Erieview News
May 17, 2024
Good afternoon Erieview families,
Attention Color Runners!
Due to rain, we’ve rescheduled the Color Run to Monday, May 20th. Don’t worry, it’s the same time, same location, and all the fun details remain unchanged! Let’s get ready to paint the town on Monday!
Erieview Field Day – Wednesday, May 29th
Looking for some parent volunteers to help with Field Day on May 29th! Grades K,1 and 3 will be during the AM session (9-10:50am) and Grades 2 and 4 will be in the PM session (12:30-2:20pm). If you are able to help out at one of the 16 stations during this fun event, please visit the SignUp Genius link below! We could not do this without the support of all of you, THANK YOU!
School Supplies Reminder
Erieview Parents: Buy your 1st Day School Supplies today and give your child the exact supplies their teacher requested, plus a lot of confidence! Kits include only the highest quality, branded products they need to conquer next year with confidence. 1st Day School Supplies is the BEST way to buy back-to-school supplies!
Order now, before the end of the school year and before the July 1 deadline: http://1stdayschoolsupplies.com/kits.php?sid=80722 [1stdayschoolsupplies.com]
Welcome Incoming Kindergartners!
Summer Meetups: We are planning a few informal playground meetups over the summer for kids and families. Please join the private Facebook page for the Erievew Class of 2037 to get information about these opportunities and to meet some of their classmates before the start of the 24-25 school year.
Please direct any questions to:
Natalie Ata
(440) 263-4795
Congratulations on your retirement!
We celebrated Mrs. Grosjean, Mrs. Dolezal and Mrs. Brown (not pictured) this week on their retirement. Enjoy your well deserved time with family and friends. We will miss you terribly. Erieview will not be the same without you!
School Fees
School fees have been sent home. Please note that school fees do not go away at the end of the school year. They continue accumulating year to year, and can become a large issue if not taken care of on a yearly basis. Per district policy, students may not participate in extracurricular activities until all student fees are paid. These activities include: safety patrol, student council, Kids in the Community, Erieview choir, and other designated school events. Please send in payment or complete payment online for the amount owed.
Payment options:
You may pay school fees online at www.payschoolcentral.com
Payments may also be made by check/money order and should be made payable to Erieview Elementary. Please include your student’s name on the memo line of your check. Thank you in advance for your attention to this matter.
Camp Invention
Camp Invention is almost here! Troy Intermediate School will be hosting Camp Invention for the 8th year! There is something for all ages. Incoming Kindergarteners through sixth graders will take part in designing a one-of-a-kind Glow Box as well as star in a prototyping game show. Seventh through Ninth Graders can assist Leadership Interns and help younger campers work their way through all the fun modules. Don’t miss out on the last discount code for Camp Invention. Sign up today using promo code SUM15! Register at www.campinvention.org today!
Lost and Found
Please check the lost and found for missing items. All items left at the end of the year will be donated to charity.
Bike to School Week 5/28-5/31
We will have our Bike to School Week after Memorial Day. As we proceed with Bike Week, let’s remember a few rules.
School Rules
1. We ask that everyone wear a helmet.
2. We will park bikes in the front of the school. There will be cones separating grade levels.
3. We ask that you use all official crosswalks to cross Electric Blvd. and to enter the front of Erieview.
4. Bikes must be walked when entering school property.
5. Bikes should not be walked between parked cars, moving cars, or in front or behind buses.
6. Biker riders will be dismissed at 3:20.
Outside the school
1. Please wear a helmet.
2. Talk about bike safety with your child.
3. Choose the safest path to get to school.
4. Stop at every intersection, even when you are on the sidewalk. Look in every direction at any intersection for traffic.
5. Ride in a smooth, straight, predictable manner.
6. Be able to stop quickly.
7. Wear bright colors.
8. Ride with friends. This is the best rule for an enjoyable ride.
Upcoming events:
5/20-Color Run 1:30
5/21-4th grade visit to Troy
5/27-Memorial Day~no school
5/28-begin Bike to School week
5/28-4th grade Cuyahoga Valley field trip
5/29-field day (all grades)
5/30-4th gr. breakfast/slideshow
5/31-4th gr. to Bleser Park
6/3-4th gr. party~North lot
6/5-last day of school for students
6/5-talent show
6/5-4th grade "Clap Out!"