The Rise Up Family Newsletter
October 28, 2024
Letter from the Principal
Greetings PPA Caregivers, Families, and Friends,
Thank you all for scheduling and attending Caregiver-Teacher Conferences last week. We had a great turnout and look forward to collaborating with caregivers in support of YOUR scholars' academic journey.
Attendance plays a significant role in your scholars’ academic success. Caregivers please continue to express the importance of timely and regular attendance.
The first two months of school have been successful and we look forward to our continued success.
As well, be on the lookout for communication and other surveys to be completed by caregivers. We value your feedback as it supports us in making valuable positive changes.
Be well,
Ms. Sconiers
Office updates
Senior Pictures are due at their boundary school Nov. 1st.
Attendance line: 608-834-6900 Line 1
Please use this number when calling in a student for an absence, illness or an appointment.
You can call the office at 608-834-6900 ext. 5507 for any reason that your student will be absent. Please call the attendance line or the office at 608-834-6931 if your student needs to leave early. Calls will be made when students leave grounds without a guardian's permission.
School day is from 9:00am - 3:20pm.
PPA Specific information to keep in mind:
As a reminder, students that are driving should review this information. It is important for our student drivers to continue to be safe for themselves and others in our parking lots and on the roads. Please note that students that do not park in the designated student parking session:
First offense- a verbal warning and ask to move their vehicle to the proper area
Second offense- parent communication
Ongoing offenses will be discussed with families and hopes of a resolution
Scholars should be prepared to learn everyday! Chromebooks should be with students daily. To reduce students transporting their wonderful Chromebooks they have the opportunity to leave the CB’s at PPA to be charged. Those that turned in Chromebooks will be able to pick them up from the main office. We will not issue a Chromebook to students if they have one or more already checked out to them. Please have your scholar return any damaged Chromebooks to the main office. We have a limited number of Chromebooks that students may use as loaners but that is on a first come basis.
Child care information!
Teddy’s Place at PPA is underway!!!!! If you are not aware.. Teddy’s Place is a childcare facility in Sun Prairie that will have a place in PPA in support of our school-aged parents. We are truly excited to have an opportunity to support students and remove barriers.
Science is Fun! Physical Science Experiments
One of our student’s, Trinity, is a teacher assistant for this science class. Trinity came up and planned several science experiments for the class to do. So far we have made lava lamps, made a fire snake and made volcanoes and erupted them. We look forward to making some household goods, looking at the science involved with foods and partnering with a 5th grade class at Westside to show off all of the awesome experiments!
Hugga Mugga
In Hugga Mugga (our student-run cafe), we are shifting the mission of our business to focus on the impact of nutrition on mental health. Over the last week we’ve had a lot of fun taste-testing different foods that benefit mental health, from seaweed to kimchi to mushroom energy drinks! Our goal is to get our new-and-improved business up and running by mid-November.
In our Olympics class, students have been trying out different olympic events! Each student has chosen a country to research and represent in the “PPA Olympics”. So far we’ve competed in a relay on the track, shot put, and discus. Next we’ll try out our jumping skills, badminton, and soccer! Currently, Ireland tops the leaderboard followed by Costa Rica in 2nd and Mexico and Cambodia tied for third.
Book Study: Assata, An Autobiography
In our book study class we are learning about the extraordinary life of Assata Shakur (JoAnne Chesimard), while also researching adjacent themes, culture and individuals relevant to the reading like Angela Davis, Lennox Hinds, Fred Hampton, and counterculture movements/organizations of the 1960-70s. The autobiography traces Assata’s life from a young age growing up in NYC and North Carolina through the 1950’s and ‘60’s at the height of the Civil Rights Movement through the late 1970s where she was convicted and incarcerated based on controversial evidence . Assata’s autobiography reveals her experiences in a life of activism, and shows the strengths and weaknesses of revolutionary groups striving for change.
Creepy Crafts: A Hauntingly Fun Art Class
This Halloween-themed class is filled with creative and imaginative projects that are sure to get students' imaginations flowing.
One of the popular projects in the class is DIY scratch art pumpkins. Students are transforming their oil pastel drawings of pumpkins into eerie masterpieces by using a variety of techniques. They cover their drawings with black, acrylic paint or markers, then scratch away designs to reveal colorful patterns and images. The results are both spooky and beautiful.
For those who prefer a more traditional approach, the class is also exploring spooky sketches and paintings. Students are using a variety of mediums, including pencils, markers, and paints, to create haunting and atmospheric drawings. From creepy crawlers to ghostly figures, the students' artwork is sure to give you a chill.
Finally, the class is getting their hands dirty with clay skull projects. Students are sculpting their own unique skulls using air-dry clay. They can add details like eyes, teeth, and bones to personalize their creations. Once the skulls are dry, they can be painted in a variety of colors and styles.
JAG (Job’s of America Graduates)Notes:
We started our new round of workshops, in JAG we will be focusing on Career Development this round. Last week, we had a Career Panel here that talked about different career opportunities in Energy careers. Today we had the Mobile Learning Lab at PPA, the students were able to have hands-on experience with the different careers in Energy.
HOPE(Health Occupations and Professions) 11/2: Is a program run by UW Health Career Pathways designed to expose 10th-12th grade students to various career paths and professions in healthcare. Students will get to explore different careers in hospital from 8:30a.m. to 4:30p.m. and do hands-on activities. *Requires sign up
November 14,2024- Career Fair (Trades) in Milwaukee field trip
November 19, 2024- Union Electrician Field Trip
The Counselor’s Corner
Show Me The Money! Scholarship Tips
Looking for scholarships can feel like a treasure hunt, but with the right tools, you can strike gold! Start by using scholarship search engines like Fastweb or Scholarship.com, and don’t forget Instagram—follow educational accounts and use hashtags like #ScholarshipAlert to discover hidden opportunities. Explore local scholarships from community foundations or your school district, and get creative with your unique talents—there’s a scholarship for everything from coding to skateboarding! Stay organized, track deadlines, and happy hunting!
Instagram: Mos.com
Community Schools:
Last Thursday we began our Crafting Expedition Mini Camp! Parents, Students, and Staff explored our Clay Creation activity. (At the left you will find pictures of the results.)
The next Crafting Expedition will be NEXT THURSDAY OCTOBER 31st, 2024 @2p-3p in our Dry Lab
Email- ashale@sunprairieschools.org if you would like to have access to the Pantry/Clothing closet!
SPASD Updates
On November 5th, the district will have a question on the ballot. Please make sure that you are informed so that you can vote. Here are some ways to do so.
Read the mailer which was sent to your home mailbox
Check out the referendum webpage
Visit one of the upcoming open house events
Follow the district on social media
Watch the referendum videos posted on the webpage and social media
Email your questions to ref2024@sunprairieschools.org
Bus Lost and Found
Kobussen has a Lost & Found for items left on the bus. The driver keeps the lost item on the bus for a few days, then turns it in at the Kobussen terminal. If your child has a lost item don’t forget to check with Kobussen. Feel free to stop by the terminal at 1500 Forward Drive, Sun Prairie or call (608) 825-8700.
Autobús perdido y encontrado Kobussen tiene un Lost & Found para artículos dejados en el autobús. El conductor guarda el objeto perdido en el autobús durante unos días y luego lo entrega en la terminal de Kobussen. Si su hijo tiene un artículo perdido, no olvide consultar con Kobussen. No dude en pasar por la terminal en 1500 Forward Drive, Sun Prairie o llame al (608) 825-8700.
Prairie Phoenix Academy
Email: nsconi@sunprairieschools.org
Website: https://www.sunprairieschools.org/prairie-phoenix-academy-home
Location: 220 Kroncke Drive, Suite 13 Sun Prairie, WI 53590, USA
Phone: 6088346901