CAS Newsletter
December 2024
From the Director
Occasionally, an event captures with striking clarity the potential of the Center for Asian Studies (CAS) to connect diverse perspectives and disciplines, sparking new ideas and collaborations. This year’s Anlin Ku Lecturer, acclaimed author of science fiction and fantasy Ken Liu, began his thought-provoking presentation with the this question:
“What can the copying of manuscripts in the Middle Ages and the development of the camera in the 19th century tell us about the implications of Artificial Intelligence for the future of human creativity?”
From this intriguing starting point, Liu wove together concepts from science, art, advanced technology, and philosophy to create a compelling argument about the relationship between copying and creating. His lecture resonated deeply with the mission of CAS and our newest initiative, Charlie’s Tech Talk, which highlights the contributions of Asian Americans to the high-tech revolution and explores its profound implications for society.
This first public lecture to held at the stunning new Crow Museum of Asian Art drew a large and captivated audience, setting a tone that we hope has become a hallmark of CAS events: intellectual rigor, cultural exploration, and expansive imagination.
Liu himself is a testament to the boundless possibilities that CAS seeks to promote: a Chinese American who double-majored in Humanities and Engineering, began his career in high-tech, transitioned to law specializing in technology-related litigation, and ultimately became an internationally celebrated author. His journey exemplifies the dynamic convergence of technology, creativity, and human that we aim to foster at CAS.
We envision CAS as a hub/catalyst for transformative interactions—across ideas, cultures, and disciplines—that will make UTD a magnet attracting the next generation of students, faculty, and entrepreneurs from around the world.
To bring this vision to life, we need your partnership. Your financial support and/or active involvement on our Advisory Council or Executive Committee can help us expand our reach and realize our ambitions. Together, we can create a future where CAS is a driving force for creativity, ingenuity, and international understanding.
Join us on this exciting journey. For more information, please feel free to contact me directly at dkratz@utdallas.edu.
With gratitude,
Dennis M. Kratz
Director, Center for Asian Studies
2024 Year In Review
January 18
"Walking Together, Walking Alone: Timeless Models of Independence" presented by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni as the inaugural Carmen R. & Joseph G. Schneidler Lecture on Asian Studies
February 10
Asian Lunar New Year Art Festival in collaboration with Texas Cultural Exchange Center (TCEC)
March 6
No-No Boy Concert featuring Dr. Julian Saporiti and Emilia Halvorsen Saporiti
June 10-28
September 10
"From Chinese Tea Culture to World Tea Culture" presented by Dr. Min Sheng
September 21
3rd Annual Mid-Autumn Asian Arts Festival featuring the Dallas Hua Yun Chinese Orchestra, the UNT Chinese Ensemble, and guest artists
September 25
"Fantasy Sports and Beyond: Sleeper and the Esports Revolution" with Nan Wang, CEO of Sleeper, as the inaugural presentation of Charlie's Tech Talk
October 16
Faculty Spotlight | Dr. Meghna Sabharwal
Dr. Meghna Sabharwal, a professor in the Public and Nonprofit Management program and Associate Provost for Faculty Success at the University of Texas at Dallas. She is a distinguished scholar in public human resources management with a specialization in diversity, equity, and inclusion.
As a Fellow of the National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) and Editor-in-Chief of the Review of Public Personnel Administration, she has authored five books and over 80 peer-reviewed journal articles and chapters, earning six best paper awards. Dr. Sabharwal’s extensive research, including studies on high-skilled immigration of Asian Indians, the historical analysis of racism faced by Asian Americans, and comparative HR management practices between Asia and the West. Her expertise in promoting social equity and managing diversity in global contexts would significantly enrich the center’s academic and policy efforts, deepening the understanding of the Asian experience.
Student Spotlight | Iris Wu
Xingyou (Iris) Wu is a PhD student in Humanities at UTD. She was born and raised in Beijing, China, and came to the US at the age of 13 for her education. Iris is interested in the differences and collisions between Western and Eastern ways of thinking, philosophically and linguistically, through the frameworks of translation studies, grounding the discussions in our current day and age through examining literary theories, the philosophy of science and technology, and German continental philosophy.
Spring 2025 Asian Language Courses
The schedule for Spring 2025 Asian Language courses is now available! Please visit the CAS Course Schedule page for more details and registration:
Upcoming Events
January 12 | Lunar New Year Gala
Join the International Cross Culture Foundation (ICCF) in celebrating the upcoming Lunar New Year! The 2025 Lunar New Year's Gala program will be filled with rich and beautiful singing, dancing, folk art, martial arts, opera, acrobatics, instrumental music and more! These performances will be given by famous foreign singers as well as professional musicians, dancers, and artists. We believe that you will thoroughly enjoy this special evening!
January 12, 2025, 5:00-8:30 PM Central Time
The Eisemann Center
2351 Performance Dr, Richardson, TX 75082
Sponsorship ticket levels:
VIP $200, $120, $80, $50
Purchase tickets before December 15th to receive a 50% discount:
February 8 | Asian Lunar New Year Arts Festival
The Center for Asian Studies at UTD, Texas Cultural Exchange Center (TCEC), and Dallas Hua Yun Orchestra are jointly presenting a multicultural arts festival showcasing ethnic instrumental performances, graceful ballet, and Bollywood dance. Join us for an evening celebrating Eastern and Western cultures!
February 8, 7:00-9:00 PM Central Time
The University of Texas at Dallas, Arts and Technology Lecture Hall (ATC 1.102)
800 W Campbell Rd, Richardson, TX 75080
This event is FREE and open to the public. Please be on the lookout for more details such as directions, parking permits, etc. as the event gets closer!
February 26 | Carmen R. & Joseph G. Schneidler Lecture
Save the date for the 2nd annual Carmen R. & Joseph G. Schneidler Lecture featuring UTD faculty, Dr. Mike Peng, the O.P. Jindal Distinguished Chair and Professor of Organizations, Strategy and International Management in the Naveen Jindal School of Management (JSOM).
TBD | Poetry Reading with Paisley Rekdal
In 2018, Utah Poet Laureate Paisley Rekdal was commissioned to write a poem commemorating the 150th anniversary of the transcontinental railroad. The result is West: A Translation—an unflinching hybrid collection of poems and essays that draws a powerful, necessary connection between the railroad’s completion and the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882–1943).
Carved into the walls of the Angel Island Immigration Station, where Chinese migrants to the United States were detained, is a poem elegizing a detainee who committed suicide. As West translates this anonymous Chinese elegy character by character, what’s left is a haunting narrative distilled through the history and lens of transcontinental railroad workers, and a sweeping exploration of the railroad’s cultural impact on America.
Punctuated by historical images and told through multiple voices, languages, literary forms, and documents, West explores what unites and divides America, and how our ideas about American history creep forward, even as the nation itself constantly threatens to spiral back.