October Newsletter

It's been a phenomenal fall in many ways. As we close out the 1st nine weeks 10/4, fall sports continue to find great success. Namely, Rowan Pies has been nearly unbeatable on the golf course winning sectional two weeks ago shooting -1 at Greensburg. Secondly, Callie Bentley has been a force on the cross country circuit. We've also had some great successes on the soccer pitch and on the tennis courts and expect some deep state tournament runs in many of our fall sports. Additionally, FFA has been on the competitive circuit as well in soils and horticulture competitions the last several weeks.
In the arts, we hosted the first SEI Honor Choir event on Monday 9/10. It was a first class collection of area choir students, and we were happy to be a part of it. Additionally, on Saturday, 9/21 we hosted the first of what we hope will be an annual Marching Band competition with 7 area schools competing. It was a great day and a great opportunity to showcase our facilities and our Band. The fall concert series is upon us with Band on Thursday, 10/3 and Choir on Sunday, 10/20. We hope to see you soon!
Band Concert 10/3
End of 1st 9-weeks - 10/4
Fall Break - 10/5-10/13
Early Release 10/16
Picture Retakes and Jostens - 10/17
Choir Concert 10/20
PSAT - 10/23
Seniors who are undecided about what to study after high school are encouraged to connect with Ivy Tech Community College’s Associate Accelerated Program (ASAP). This program helps high school graduates earn an Associate’s Degree in just 11 months and prepares them to transfer to a four-year college to earn their Bachelor's Degree. Contact Heather Gard at hgard3@ivytech.edu or Mrs. Karle at wkarle@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us.
Trojan Food Pantry
Did you know that ECHS has a Food Pantry? It is available to all families that are in need of food as long as they have a student in Sunman Dearborn Schools. There are no additional requirements. For additional information please contact Mrs. Osman, 812-576-4811 ext. 11302 or bosman@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us
As the end of the 1st Quarter draws near, we want to make sure you know the academic success resources available to ECHS students:
1. Student-Teacher Communication:
If your child has questions or is not understanding class material, please encourage discussions with the classroom teacher. A follow-up email from you to the teacher is always appreciated! This ensures that a conversation between the child and teacher is happening.
2. Parent-Teacher Communication:
We want your child to be successful in school! If you have any questions about a class, please do not hesitate to reach out to the teacher. If you are emailing a teacher, it is also helpful to cc your child's school counselor. Teachers can give you specific insights related to your child (i.e. organization, helpful study techniques, web resources, etc.). Teacher and Counselor email addresses are available on the school website: http://echs.sunmandearborn.k12.in.us/.
Power School: Updated grades are viewable via the parent portal of Power School. Checking specific grades will help you understand how the final grade is being calculated. If you need your Power School information, please contact the office at 812-576-4811 x11915.
3. Extra Assistance Before or After School:
Students should check with their teachers if they feel extra assistance is needed. Teachers arrive daily at 7:30 and could possibly help before or after school.
National Honor Society Tutoring is on Wednesdays in Room #114 from 3-4 p.m. No reservation is required.
If students have a study hall, students can ask their counselor to set up peer tutoring 2-3 days a week during that time. In addition, our study hall monitor, Mrs. Marmouze is willing to do "Grade Checks" with students.
4. Online Resources:
Each subject has specific tools and resources available to students. Each course has a Google Classroom set up by the teacher. If you would like access, you may reach out to the classroom teacher. In addition, students report high success with the use of KhanAcademy.org (completely free online educational videos in all core classes) and AskRose.org (offers free homework help in math and science).
Education is a team effort! Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
William Kemper- Student of the Month
East Central High School is happy to introduce William Kemper, son of Beth and Tim Kemper as Student of the Month. At school Will is a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) group meeting weekly prior to the start of school in the morning. He also excels on the Track and Field Team throwing discus and shotput. He has been named twice as East Central track and field MVP as well as Indiana All State. He has received two varsity letters and will compete again as a senior. Will is also a member of the National Honor Society.
As a community member he participates as a student leader in Trojan Young Life, a Christian ministry helping young people grow in their faith. He works at Jimmy Johns and Perfect North Slopes.
Business teacher Krista Hutzel, who has had Will in computer science classes since his freshman year says, “It has been such a pleasure getting to know Will and see him grow into the awesome individual he is today. Will is a person who is genuinely kind at heart, willing to help out in any way he can. In DropZone and his Computer Science courses, he is a leader, setting a good example for those around him. He works hard even when people aren't looking because it's what needs to be done in all situations. Will is a goal setter and dreams big. He has such a positive attitude and outlook on life. I can't wait to see where his life takes him.”
Will enjoys throwing, lifting weights, spending time with his family and friends, video games and disc golf. Will’s future plans include studying computer science or secondary education in math or science. He has been researching attending one of the military academies, Purdue University or Miami University. He would like to participate in college track and field.
He thanks his parents and young life leaders for helping him be a better person and growing in his faith. To other students his advice is “enjoy high school while you can and make the most out of the opportunities you are given at East Central”.
Kolton Klem- Student of the Month
East Central High School is proud to announce Kolton Klem, son of Jennifer Klem, as Student of the Month. Kolton is an integral part of Trojan Media Productions and has taken media classes to include Principles of Radio and TV, Principles of Broadcasting, Radio and Television I, Audio and Video Production, and Mass Media Production.
Economics teacher Dennis Stonefield who has Kolton in class says he is great in economics, has a great attitude and is extremely helpful and patient with other students in class. He also spends a lot of hours outside of school to make the school look good on Trojan Media Productions which can be viewed on YouTube.
According to his media teacher Kevin Leech, “Kolton has been a valuable member of Trojan Media Productions for the past 3 years. He has filled every major role in the productions, including directing multiple events successfully. Kolton is very willing to help others with projects in class and is extremely creative in coming up with ideas to produce video shoots. He is also willing to share his opinions with others in the creative process. He does this in a very mature and constructive manner, which allows the process to be truly effective when collaborating with his peers. He works without any hint of ego showing, or expectation of rewards on his behalf.”
Trojan Media Productions staff member Spencer Powell says, “Kolton is a unique & creative presence in our program. His commitment to Trojan Media & understanding of multiple roles has led him to being a crucial team member in live productions. He encourages others to put themselves out there with his positive attitude & willingness to help. It's been a pleasure to watch him grow into the young person he is today.”
Kolton enjoys skating and watching films as well as going out and appreciating nature with his friends. His plan following graduation is to explore the world. Kolton would like to thank his mom and grandparents for raising him. For other students his advice is to “keep your head up and stay aware”.
Tutoring: Students are diligently working on grades and support is continuously available through teachers and National Honor Society students on Wednesday from 3-4 p.m. in room 114.
Key items per grade:
Parents are encouraged to join the Senior Class of 2025 Google Classroom with code 3yhuf3r.
Graduation details, scholarship, and important senior information will be emailed to students and posted to this classroom. Free college application dates are listed here as we receive them also.
ECHS will be holding our Financial Aid Night on December 18th from 6:30- 8:00 pm in the Performing Arts Center. We will have our representative from INvestED who will do an overview on how to complete the parent and student sections of the FAFSA for the class of 2025. At this event we will also have staff from INvestED here to help parents and students complete the FAFSA. We highly encourage all parents and seniors to attend. If you can not attend the presentation, it will be live streamed on trojanmediaproductions.com and available to view at a later date if needed.
Seniors are also allowed to have two college visit days to explore or finalize colleges of choice. Fall break also serves as a great opportunity to visit colleges that are still in session without missing classes at ECHS. Several college representatives have met with seniors who have voiced interest and more are scheduled to arrive.
Seniors who are undecided about what to study after high school are encouraged to connect with Ivy Tech Community College’s Associate Accelerated Program (ASAP). This program helps high school graduates earn an associate degree in just 11 months and prepares them to transfer to a four-year college to earn their bachelor's degree. Contact Wendi Karle at wkarle@sunmandearborn.k12.in.us for more information.
The PSAT (10/23) digital test will be available to the Juniors during the school day. The PSAT is a practice test for the SAT and a qualifier for the National Merit Scholarship. Career Center students are not required to stay at ECHS for the test, they will report to the Career Center as normal for classes. If they would like to take the PSAT they can be added. Students that want to stay should contact Mrs. Murdock by email. This information was also shared by email with the students.
SAT School Day: The Digital SAT is a required test for all Juniors in the state of Indiana. The SAT will be given during the school day on March 5th. This test is free and used by the state for school accountability. The benefit of the test is that students will be able to use this score report for college applications. More information will be provided as the March date approaches.
Sophomores and Freshman:
Sophomores will take the PSAT on October 23rd during the school day. Students will be receiving information on testing room assignments as we get closer.
Southeastern Career Center: The website to review programs for junior year scheduling can be viewed at https://www.sccusa.org/. Sophomores will also be invited to attend a field trip to the Career Center on November 25th.
Freshmen will be expected to be in attendance the full day on Oct. 23rd during the PSAT. They will be attending a presentation from the Dearborn County Prosecutor's office and in supervised study in the morning. Lunch and afternoon classes will go as scheduled. Students will have work from morning courses in google classroom that they can complete in supervised study.
As always we are available to meet with students individually to support academic and emotional needs. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or concerns.
We have a Regional Champ! Junior Rowan Pies won today's Girls Regional Golf by shooting a low round (-4) out of 90 competitors. She will advance to this weekend's state championship (Friday & Saturday).
The IHSAA announced the Sectional soccer pairings last night. Below are the East Central Men's Soccer and EC Lady Trojan Soccer Sectional pairings. Match date(s) & time(s) TBA.
- Boys Sectional @ Center Grove
- Girls Sectional @ New Pal
Boys Soccer
Girls Soccer
EC Boys Tennis
Boys EC Trojan Tennis Sectional Draw was this evening.
Trojans receive the first round bye and will play at 4:30pm on Thursday. All matches are held at East Central this year.
The Trojan Cafe is open each day periods 2,3,5,6.
They offer: Cold Brews, Frozen Blends, Green Tea Refreshers, Lemonade, Hot coffee and Hot tea.
The Cafe also offers a bakery special each week. Listen to the daily announcements for any specials. All customers have a loyalty card in which they will earn a free drink after the purchase of 9. The Cafe is run by our students and the proceeds pay for their community outings. Teachers can call for a delivery order during those hours. (ext. 11994)
The Trojan Cafe would like to say, "Thank you for your support!'
Hurricane Relief Drive by STUCO
ECHS StuCo will be collecting items for Hurricane Helene victims through Friday, October 18th. Donations will be made through Matthew 25 Ministries, so the aid will go where it is most needed. There were so many states impacted by Helene, and this is a great way to give back to folks who are going through some pretty dark times. Bring your items in to your 1st period teacher. The class with the most items will win a 1st period field trip to the St. Leon Dunkin Donuts to get a donut and a beverage of their choice.
FCCLA- On September 14th, FCCLA held their annual car wash/bake sale at Alig’s Shell to raise money for the membership dues for the entire program. FCCLA also held their annual Eat Dinner with Your Family Night on September 19th. There were over 175 people attending. The Culinary Arts/Prostart Class prepared a delicious meal of Trojan Lasagna, Green Beans, Tossed Salad, Breadsticks, and Homemade cake. Everyone enjoyed the event.
Layla Craig and Kayla Craig presented at the Indiana Association of Career and Technical Education Conference on September 13th about the FCCLA Program to current and future teachers.
The East Central FCCLA chapter also participated in the homecoming parade.
On September 25th, the East Central FCCLA participated in the Indiana FCCLA Fall Rally in Danville, Indiana. The conference was led by Indiana FCCLA State Officers, including 4 state officers from East Central Layla Craig, Kayla Craig, Chloe Offenbacker and Abby Cross. At the conference, members were able to learn more about FCCLA, participate in leadership training that was presented by Mr. Ted Wiese and some members even participated in FCS Knowledge Tests.
We are excited for our fall production of Holy Mother of Bingo. The play is an interactive murder mystery, with the audience playing bingo for prizes and the chance to figure out who the murderer is.
Jacob Eppinghoff, playing Ted Blitzman, is giving an announcement to the congregation.
Ensemble, playing elderly people and their grandchildren, hanging out in between games of Bingo.
Back - Addison Evans (playing a Nun), Kaitlyn Ely (Playing Sister Josephine), and Nate Barth (Playing Brother Dearlove)
Front - Aiden Williams and Parker Simpson, playing Bugsy and Baby Face
EC FFA Soils Evaluation Teams Compete
Sixteen members of the East Central FFA Chapter competed in the Area 1 Soils Evaluation Career Development Event on Wednesday, September 25th at the Southeast Purdue Agricultural Center in Butlerville, Indiana. Teams had to use knowledge of soils to evaluate the physical characteristics of a total of four sites. Two sites were evaluated on their agricultural capabilities and the other two were evaluated on their ability to be used as a site for residential homes.
East Central’s senior level high school team placed 14th. Team members included Emily Klem, Jared Enda, Broegan Kunz, and Elizabeth Littleton. Savannah Weber and Noah Lewis also competed as individuals. The top placing senior individual was Savannah Weber, who placed 17th out of 55 contestants.
East Central’s top middle school team placed 4th. Team members included Caitlyn Lostutter, Ian Hill, Megan Lutz, and Caylee Minges. East Central’s second middle school team placed 5th, and consisted of Danielle Powers, Chase Schutte, Nolan Stenger, and Landon Smith. Other middle school members that competed as individuals include Leah Weber and Nolan McDaniel. The top placing junior individual was Caitlyn Lostutter, who placed 6th out of 22 contestants.
East Central FFA Members Compete in Livestock Skillathon CDE
Nine East Central FFA members competed in the Area One Livestock Skillathon Career Development on Wednesday, September 4. The event was held at South Ripley High School. In this event, an FFA member tests their knowledge on beef cattle, swine, sheep and meat-type goats. Events include breed, retail meat cut, feed ingredient, and livestock equipment identification. They also complete an industry quiz and a quality assurance exam. The top team for East Central High School placed 11th out of 18 teams and consisted of Tyler Stenger, Ashtyn Galey, Cambryn Botts, and Acelynn Retzki. Tyler Stenger was the top individual for EC, placing 26th out of 58 contestants. Prestyn Martin and Noah Lewis also competed as individuals. The top team for East Central Middle School placed 4th out of 9 teams, and consisted of Gwenever Mcconnaughey, Jack Rosenberger, and Owen Shumate. Jack Rosenberger was the top individual for EC, placing 4th out of 26 contestants.
High School Team Pictured L To R: Cambryn Botts, Prestyn Martin, Tyler Stenger, Noah Lewis, Ashtyn Galey, Acelynn Retzki
EC FFA Competes in State Horticulture CDE
Thirteen members of the East Central FFA Chapter competed in the Indiana 4-H/FFA State Horticulture Career Development Event on Saturday September 21st at Purdue University. There were a total of 43 teams from throughout Indiana that participated in the event.
Each FFA member had to complete several components to complete the competition. Members completed a plant identification practicum where they had to identify ornamental trees and shrubs, flowering and indoor plants, fruits, and vegetables. They also had to complete a general knowledge exam and a plant quality grading practicum where they ranked specimens in a class from best to worst.
East Central’s top senior team placed 7th out of 43 teams. The team consisted of Tyler Stenger, Isabelle Leurck, Jasmin Keith, and Cambryn Botts. East Central also had another senior team, who placed 17th. This team included Parker Simpson, Ashtyn Galey, Noah Lewis, and Emma Guck. The top placing senior individual was Tyler Stenger, who placed 16th out of 172 competitors.
East Central had a junior team of middle school FFA members.
The East Central FFA Junior team placed 7th out of 11 teams. This team included Leah Weber, Owen Shumate, Gwenevere Mcconnaughey, and Megan Lutz. Nora Wingate also competed as an individual. The top placing junior individual was Leah Weber, who placed 11th out of 49 junior competitors.
A special thank you to all the art students that participated in our fundraiser for selling World’s Finest Chocolate candy bars. Art students sold 65 cases of candy bars and raised $1500.00! The proceeds will be given in prize money, ribbons, and refreshments for the end of the year ECHS Art Show. Liam Palmer was one of our top sellers and he sold 7 boxes of candy bars!
Artwork from Mrs. Gulasy's Classes
Photography students have been learning about how to get creative with shutter speed settings on their cameras. They got to experiment taking photos that show motion blur. Getting in the spirit of Halloween, students had fun creating “spooky” portraits. Below Peyton Otjen did an awesome job playing the part of being scared and holding perfectly still for 3 seconds! Emily Stenger and Amelia Pitcher had taken the pictures below.
Mrs. Gulasy’s drawing class designed and drew 13 to 15 monsters within the confines of 20 boxes. Students applied the principles of design such as emphasis, movement, balance, and unity. Using different line weights of micron pens, students experimented with the techniques of creating a series of lines using hatching, cross-hatching, and stippling. The students did an amazing job and had a lot of fun in the process!
Picture by Emily Stenger and Amelia Pitcher Modeling by Peyton Otjen
By Carmen Camarena
By Cody McElfresh
Fall Concert-Thursday, October 3 at 7:00pm
East Central High School is putting on a fall band concert this year! The high school Combined Concert Band and Jazz Ensemble look forward to putting together some great music and performing for the community. We have a "spooky" theme planned for the concert.
The East Central Marching Trojans have new marching band uniforms for the first time in about 20 years! They are looking real sharp, thank you to our uniform donors for helping to make this happen.
Football-Middle School and Alumni Nights
Thank you to all who participated in the East Central Marching Trojan’s Middle School Night on Friday, September 13 and Alumni Night on Friday, September 20. We are VERY excited to welcome new marchers into our program some day and it was a special treat to welcome back alumni of our band during homecoming.
Columbus North Invitational
Congratulations to the East Central Marching Trojans for scoring 2nd place at the Columbus North Invitational. The ECMT also was awarded Best Percussion at this competition.
East Central Invitational-September 21
East Central hosted a marching band invitational this year! This is the first time in a long time that East Central has hosted a marching band competition. Many thanks to everyone who helped contribute to the success of this competition.
The Trojan Exchange
Who we are: We are a group of students at East Central High School working towards building school spirit through merchandise, events, and more. Our 2024-2025 officers are: CEO- Kara Rowland, CFO- Taylor Ellis, CTO- Hannah McCord, CMO- Brayden Miller, COO- Ava Arnult
What we do: Trojan Exchange is a group of students studying business. There are quite a few different positions that each person can be in. It is broken down into four categories, each category has its own manager and its own officer. The four categories consist of Operations, Technology, Finance, and Marketing.
Where we are located: We are based out of the Trojan Exchange store in East Central High School. We use our store cart to come to all of the home football games, and sometimes other sports games. The Trojan Exchange also holds events around the school.
Our why: The Trojan Exchange was formed to help teach students how to run a business using hands-on experience. Our goal is to raise money for senior scholarships, and help them excel in their careers in the future. Every purchase you make or every event you support goes towards helping us reach that goal! Thank you to our customers for your continued support!
Support the Darringer Family
Last year for the first time, The Trojan Exchange decided to honor a Trojan family who had been severely impacted by cancer. This year we chose one of our own students, and his family, who has been impacted by his battle with signet ring cell adenocarcinoma also known as SRCA. All proceeds of this shirt will go to the Darringer family. These shirts will be worn on senior night against Roncalli on October 18th. Please show your support!
The shirts were on sale until September 22nd, pick up by your EC student will be after the first of October, look out for updates on our social media!
Capture the Flag Tournament
The Trojan Exchange is also hosting a Capture the Flag Tournament at school!
Mrs. Tanner's Classroom
The show choir did a phenomenal job at their first performance on Wednesday, Oct. 2nd at the Aurora Farmers Fair. The students put on a wonderful show and had a great time.
Wesley Smith
Elly Niese (blue) and Brenna Criswell (Green)
The show choir students will also be performing on Tuesday, Oct. 15th for the Dearborn County Retired Music Teachers meeting. The choir department will present their fall concert on Sunday, Oct. 20th at 3:00p. Admission is free. We hope to see you there!
Mr. Kennedy's Classroom
Students in Principles of Engineering Class are utilizing what they have learned about Simple Machines and Power Trains to build Rube Goldberg Machines. They have to design, build and test these machines to transfer energy to perform 2 simple tasks. Examples of these tasks include flipping a light switch, closing a book, popping a balloon, etc… The challenge is to do this within their machine. They are allowed one human interaction to start the device and the rest is accomplished by the device they build.
Mrs. Ketcham's Classroom
In Honors English 12, Mrs. Ketcham's classes are finishing up the Anglo-Saxon period and the story Beowulf. Next they will be starting the Medieval Period and diving into The Canterbury Tales. These seniors will also be finalizing their college applications to make the November 1st deadline.
In AP Literature, students are finishing up Frankenstein. For fun, students created their own creatures in class like Victor Frankenstein. Students have also been practicing writing timed essays and learning how to analyze the author's purpose. They are getting ready to read a variety of poetry and short stories.
Advanced Child Development-The Advanced Child Development students are currently studying prenatal development. Students have also researched both genetic and environmental factors that affect an unborn baby. They are also learning how to embroider.
Advanced Fashion & Textiles-The Advanced Fashion and Textiles Students are working on learning the “language of sewing” by practicing using pattern symbols.
The Education Profession 1-These students are enjoying getting to know the students in the class they assist. They are writing their “philosophy of education.”
Foreign Languages
Madame White's Classroom
In French 2 and 3 classes, Madame White tried out a new activity with her students. She uses comprehensible input to help students acquire French and one way she does that is through storytelling! Last week, she divided up a story in Google Slides. She went over each slide with the students in this manner:
First, she read it to them in French.
She asked them if there were any words they were unfamiliar with and wrote their translations.
The whole class read the slide together in English (to make super sure they understood what the sentences were saying).
Then she had the students individually draw the translation on mini-white boards.
After a few minutes, students showed their drawings to the others around them and Madame White chose the best versions of the translation to show the whole class.
Finally, the whole class read the slide together in French to practice their pronunciation!
Students claimed this was the best activity they’ve done with a story in a long time. They also said they grew a deeper understanding of vocabulary and really enjoyed being able to draw on the mini-white boards. All in all, it was a successful week in the French classes!
French 3 and 4 students traveled to the Cincinnati Art Museum on Wednesday, October 2nd. Students toured the museum with a French-speaking guide leading the way. Students were able to view different pieces of art by French artists - in particular from the Neoclassic and impressionist periods. Students had a fantastic time practicing their French skills while also observing art they have been studying the past quarter in their French class. Madame White will definitely be offering this field trip again in future French 3 and 4 classes!
Mrs. Bovard's Classroom
Our Calculus 1 students are working on applying limits to derivatives. The students just completed finding limits of functions and understanding why we need to find limits. They have been working hard trying to master the definition of a derivative, improving on their algebra skills along the way. They are working on understanding the concept of a derivative geometrically, numerically, and analytically. This past week, the students were drawing derivatives given a function, using their calculator to check answers and matching derivative graphs up with the original function. They are interpreting the derivative as a rate of change and beginning to master finding derivatives of all types of functions. By the end of the month, they will be able to find derivatives of all functions and begin to apply derivatives to real life.
Physical Education
Athletic Training Class with Mr. Henricks
Students have been introduced to setting up the athletic training equipment for football and soccer games. They recently worked on splinting fingers and are currently practicing splinting shoulders.
Freshmen PE with Mrs. Beck and Mrs. Andres
Mrs. Beck and Mrs. Andres are working with students to complete two week long units. They are trying to stay outside as much as possible to take advantage of the amazing weather we have been having. Freshmen also have completed their Quarter 1 mile.
Mrs. Andres is working on 3 vs 3 soccer and softball skills with the boys P.E. classes. They are also currently working on tennis skills and will be playing matches soon.
Mrs. Beck completed the softball unit and had a day of cardio fun with Just Dance with her girls P.E. classes. Next they plan to move on to a soccer unit.
Strength and Conditioning with Mr. Sipe
Mr. Sipe and his students are working on technique and strengthening. They plan to max out the last week of every quarter. They will also be working on speed and agility every Wednesday.
In Physiology and Anatomy class, the students are working on identifying those structures in a cell that perform the functions of life. They are identifying the physical and chemical properties of a cell that are controlled by each type of structure called an organelle.
In Biology II the students are discussing the process of cell division and the various activities that take place during the process of mitosis.
In Biology I, the students can be seen using a diagram to identify those structures in a cell that perform the functions of life. They are identifying the physical and chemical properties of a cell that are controlled by each type of structure called an organelle.
In Earth Science, the students used a sweet treat to help identify the different processes of the rock cycle and mineral compositions of those rocks.
In AP Biology, students are learning the functionality and selective permeability of the cell membrane through a simulation using bubble solution
In Chemistry I, students are differentiating between ionic and molecular compounds by looking at their molecular structures, as well as differences in naming conventions.
In Chemistry II, students are understanding the behavior of electrons and how changes in electron energy levels can lead to emission of different wavelengths and colors of light.
In AP Chemistry, students are evaluating Lewis Structures to determine molecular geometries, bond angles, and hybridization of orbitals through chemical bonding.
In Physics, students are looking over the 5 equations of uniformly accelerated motion and vector addition. The class is prepared to look at projectile motion after fall break.
In Integrated Chemistry Physics, students are preparing to continue with energy relationships and their interaction with conservation of energy.
In Biomedical Science, students are describing and evaluating mechanisms and manners of death of organisms.
In Medical Interventions, students are studying the story of Phineas Gage and evaluating the lessons learned on the function of the brain.
In Human Body Systems, students can identify hearing loss and types of hearing loss in patients with correct diagnoses.
Social Studies
Mr. Theising's Classroom
In Government class we have been discussing the different political parties and their beliefs. All week students have been creating their own political party and choosing five issues they/their party believes in. They will present these in class using Google Sites.
In US History, we have been discussing the causes/effects of imperialism. We are currently creating a Google Site about the Spanish American War.
Mr. Owen's Classroom
Mr. Owen's American History class, we just finished our examination of the American Revolution and ended the unit with a Primary Source Document based exam. We will start on the early Federal Republic and the first wave of the Industrial Revolution when we return from break. Ask your student how these two men helped shape the concept of political parties, and how they differed on the topic of basic "human nature".
In European History we just completed our study of the Protestant and Catholic Reformations and the first wave of the Scientific Revolution. We will start with the English Civil War when we return. Ask your student how this man changed the way the world thought about the topic of "Science", and how his work opened up a new system of understanding the role of humans in the natural world.
Mr. Stonefield's Classroom
In Mr. Stonefield’s room Economics classes have recently begun competing in the Stock Market Program competition, a ten-week challenge involving high schools around Indiana. Each team receives a virtual budget of $100,000 to invest in real company shares at current stock prices, aiming to outperform their peers in generating returns. Best of luck to the Trojans in this exciting venture!