board a BCS bus at 9:00 AM and depart Tomahawk, with an estimated return time of 10:15 AM. The students will meet HMS administration, learn about the school, and take a tour. Please speak to your child about making good choices on this trip as they are representing Tomahawk Intermediate.
2nd Grade Visit to TIS
May 16th
On Thursday, May 16th, all 2nd grade students from Hedgesville Elementary will travel to Tomahawk Intermediate for a brief tour and orientation. Students will board a BCS bus at 9:30 AM and depart HES, with an estimated return time of 10:30 AM. The students will meet TIS administration, learn about our school, and take a tour.
Cell Phones and Smartwatches
Students are not permitted to use cell phones during the school day. **Cell phones should be powered off and in the student’s backpack at all times.**
Students who are caught using a cell phone will have it confiscated and stored in the office until the end of the school day. We also do not allow students to use smartwatches for communication purposes during the school day. Students who continue to violate these expectations will receive consequences based on the BCS discipline matrix and parents/guardians will be asked to pick-up the device.
Our main office will contact parents/guardians if there is an emergency or for any other necessary reason. Your cooperation is appreciated.
2024-2025 School Year Calendar Snapshot
Morning Drop-Off
Our morning drop-off begins at 8:15 AM. We ask that parents arrive no earlier than 8:10 AM so that our staff members can access the parking lot. In the event that you have to arrive early, please pull into a space so that traffic can flow and our staff can access their parking spots. This allows everyone to get into the building in a timely manner prior to student arrival. Thank you!
Also, please make sure students are ready to exit the vehicle when you pull into the drop-off area. This should be a quick process so that we can keep the flow of traffic moving. We ask that you say goodbyes prior to entering the lot, and that students have their bookbags ready to exit.
Your cooperation is appreciated!
Student Illness Protocols
When may students return to school after an Illness? The following guidelines are provided to help you determine if your student is ready to return to school after an illness.
✅ Fever free for the past 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications such as Tylenol. A fever is defined as a temperature ≥ 100.4º F.
✅ No vomiting or diarrhea within the past 24 hours.
✅ After at least 24 hours of antibiotic therapy for bacterial illnesses such as strep throat, pneumonia, etc.
✅ The child’s appetite and activity level have returned close to normal.
✅ Cold symptoms that are mild enough so as not to interfere with your child’s ability to participate in the activity of a normal school day or infect other students.
Please remember that cold and cough medicines, including cough drops cannot be given to students by school staff without a doctor’s order.
If your child was sent home with a rash, they may return when the rash is resolved or with a doctor’s note stating they are not contagious.
If your child’s doctor has prescribed medication that will need to be given during the school day, please remember that an order from the doctor is necessary. Most area physicians have these forms. If not, we would be happy to fax one to their office.
During your child’s visit to the doctor, please remember to obtain a note so that your child will be medically excused.
If you have any questions as to whether your child may return to school after an illness, please feel free to call the school nurse. She will be happy to assist you in deciding what is best for your child.
Reviewed and endorsed by Dr. Kevin McLaughlin D.O., Health Officer, Berkeley-Morgan County Board of Health.
May Counseling News: Mrs. Boyd & Ms. Thomas
Student Expectations
*Classroom-managed behaviors. Teachers will provide verbal warnings, redirect students, remind them of expectations, re-teach behaviors, and inform parents of minor incidents. Consequences may include: loss of recess time, lunch detention, loss of privileges, referral to school counselor, etc. Repeated violations of minor behaviors will become major offenses (habitual violation of school rules).
Examples of minor behaviors:
• yelling out
• out of seat
• inattentive behavior
• interrupting instruction
• minor disrespect
• talking during instruction
• minor peer to peer conflict
• name calling (non-Title IX)
• inappropriate language
• invading personal space
• touching another student WITHOUT intent to harm
• rough play
• refusing to open a book, complete an assignment, work with another student, work in a group, take a test, or do any other class – or school-related activity not listed herein.
*Administrator-managed behaviors. Possible consequences include: in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension, lunch detention, loss of privileges, referral to school counselor, etc.
Examples of major behaviors:
• Bullying/Harassment/Intimidation: A student will not bully/intimidate/harass another student. According to W. Va. Code §18-2C-2, “harassment, intimidation or bullying” means any intentional gesture, or any intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act, communication, transmission or threat that:
• A reasonable person under the circumstances should know will have the effect of harming a student, damaging a student’s property, placing a student in reasonable fear of harm to his or her person, and/or placing a student in reasonable fear of damage to his or her property;
• Is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or emotionally abusive educational environment for a student; or
• Disrupts or interferes with the orderly operation of the school.
• Disrespectful Conduct Toward Peers or Staff: done with intent to harm and/or repetitive. Note: repetitive behavior may be defined as bullying. Major disrespect includes: screaming, throwing items (chair, desk, sharp object, etc. with intent to hit peer or staff), or profane language indecent act/gesture.
•False Fire Alarm: setting-off the fire alarm knowingly and willingly without cause.
• Habitual Violation of School Rules: evidence of previous interventions; minimum of 2 prior parent conferences (phone or in-person). Student’s behavior is consistently impeding on the learning of others.
• Physical Fight with Intent: Engaging in a physical altercation using blows with intent to harm or overpower another person or persons.
• Possession/Use of Weapon: As defined in WV Code §61-7-2, a “dangerous weapon” means any device intended to cause injury or bodily harm, any device used in a threatening manner that could cause injury or bodily harm, or any device that is primarily used for self-protection. Dangerous weapons include, but are not limited to, blackjack, gravity knife, knife, knifelike implement, switchblade knife, nunchaku, metallic or false knuckles, pistol, or revolver. A dangerous weapon may also include the use of a legitimate tool, instrument, or equipment as a weapon including, but not limited to, pens, pencils, compasses, or combs, with the intent to harm another.
• Sexual Misconduct: Exposing oneself publicly and indecently, displaying or transmitting any drawing or photograph of a sexual nature, or committing an indecent act of a sexual nature on school property, or on a school bus, or at a school sponsored event.
• Technology Misuse: Violating WV Code 126CSR41, WVDE Policy 2460, Educational Purpose and Acceptable Use of Electronic Resources, Technologies and the Internet.
• Threat to a Student or Staff Member: Severely disruptive, imminently dangerous, illegal, and/or aggressive behaviors are willfully committed and are known to be illegal and/or harmful to people and/or property. The inappropriate behaviors include, but are not limited to: verbal, written, electronic and/or illustrative communications intended to offend and/or humiliate.
• Use/Possession of Tobacco Product: usage or possession of tobacco products on school property (cigarettes, vapes, jewels, chewing tobacco, etc.).
• Vandalism: • done with intent and/or cannot be easily cleaned or repaired.
Staff Contact Information
School Phone Number: (304) 754-3171
- Dr. Ematrudo, Principal:
- Mrs. McCain, Assistant Principal:
- Mrs. Woodruff, School Nurse:
- Mrs. McDonald, Attendance Secretary:
- Mrs. Kline, Registrar/Finance Secretary:
- Mrs. Kercheval, Secretary:
- Mrs. Boyd, School Counselor:
- Ms. Thomas, School Counselor:
Tomahawk's full staff directory can be found here: