Copopa Chronicle
News and Updates from Copopa - January 17, 2025
⭐ Spirit Days ⭐
21- Wear Your Jersey Day
24 - Cavs Day
27- Hat Day
3 - 80s Day - Dress for the Decade
7 - Super Bowl - Wear your NFL Gear
10 - Black and White Day
12 - 100th Day of School - Dress as a 100 Year Old
13 - Valentine’s Day Party - Wear Hearts or Red and Pink
18 - Presidents Day- Dress as your Favorite President or in Red, White and Blue
24 - PJ Day - Wear your Winter Pajamas
👇 Mark Your Calendars 👇
16 - End of 2nd Quarter
17 - Professional Development (no school for students)
20 - MLK Day (no school)
20 - Copopa Night at the Cavs Game
4 - Kindergarten Welcome Night (see flyer)
11 - Preschool Information Night (see flyer)
13 - Valentine's Day Parties (various times... look for a sign-up soon from PTO)
Early Release Day
14 - Professional Development (no school for students)
17 - Presidents' Day (no school)
Week of 24 - 28 - Breakfast with a Buddy (more information to come soon)
4 - 1st Grade Field Trip (Playhouse Square)
5 - Conferences (day 1)
6 - Early Release
Conferences (day 2)
7 - PTO Kalahari Day
11 - Spotlight on the Arts
13 - 3rd & 4th Grade Spelling Bee (2:00 p.m.)
Week of 17 - 21 - MAPS Testing
21 - End of 3rd Quarter
Smart Watches
This is a reminder that Smart Watches are not to be used at school like a cell phone. I understand some students may have received one for Christmas. Students can wear it for "time" purposes. However, texting, calling, playing games, taking pictures, using the walkie talkie feature, etc. is not permitted. This is outlined in our student handbook and I send a letter home at the beginning of the year (beginning in 2022.)
If a student is using the watch for anything other than a regular watch, a parent will be contacted to come into school and pick the watch up.
Please see the handbook information (p.13) and the original parent letter below.
Thank you for your support and cooperation with this. It is appreciated.
Student Council Sucker and Bracelet Sale
All money raised from the sucker and bracelet sale was donated to the Asheville, North Carolina Humane Society. They were kind enough to send us a thank you note with some additional information.
Thank you so much to our student council members for running the sale. A special thanks to Mrs. Gilkerson who organized everything and advised the students.
We appreciated the support!
MAPS Parent Reports
Students completed the winter MAPS assessments in December. The parent report with your child's score will be sent home next Thursday, January 16th . Some grade levels will also have mClass assessment data. 2nd grade students will have a copy of their CoGAT scores as well.
Kindergarten Information - Class of 2038
Preschool Information
Soccer Registration ⚽
Girl Scout Information
Columbia PTO Information
Be sure to follow the PTO on FB to stay up to date with meetings, events, and fun volunteer opportunities.
Please contact the PTO with any questions.
There is still time to book!
CLICK HERE to make your reservation
Principal Assistant - Crew Maust
Principal Assistant - Kamren Paul
Principal Assistant - Kayden Paul
Principal Assistant - Connor Klump
Principal Assistant - Antoinetta Arzaga
Principal Assistant - Alivia Batcha
Principal Assistant - Penelope Short
Buddy Lunch
Copopa Elementary School
Providing a quality education for students in grades Pre-K - 4
by "Achieving Excellence Together."
Carla Lasecki - Principal Secretary
Amy Thomas - Attendance Secretary
Carla Molnar - Principal
Susie Dunn - Counselor
Jamie Maassen - Director of Special Education and Little Raiders Preschool
Jessica Klump - Literacy Specialist
Mindi Porter - District Nurse
Location: 13644 W River Rd, Columbia Station, OH 44028, USA
Phone: 440.236.5020
Fax: 440.236.1220
X (formerly Twitter): @CopopaElem