St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Weekly Newsletter 22.9.23
This week...
It's been another wonderfully busy week in school! I love walking into classrooms and sensing such a buzz of excitement! As you will see from the photos and descriptions below, there is lots of exciting, fun, hands on learning taking place in our school and we are really proud of this!
For further photos and updates, feel free to visit our Twitter page:
St Joseph's Catholic Primary School, Tadcaster (@StJosephsTad) / X (
We continue to work with our families so that together we can...
Live, love and learn with the Lord.
Mrs Ronicle
Virtue of respect
This week, we have been looking at how Jesus showed respect to others and what this might look like within our own school and community. We marked the International Day of Peace this week with a special worship focusing on the chairty, CAFOD and their work in supporting others.
We would love to have you on board with celebrating our virtues too! This helps our children understand the importance of living out our virtues at all times - not just in school hours!
If your child shows respect or courtesy at home, please share this with us (feel free to email me or let me know on the gates in the morning) and we will celebrate this in school too!
Celebration Assemblies
Each Friday morning at 9:10am, we will hold a whole school celebration assembly in our school hall and families are welcome to join us, with refreshments available for our families.
Award winners this week!
St Nicholas Star of the Week: Anthony
St Francis Star of the Week: Amelia
St Bernadette Star of the Week: Dollie
St Patrick Star of the Week: Arabella
St Therese Star of the Week: Tilly
Headteacher's Award (for showing our virtue of respect): Nancy
Congratulations to all of our award winners, who were invited to sit on the GOLDEN TABLE at lunchtime (and enjoy juice!)
Team point winners: John (again!)
John Team will be given treats on Monday morning at breaktime as their reward!
MacMillan Coffee Morning
St Therese's Class would like to invite you to their Macmillan Coffee Morning!
We are asking for donations of homemade or shop bought cakes, buns, etc, to be brought into school on the morning of the event.
This event will take place on Friday 29th Sept, in the school hall, after celebration assembly.
We will also have a ‘Take-away service’ available where sweet treats can be bought and taken home if you don’t have time to stay for a drink etc.
So, please come along and enjoy a cuppa and cake or two, be waited on by the Year 5/6 pupils and know you are supporting this worthwhile cause!
To find out more about this wonderful charity, please visit their website: Macmillan Cancer Support | The UK's leading cancer care charity
This week we have been learning...
St Nicholas (Nursery and Preschool)
St Francis (Reception / Y1)
St Bernadette (Y2)
St Patrick (Y3/4)
In RE, we have been learning about the family of the Church. We created a collage to show that we all belong to one big family.
St Therese (Y5/6)
This week, we carried out a science experiment on water resistance to see if we could find the shapes which would sink quickest/ slowest when dropped into a bottle of water.
Welcome Mass
Families are very welcome!
PTA meeting
All parents/carers are very welcome and your support is much appreciated! Look forward to seeing you there!
Lost items
Individual photos
This is a reminder that individual school photographs will be taken on Thursday 28th September. Please send your child to school in their uniform.
If you would like your child to have their picture taken with a younger sibling who is not part of the nursery or school please bring them in at 8.30am.
All other children, including children who are attending nursery that day, will have their photographs taken during school time.
If your preschool child is not due to attend on Thursday morning and you would like them to have their picture taken please contact the school office and we will arrange for a time for you to attend.
KS2 SATS information evening
The evening will provide you with information about the expectations around Year 6 pupils; how you can support learning at home; and give you an opportunity to ask Mr Craigen any questions you may have (he does have a decade's worth of experience in teaching Year 6 so is a good person to ask!).
We look forward to seeing you there!
Open days for new starters
I you know anyone this applies to, please share this invitation with them!
Tuesday 10th Oct, 10:00 - 11:00am
Wednesday 11th Oct, 3:45-5:00pm
Children are more than welcome to attend. Please contact our school office to book your place.
Uniform and PE Kits
I have been made aware that the current uniform policy states that children should have jumpers and t-shirts with the school logo. As a parent of two children myself, I appreciate how costly this would be to maintain! With this in mind, I am more than happy for children to wear the correct colour jumper and t-shirt without logos!
The PE days for each class are as follows:
St Francis (Reception/Y1): Thursday
St Bernadette (Y2): Friday
St Patrick (Y3/4): Monday
St Therese (Y5/6): Monday and Wednesday
Swimming is on a Wednesday afternoon for Years 1-4. Children need to come in uniform with their swimming kit in a bag please.
After School Clubs
Please contact the school office ASAP if you would like a place at any of the following clubs:
Monday - Futsal Sports Club
Tuesday - Craft Club
Wednesday - Multi-sports Club
For those of you that have asked what futsal is (I didn't know until last year either!), have a look at the website of our provider:
Upcoming Dates
Whole School Welcome Mass (in Church - families welcome): Wed 27th Sept, 10am
St Francis (Reception/Y1) Stay and Play: Wed 27th Sept, 2:30-3:30pm
KS2 SATs information Evening: Thurs 28th Sept, 6pm
Individual photos (for all pupils): Thurs 28th Sept
Macmillan Coffee Morning: Fri 29th Sept (after celebration assembly)
PTA Meeting with Mrs R: Wed 4th Oct, 3:45pm
Harvest Festival: Fri 6th Oct, 9:10am
Reception New Starters' Liturgy: Wed 11th Oct, 9:10am
How to get in touch
If you have a query or concern, please feel free to speak to me (Mrs Ronicle) at the gates in the morning or via email (; your child's class teacher at the end of the day; or our school admin team at the front entrance.
If this is not possible, feel free to phone or email the office who can forward any messages to staff. Please note, our class teachers do not use their email addresses or Class Dojo to contact parents/carers/families.
We are a proud member school of the Bishop Wheeler Catholic Academy Trust:
Location: Station Road, Tadcaster, UK
Phone: 01937 832344
Twitter: @StJosephsTad
Our Parish Church
St. Joseph's Catholic Church, Tadcaster.
Mass times are as follows:
SUNDAY Mass 9am
FRIDAY Mass 10am
Please visit the Church website for further details: