OUUC Weekly Update
May 28, 2024

Worship Service June 2
“Honoring Our Young Ones” with Rev. Mary Gear & Rev. Sara Lewis
The worship service starts at 10 am.
OUUC Sunday Morning Service
Meeting ID: 873 210 124
Password: 995142
Dial +1 253 215 8782
After Service Forum (11:30): Budget Meeting
Last Sunday's Events
Notice of Annual Congregational Meeting and Budget Meeting
in-person and online (Zoom link below)
Budget Meeting
Sunday, June 2, 11:30 am
Meet with the OUUC Board and Rev. Mary, to cover all the details of the proposed OUUC budget for July 2024 – June 2025. If you would like to know all the details about the proposed budget, this meeting is for you! Bring your questions and concerns to the meeting so they can be addressed before the annual meeting on June 9. Download a copy of the proposed budget below.
Annual Congregational Meeting
Sunday, June 9, 2024, 11:45 am
Food will be served after the service and before the meeting by the Board and other volunteers.
-Approval of May 23, 2023 Congregational Meeting Minutes
-A report from the Board of Trustees and the Minister
-*Adoption of the July 2024 – June 2025 Budget
-*Adoption of the Revised OUUC Covenant and the Behavioral Covenant (proposed changes here)
-*Election of Board Members — Arlene Colerick, Dieter Jacobs, Sally Alhadeff
-*Election of Leadership Development Committee Members — Nancy Curtiss, Des McGahern, Josie Solseng
*congregational vote required
More information here.
Both meetings will be in-person in OUUC Sanctuary and on Zoom, at our usual worship service link.
Meeting ID: 873 210 124
Password: 995142
Revising OUUC’s Covenant: Vote at Congregational Meeting June 9
More than a year and a half ago, we began the process of revisiting OUUC’s covenant, making some revisions to the current covenant and adding a behavioral covenant. Based on your feedback during congregational forums last Spring, the writing team made some revisions, and the Board of Trustees has made some decisions.
We’ve done a lot of talking and listening — now it’s time to vote. At the June 9 congregational meeting, members will be asked to vote on the proposed changes to the current covenant and the addition of a behavioral covenant.
On June 9, I will first ask you if you are ready to vote on the proposed changes. Your vote may be yes or no, but the first question is if you have the information that you need to vote. If the majority answer is yes, I will turn it over to Board President Arlene Colerick, to ask for the vote. If the answer is no, you are not ready to vote, I will ask you what you need to be ready to vote. We’ll have paper & pencils available for feedback.
You can find the proposed covenant changes and more history here.
One of the concerns expressed last Spring was about what would happen if someone didn’t follow the behavioral covenant. This is a concern about how we, as a community, handle accountability. The Board adopted a policy about addressing non-covenantal behavior, which you can find here. This is one of the ways we help maintain safety for everyone and stay in relationship even when we disagree. You will see that the first step, whenever possible, is to have a direct conversation.
If you have any questions about this proposal or the process, please contact me.
I hope you will lend your voice and vote to this project.
News from the Sabbatical Committee
Rev. Mary’s sabbatical starts on June 16. On that day, we will send her off with a box full of blessings, well wishes and love from our beloved community. The Sabbatical Committee will collect cards for Rev. Mary over the next 4 weeks. Please look for the colorful box and blank cards in the Commons (shown here). We have a selection of lovely cards or you can bring one of your choice and drop it in the box. All are invited to participate. If you have questions, ask a Sabbatical Committee member or email us.
For detailed information about Rev. Mary's sabbatical, a contact list, FAQ's and more, check out this site or the kiosk next to the commons side doors in the church.
This Week
Community Dinner: Color Party and Potluck!
Thursday, May 30, 5:30 pm
For this week's community dinner folks who want to are invited to bring a potluck dish on a color theme. We will set out a rainbow of food to enjoy!
It's also just fine to come and enjoy dinner and not bring a dish.
Volunteers are needed to help cook, set up, and clean up. If you can help please contact Rev. Sara.
Parent Group this week
Thursday, 30, 6:30-7:30 pm
in-person and online (contact Rev. Sara for Zoom link)
Join us for support and community each month on the 1st Thursday of the month. We focus on a different parenting topic each month.
June's topic is navigating the summer season with kids.
New UU Seekers Class
Saturday, June 1, 10am, in person only
This class is on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays of the month. This week's topic is a Q&A with the minister. This class is for folks who want to know more about UU, about OUUC, or to become members. Folks are also welcome to join in for just one or two sessions they are interested in. Contact Rev. Sara for questions.
Tiny Little News Show
Would you like some of your church news by video? Try our Tiny Little News Show!
In this week's Tiny Little News: a quick update on this week's events at OUUC
Ministry Programs
Registration Now Open for Kids Summer Camps:
OUUC Chalice Camp “Building a New Way” for ages 5-10 will be July 15th to 19th.
Our Whole Lives (OWL) Camp for Ages 5-7, July 8th to 12th, 9am-noon each day.
OWL is a developmentally appropriate and much praised sexuality education program.
Camp is open to all, with a pay what you can sliding scale, feel free to spread the word!
Your Life, Your Story: Memoir Writing class (auction fundraiser event with space left)
Have you ever wanted to write your memoir or leave a legacy for your loved ones? This is your chance! This six-week class was offered during the OUUC auction and three spaces are still available. The class includes activities and resources to help you write, share and preserve your life stories. Each week you’ll receive prompting questions to write two-pages at home on a rich theme of your life history – themes such as family, work, spirituality and forks in the road that changed your life direction. You’ll bring your writing to class the following week to share with fellow storytellers. Sharing life stories is an ideal way to find new meaning in life and put past events into perspective. No writing experience is necessary, just an openness to appreciate and share the unique life that is yours.
Register here. Sign up with family members, friends, or with OUUC folks you’d like to know better. Share the learning and the joy of personal development.
OUUC member Pam Toal is a certified Guided Autobiography instructor.
Class dates: September 10,17, 24 & October 1, 8, 15, 10 am – Noon, in person at OUUC
Class fee: $125 (proceeds to OUUC)
OlyWA Pride
OUUC is going to have a booth for Pride and to march in the Pride Parade this year. Rev Sara is organizing this effort, but needs help. Please sign up here.
Seeking Facilitators for Soul Matters Groups next church year
Would you be interested in leading a Soul Matters group next year? These are small groups that explore the theme of the month, meeting once a month (schedule to be set by facilitators). Facilitators can work solo or with a co-faciliatator. Experience with Soul Matters is good but not required. Contact Rev. Sara if you are interested in leading a group!
General Assembly of the Unitarian Universalist Association is ALL Virtual this year, June 20th to 23rd. General Assembly is many things: powerful worship, opportunities to learn together in workshops, and business meetings where delegates vote on important decisions for our association. General Assembly: The Unitarian Universalist Association's Annual Meeting.
Save the Date! OUUC All Church Picnic
Sunday, September 8, 12-2 pm
Mark your calendars now for our fun annual picnic. This year at a more accessible location! Squaxin Park, Rose Garden Shelter
Farm Tour of GRuB
Sunday, June 9, 1 pm
Garden Raised Bounty (GRuB) has begun conversations with the Faith in Action team about possible collaborative projects. The first phase of the collaboration is getting to know each other’s mission better.
Join us just down the road at GRuB (2016 Elliott Ave NW) to learn about their important work increasing food access and opportunities in our community.
We'll experience a GRuB-style check-in, then walk the 3-acre farm to learn about GRuB programs with young adults, Veterans, tribes, and more! We'll close with an opportunity to discuss potential collaboration for the future. Wear clothes suitable to walk the farm (closed toe shoes, sun or rain protection) and to be outside for an hour. Parking is on Bing Court, or you can walk or carpool from the church. All ages are welcome. Please RSVP to Gail Wrede.
Celebration of Life for Ken Yeo
Sunday, June 2, 2024
The family and friends of Ken Yeo will be welcomed for a Celebration of Life service at 2:30 PM, both onsite in the OUUC Sanctuary and on Zoom (link below). A reception will follow for those onsite.
Please check this site for updates – we’ll post the Order of Service before, and a link to the YouTube video after, the service.
Meeting ID: 812 9967 5858
Passcode: 046136
Celebration of Life for Phyllis Clausen
Friday, June 7, 2024
The family and friends of Phyllis Clausen will be welcomed for a Celebration of Life service at 2:00 PM, both onsite in the OUUC Sanctuary and on Zoom (link below).
A reception will follow for those onsite.
Please check this site for updates – we’ll post the Order of Service before, and a link to the YouTube video after, the service.
Meeting ID: 812 4239 0585
Passcode: 002977
Quick Notes
For sale, with proceeds to be donated to OUUC: A blue, 2007 Prius hybrid, with current mileage at 136,210 mi. Lovingly maintained by Ken Yeo.
Best offer will be accepted by Ann Yeo.
Contact Ann by finding her in the OUUC Directory.
Safety Reminder: Please lock and remove valuables from your vehicles.
Download the flyer below if you would like a list of OUUC events for June. Great for posting on your refrigerator!
In the Larger Community
Learn more about the following events and others here.
ASHHO Cultural Community Center has been working for several years to help build racial justice in Olympia. Erin Jones has been leading monthly walks for three years toward this effort. On Saturday, May 11, her walk was disrupted by someone shouting hate speech. A racially motivated verbal attack happened in Tumwater just a few days ago. All who were walking with her were impacted. You can see her Erin’s account of this disruption in her 6-minute recording on Tik Tok here.
So, for her June walk, Erin is inviting community members to show up for inclusion. She’s looking for 100 community members to show up in support of racial justice in Olympia. The walk will begin at 11 am on Saturday, June 8 at ASHHO. I’ll be there. Please join me!
For those who attended the recent OUUC auction, you know that ASHHO is a beautiful and spirit-filed place. Let’s show up to support their efforts in yet another way.
Erin’s wisdom: We’re all human. Be kind to everyone.
See you on June 8.
The Rachel Corrie Foundation for Peace and Justice invites you to show your support for Palestine each Friday from 4:30-6:00 p.m. at the Fellowship of Reconciliation Vigil for Peace
Percival Landing in Downtown Olympia, 4th & Water Street.
Healing Code of Forgiveness: Freedom from Shame and Trauma with Ester Nicholson
Sunday, June 9, 1-3:30 pm at Center For Spiritual Living Olympia, 3437 Libby Rd NE Olympia WA 98506
In this workshop, Ester Nicholson, Trauma Healer, Agape International Licensed Practitioner and author of Soul Recovery — 12 Keys to Healing Dependence, will guide you through a powerful process of healing unconscious core wounds that have blocked you from your highest and authentic self.
Saturday, June 22, 2024 4:00-7:00 pm
GRUB farmhouse 2016 Elliott Avenue NW
157th Anniversary of Black liberation
An Evening With Lifelong Climate Activist Bill McKibben,
Tuesday, July 2 at 7 pm, Hosted by United First Methodist Church in Seattle
Join Third Act Washington members and friends, climate justice activists, faith-based creation caregroups, and concerned citizens for a talk followed by Q & A with the renowned climate activist, author, and founder of Third Act. Read more here.
About Us
Staff Contacts
Rev. Sara Lewis, Director of Community and Faith Development
Isaac Ezra Jennings, Business Manager
Rosie Koppelman, Office Assistant
Teresa Madsen, Communications and Tech Coordinator
Marie Arensmeyer, Facilities Manager
Anissa Bentlemsani, Religious Education Assistant
Carbon Marshall, Tech Specialist
Office Hours
Tuesday - Thursday, 10:00 am - 2:00 pm