Panther News
December 2024
Upcoming Events at PRES
December 2024
December 3 - Chorus Holiday Concert @6pm at the Nixon Centre's Black Box
December 6 - High Five Friday and Advocate Lunch and Learn
December 6 - Spirit Night at Starlite Skating Rink 6-9pm
December 13 - Tacky Sweater Day!
December 16 - Elf Spirit Day
December 17 - Grinch Spirit Day
December 18 - Pajama Spirit Day
Holiday Celebrations (click on link for visitor sign up)
December 13 - 5th Grade Holiday Celebration @ 12:30 in gym
December 16 - 4th Grade Holiday Celebration @12:45 in cafeteria
December 17 - 1st Grade Holiday Celebration @9am in caferia
December 17 - 3rd Grade Holiday Celebration @ 12:45pm in cafeteria
December 18 - PreK Holiday Celebration @9:00am in cafeteria
December 18 - Kindergarten Holiday Celebration @ 12:30pm in Classrooms
December 18 - 2nd Grade Holiday Celebration @ 11:30am in cafeteria
Don't Forget!
December 18 - Affidavits with Proofs of Residency are due
Christmas/Winter Break is December 19 - December 31 (Students return on Friday, January 3rd)
Affidavits for the 2024-2025 school year were sent home with students yesterday. These affidavits are required for all students attending Coweta County schools.
* Due Date - All affidavits must be returned no later than December 18, 2024.
* Notary Services - For your convenience, notaries will be available at Poplar Road from 8 AM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday.
* Documents accepted (must have two) - Property Tax records with location address, Mortgage documents or security deed with location address, Lease or rent receipt with current address, Current electric bill, or voter precint identification card with current address.
Please ensure that your affidavits are completed and submitted on time. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us at 770-254-2740.
Bus Bulletin
Would you like to know when your student’s bus is going to be late?
The Coweta County School System Transportation Department is using the Bus Bulletin notification system to notify parents and students when there are bus delays and schedule changes.
If you would like to receive instant notifications when delays or incidents affect your student's bus, please register with Bus Bulletin.
For more information, or to sign-up and start receiving notifications, please visit:
Remind Text - get important text messages!
General Information/reminders from the principal:
PBIS Rewards
Our students earn Class DoJo points for going above and beyond daily expectations. As they earn these points, they can redeem them at our PBIS Prize Machine or Prize Choice Menu. We have sustained the prize machine with wonderful donations from our famiilies and business partners. One of the prizes that students often choose is a special lunch! When redeemed, they earn a chick-fil-a lunch. To provide this, we would love any donations for CFA gift cards. We have provided the link to our Amazon Wish List for the prize machine and the link to CFA egift cards (they can be sent to Mrs. Porras at alicia.porras@cowetaschools.net).
Public Notice
Be it known that all schools in the Coweta County
School System have been duly inspected for
asbestos according to EPA regulations and an
Asbestos Management Plan is available at
each school