Cunniff Connections: Dec. 13, 2024
A Note from Ms. MacEwan
Dear Cunniff Families,
What an amazing week we have had at the Cunniff! Our students absolutely shined in their Winter Concert performances - we are so proud of them, and it was so great to have so many of you in the audience! We have just a few short days ahead of us next week, and then a much anticipated winter break. To celebrate the close of the first part of the year, we will have a whole-school pajama day on Friday, December 20!
Have a wonderful weekend,
Arrival & Dismissal Reminders
Please do not park or idle in the staff parking lot during arrival or dismissal.
This is a safety concern - as you know, Arrival and Dismissal are very busy times at the Cunniff, and the safety of students, families, and staff is our primary concern. Please park on the street and walk to your child's dismissal spot. Thank you.
Wilson Farms: Order Pick-Up
For any of you who placed an order in the 2nd round of our 5th Grade fundraiser with Wilson Farm, orders will be available for pick-up on Monday, December 16 from 4p - 6p in the Cunniff Parking lot! Thank you to our 5th grade classroom reps for putting this together!
Book Giveaway: Wednesday, December 18!
Our reading challenge for December is to keep those book donations rolling in! We are so excited for our annual book giveaway later this month (starting December 18!), and your donations have been so generous!
We are still collecting “new” and “gently used” children’s books. Any new or used books can be placed in the collection bins located outside of the school entrances.
Please send in your books as soon as possible so that we have time to sort them before the giveaway. The more books we receive, the more your child can bring home to read!
Cool Cougar Fridays @ the Cunniff!
Next Cool Cougar Friday: December 20, 2024: We will have a whole-school pajama day for our last day of school in 2024! Enjoy the comfiness!
Right when we come back from the break, our Cool Cougar Friday (Friday, January 3) will be our first Friday of the month, and students are encouraged to show their Cunniff pride!
Important Dates
- Tuesday, December 10: Winter Concert (K-3 families attend)
- Thursday, December 12: Winter Concert (4-5 families attend)
- Friday, December 20 - Early Release
- Monday, December 23 - January 1 - No School; Winter Recess
MCAS Dates for Spring 2025 Assessments @ Cunniff:
ELA: Wednesday, April 2 and Thursday, April 3 (Grades 3, 4, 5)
Math: Tuesday, May 6 and Wednesday, May 7 (Grades 3, 4, 5)
STE: Tuesday, May 13 and Thursday, May 15 (Grade 5 only)
Please mark your calendars!
Community Information
Watertown Youth Soccer
Watertown Youth Soccer currently has registration open for Spring Travel Soccer (Grades 3-8) and In-Town Soccer (PK-4). The deadline for Travel Soccer registration is 12/31/24, though In-Town programs will be open for registration for longer. Financial aid is available. Additional information and registration links can be found at
The Department of Children and Families is seeking to keep Watertown children in their
schools and communities. In order to accomplish this, DCF is looking for Watertown parents
who would consider opening their homes and hearts to a student in need of short-term
Please complete this brief survey if you are interested in opening your home and your
heart to a student in need.