Hart-Ransom Elementary
September/October Newsletter
Parent Conferences - September 28th through October 2nd
Please note that the progress reports are not final grades. The progress reports are designed for a halfway check in point. If students are not performing well, this is the time to send an email to the teacher and to have a discussion during parent conferences. Students still have a chance to improve their final grades.
Parent Conferences week is minimum day schedule with all student live meets ending before 12:50 or before lunch at 11:55 a.m. Parent Conferences will start at 12:50 p.m. You will be receiving reminders from Parent Square if you are signed up for a Parent Conference. Please note that all live meets normally in the afternoon will be canceled so Parent Conferences can be held.
Distance Learning
I know we are all really looking forward to when students can return to school, and I am hoping that is sooner rather than later. I know that Stanislaus County has to be at or below a daily new case rate of 7 per 100,000 population with a positivity rate of 8% or less, and we must hold those numbers for two consecutive weeks before we can move to Tier 2 (Red). When that happens, we will be allowed to have students in grades TK-8 back on campus. I think we are getting closer to those numbers.
Below are pictures of our amazing teachers teaching in their classrooms. Our teachers are working so hard and we thank them for their dedication and passion for their students.
Attendance with Sychnronous (Live Meets) and Asynchronous (Work on own) Codes
Synchronous Live Attendance + and + Classroom Work Completed K
No Attendance - and - No work completion A (ABSENT)
No Synchronous Live Attendance - but + Completed Work B
Synchronous Live Attendance + but - No Work Completed F
Excused Absence E
Please note that these are the codes that we are utilizing during distance learning to differentiate between the different events above. The F does not mean it is a letter grade F. We typically give grace to students that receive a code F and allow flexibility to get the work completed because the instruction or work completion or practice of lessons is our ending goal. We also turn A for absences into Code E if we receive calls for illness, doctor's appointments and other excused absences. We want all students to be a "K" because they attended their live sessions and had work completion. Code F can also be turned into a "K" with work completion and if teacher has prior knowledge of why the work was completed on a timely basis.
Cafeteria News
“All Kids Eat Free until December 31, 2020!”
Hart-Ransom Union School District is participating in the “Seamless Summer Program” beginning October 1, 2020 thru December 31, 2020. Our Cafeteria program will be serving FREE MEALS to all the children in our community and surrounding areas.
Drive-up curbside and pickup your FREE Breakfast and Lunch for your child(ren) at No Cost, Monday thru Friday from 11:00 AM thru 12:30 PM.
*Program begins October 1,2020 and ends December 31,2020!
Wednesday Parade
Chrome Book Insurance Open Enrollment
Chromebook Open Enrollment is open again from September 25th through October 2nd. You can come to the office and purchase directly or you can easily go onto MySchoolBucks with the link below.