Walsh Middle School
Supporting Our Student and Community
We are all currently living through one of the most challenging periods of time in our nation’s history. This time is extremely stressful for our students, our families, our teachers and every member of our community.
As a community of educators, we will not remain silent on the issue of injustice and inequality in our country. We are here to stand with all our families and with all of our children. We know many of our students are feeling pain, fear, and confusion right now; and we are here to support them.
You can connect with any of us and our counseling staff for support. We are here. We care.
Below is a link to the survey that we will be sending to students.
Mr. Johnson, Ms. Herrman, and Mr. Bergeron
Walsh Middle School
Email: walshportal@framingham.k12.ma.us
Website: https://www.framingham.k12.ma.us/walsh
Location: 301 Brook Street, Framingham, MA, USA
Phone: 508-626-9181
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/walshmiddleschool/
Twitter: @WalshMSFramingh