Second Grade Scoop
January 31, 2025
Important Dates
2/13 - Valentine Carnivals during PE
2/13- Read your heart out (Second Grade Event Only)
2/14 - Campus Holiday / Bad Weather Make-Up Day
2/17 - Student Holiday / Staff Professional Learning Day
3/17-21 - Spring Break
4/25 - Second Grade Field Trip (More Info to Come)
A note from the nurse
Dear Parents,
The health and safety of all students is important to the staff at Bransford Elementary. We are asking that if you child has been out sick this week and has been diagnosed, please call the campus and let the nurse know.
In an effort to keep our students healthy and in the classroom, I wanted to share a few lifestyle hygiene habits. We can’t keep everyone from getting sick, but we sure can try.
Wash your hands!! Before you eat, after you eat, when you use the restroom, after PE, after you sneeze, anytime you can. When in doubt, wash your hands.
If you cough or sneeze, use your sleeve. (The students can demonstrate this for you)
Respect personal space. Keep a little distance between you and your friends, and you and your teachers.
Only visit the nurse for things that cannot be taken care of in the classroom. At any time during the day there may be a sick student in the clinic, so the healthiest place to be is in the classroom. Teachers have band aids for little cuts and scrapes.
Wear weather appropriate clothing. If there is snow on the ground, students should wear closed-toed shoes, pants and a jacket.
While we practice these healthy habits at school, we also ask that you do your part in assessing your student’s health at home. If your student has a fever of more than 100.0 degrees, or is experiencing vomit/diarrhea, district policy requires them to stay home. Only when your student has been symptom free without the use of any medication for more than 24 hours may they return to campus.
In the event that your student is staying home from school, please call the front office and let us know. As always, we are here to answer any healthy hygiene habits questions.
Thank you,
Andrea Bernsen, MSN, BSN
School Nurse
Read Your Heart Out Day!
On Thursday, February 13th, all of second grade will head for the hallways to read to younger students. We call this Read Your Heart Out! Pre-K, Kindergarten and 1st grade students will join up with second grade for 20 minutes each. Listeners will sit side-by-side with a 2nd grader to listen to a short book. When a listener has heard all of the book, they will get up and move to a new 2nd grade reader. Your child should pick a book now from home of ones they liked to read in Kindergarten. Pete the Cat, Biscuit, Piggie and Elephant and I Can See books are all great choices. Your child needs to bring that book back and forth to school so they can practice it in both places on a regular basis. Please listen to your child read their chosen book several times. NEW: Once you think your child has become a fluent reader of their book, please time them reading it. Three to four minutes is best but if it goes longer than 5 minutes, your child will need to pick a new book. It is important that your child not race through the book but read it with inflection and voices for the characters. Younger kids really look up to our "big kids" and can be influenced to love reading as much as our kids do. If your child can not find a good book at home, their teacher can help.
IMPORTANT: Please Read Carefully
In addition to practicing reading the book with inflection, your child will pick a character from the book and create that character from a box at home. This box will DOUBLE AS A VALENTINE MAILBOX at our party later in the day so be sure to cut a slit big enough for cards/small gifts to go in and come out. Please keep the box at home until Feb.11th.
Valentines Day
We will be having our classroom Valentine Exchange on Thursday, February 13th.
If your child is participating and wants to bring valentine cards they must have one for every student in class. You do not need to address the cards. Please do not bring the VALENTINES till Thursday, February 13th.
Woodcock- 23 students
Bryant- 18 students
Richardson- 23 students
Junk Day
**Note about Junk Day: We just wanted to warn you that if you are planning to do any Spring Cleaning before March 11th, please save small toys that your child could bring to school to "sell" on Junk Day. We will send more information after Valentine's Day.
Weather and Sky:
Your child has begun to learn about how the sky and weather are connected. Over the course of this chapter, students will have the
opportunity to:
2.9A: Describe the Sun as a star that provides light and heat and explain that the Moon reflects the Sun’s light.
2.9B: Observe objects in the sky using tools such as a telescope and compare how objects in the sky are more visible and can appear different with a tool than with an unaided eye.
2.10B: Measure, record, and graph weather information, including temperature and precipitation.
2.10C: Investigate different types of severe weather events such as a hurricane, tornado, or flood and explain that some events are more likely than others in a given region.
Reading/Writing/Social Studies
Over the next three weeks, our students will be learning about different kinds of weather and how weather may change from season to season. We will read books and poems about weather and watch a video of a cool weather experiment. Children will also write a poem about how the daily weather affects them. In Social Studies students are learning about maps. They will learn about and use map tools to help them read maps. They will locate places on maps, and they will create simple maps to enhance their learning.
Second Grade In Action
Forget Me Not Table
Dear Families,
Thank you for your continued support and understanding. We want to address an important matter regarding items being dropped off at the office.
We are currently experiencing a high volume of items placed on our "Forget Me Not" table, which is causing disruptions both in classrooms and in the office. To help us maintain a focused learning environment, we kindly ask that you only drop off items that are crucial to your child's day, such as iPads, lunchboxes, or backpacks. Items that are not essential, like water bottles or snacks, should be kept at home.
Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated and helps us provide the best educational experience for our students.
Thank you for your understanding!
Last Day To Purchase a Yearbook (1-31-2025)
Repeated Information:
Second Grade Slides:
Bransford Basic Info Slides:
Grading/Report Cards:
Specials Slides:
Our schedule is as followed below:
Tuesday: 10:30-11:15 Richardson
Wednesday: 10:30-11:15 Woodcock
Thursday: 12:30-1:15 Bryant
Thank you! Please contact Mrs. Brock with any questions: nancy.brock@gcisd.net @BrockBES
Learning Commons News: https://sites.google.com/gcisd.net/bes-learning-commons/newsletter
Morning Melodies is Back!
Reminders Below:
1. We kindly want to remind you that students should not be dropped off before 7:20 AM, as there is no staff member on duty until that time. Your cooperation helps ensure the safety and well-being of all our students. Thank you for your understanding!
2.Students are able to bring in one small, dry, healthy snack each day. Students will be expected to continue working while they munch.
3. Each child should bring a water bottle that does not leak. Make sure their names are on it, please.
4.Change at the end of the day-If you need to change how your student is getting home and it is the day of, please call the office and Shelly Sartin will make sure we get the information. With our specials from 2:10-3:00, we don't have another break throughout the day and we don't want to miss an important notice! Thank you!
5. Please remember to charge your child's iPad at home each night. This will ensure they are fully prepared for their learning activities each day. Your support in this is greatly appreciated!
6. Each student needs to have a reliable set of headphones to keep at school. Often times we have discovered that earbuds are uncomfortable and break easily.( Earbuds do not work with the pianos in the piano lab as well) It is vitally important that students have a way to work on their IPAD without disrupting others.
7. Background Checks: Please do your background check now to avoid the rush. Any parent helping in the school and interacting with students for any reason, needs to have a background check every year. Here's the LINK or you can find it under the tab "Quick Links" on the GCISD website. There's no cost to you for this. It is just one more way that GCISD is making sure our students remain safe in our schools. Thank you for doing it now.
Second Grade Schedule
(Woodcock, Bryant, Richardson)
7:50-9:25 Math
9:25-11:10 HMH Reading/Writing Workshop
11:10-11:30 Social Studies
11:30- 12:30 (11:30 Lunch - 12:00 Recess)
12:30-1:00 Structured Literacy
1:00-1:30 Texan Time
1:30-2:00 Science
2:10-3:00 Specials
3:00 Dismissal