Claver Chronicles
Celebrating 130 Years of Legacy and Excellence!
January 23, 2025
Dear SPCCS Community,
I pray your new year is off to a wonderful start and finds you motivated to accomplish great things. I am grateful for our loving community that perseveres through every challenge. Recently, we celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., whose legacy of supporting educational initiatives and creating inclusive spaces continues to inspire us.
For over 130 years, St. Peter Claver Catholic School has been a beacon of faith, hope, love, and learning, benefiting from the civil rights work of leaders like Dr. King. As we get ready to celebrate Catholic Schools Week, we also acknowledge the crucial role Catholic education plays in empowering communities of color, offering quality education and nurturing leadership.
This celebration flows into Black History Month, a time to honor the impacts of Black leaders throughout history and recommit ourselves to inclusivity and equity. We are proud of our SPCCS community and graduates who have utilized education to uphold the ideals of justice and equality inspired by Dr. King.
As we move towards the end of the second trimester, let us remember that we are the dream that Dr. King had and should draw strength from both his vision and the mission of Catholic education, striving for excellence and impactful change within our communities.
God Bless,
John L. Davidson
St. Peter Claver Catholic School
Family STREAM Night Weds, January 29 @ 6 -7PM
Join us in the STREAM Lab and the BTB room for an hour of hands-on exploration and inspiration with the experts from PITSCO Education and STREAM! Parents will also be able to see students work in the STREAM Lab. Refreshments will be available! See you there!
Friday 01/29 - Boys Basketball Practice
**** Catholic Schools Week 2024 - Jan. 26 - Feb 1 ********
Sun. 01/26 - Catholic Schools Week Mass @ SPC Church @ 10am (Students attend in uniforms & receive dress down pass on Monday)
Mon.01/27 - 02/01 - Book Fair in Room 102 during class periods
Weds. 01/29 - STREAM Night - 6PM-7:0PM - Pizza and light refreshments provided
Thurs. 01/30 - 2025-2026 Important School Year Presentation in Cafeteria 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM. Food Provided
Sat. 02/01 - Step Up For Students Scholarship Application Opens for 2025-2026 Apply Early!
Sun. 02/02 - OPEN HOUSE for New Families 2 -5 PM
Mon. 02/17 - NO SCHOOL - Presidents' Day
Fri. 02/21 - End of Trimester 2
Weds. 02/26 - Black History Program @ 10am - SPC Church
Thurs. 02/27 - Parent Teacher Conferences
Terra Nova Testing - February 18 - March 7
Week 1 Feb 18-21st Grades 2-4 only
Week 2 February 24th - 27th Grades 5-8 only
Week 3 March 3rd - 7th Makeups
Golfers and supports of SPCCS get ready to support the school on the course. Click the image below to secure your teams and sponsorships.
Know Where Your Student Stands🔍📈
SPCCS Families, as we approach the TerraNova Testing, the school has increased our tutoring efforts to make sure your student is prepared with foundational knowledge to test with confidence.
We want to ensure that you understand the difference between growth and achievement.
Always know where your student stands. If you are unsure, please do not hesitate to ask your teacher or Mr. Davidson. Know the difference between the MAP Growth testing that measures individual progress to help guide instruction and standardized achievement testing ie TerraNova that is a more focused measure of student performance compared to other students their age.
This information is critical to your student's success well beyond SPCCS. Please remember that this is a collaborative effort to support them in the best way possible. With a positive attitude and effort, Our Lions can achieve ANYTHING!
As you know, families are required to complete 10 volunteer service hours each year. We would love your help to assist with activities during the remainder of the school year. Look for a separate sign-up for events to be published.
The following requirements must be completed in order to volunteer/visit in-person during the instructional day.
Fingerprinting-based background screening: https://www.dosp.org/safe-environment/fingerprint-based-background-screening/
Safe Environment Training Program: https://www.dosp.org/safe-environment/sep-certification/
During these cooler months, please be mindful that hoodies are not part of the uniform dress code. The navy blue, zip-up fleece jacket with the school logo or gray sweatshirt with logo may be worn to school and in the classroom. The gray sweatshirt and pants may be worn on PE days.
Other acceptable outerwear: solid navy, gray or black sweater. Please be sure to write your child's name on the inside label of all uniform apparel.
Not acceptable apparel: jackets with a hood, jackets with name brand logos, colorful jackets, colorful shoes, socks with designs.