Catching Up with the Coyotes
October 6, 2024

Coming Up This Week:
- 🥞October 5: Annual Family Pancake Breakfast
- 🧧 October 7: Last Chance for Red Envelope Week Donations!
- 🍨 October 11: Ice Cream Social, Costume Exchange and Family Game Night
- 🍬 October 1-25: Trunk or Treat Candy Donation Drive
Looking Ahead:
- October 16: Minimum Day Early Dismissal 12:55 - For Staff Professional Growth
The Canyon View Foundation's biggest fundraiser of the year is here! Our Red Envelope fundraiser is our direct give ask to help the school fund programs that are not covered by current school district budgets. What does that mean? It means programs like Art, Music, PE, and Science cannot happen if the school site cannot pay for the teacher or the supplies themselves. This is why it's a big ask! At a suggested donation of $125 per child, we can raise half the cost to continue these programs along with many others that help enrich the educational lives of our children throughout the school year. Donations can be made in person, via cash or check, or online. Visit the link below to donate now. We couldn't do it without you! (All donations are voluntary and not required to participate in any school event).
CATCHING UP WITH... Mrs. Edmonston
It's been another wonderful week at Canyon View! Students and staff have enjoyed showing their Red Envelope Spirit with our daily dress-up days! On Wednesday, The Westview Ambassadors delighted us with a fun assembly focused on showing RESPECT. Our foundation-funded Specials kicked off, and classes got to experience hands-on enrichment lessons in the STEAM and SCIENCE rooms.
This week, we are accepting nominations for three open parent representative seats on our School Site Council. Please scroll down for more information about this fantastic opportunity to become more involved in our school planning and programs.
Let's Make it a GREAT WEEK!
Erica Edmonston
Principal, Canyon View Elementary School
Join the School Site Council
Nominees Needed - Be Part of the School Site Council!
The SSC at Canyon View is a ten-member council responsible for overseeing Canyon View’s Single Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) and Comprehensive Site Safety Plan. As a SSC member, you can expect to be involved in the development of the school’s improvement plan, oversight of the plan’s implementation, and assessment of its impact on students.
The SSC is comprised of five staff members and five community members, elected by peers, to serve a two-year term. Presently there are THREE voting positions open for parents on the SSC. Members are expected to attend all meetings. Our first zoom meeting for this school year will be scheduled in October/November.
If you would like to become a member of the SSC, please email Complete this Google Form by Friday, October 10, 2024, indicating your interest and including a sentence or two about why you wish to serve on the council. This information will be included on a ballot that will be sent to the community for voting.
October Counseling Newsletter - from Ms. Gamelson
Please take a few minutes to read through the October School Counseling Newsletter. Click Here to go to the CVES School Counseling Website, then select the drop-down for Monthly Newsletters.
CATCHING UP WITH... Team CV News and Events
News and Events are now on the Canyon View Elementary School Website!
Click on the News and Events link above, or visit the Canyon View Elementary School Website "Announcements" Section on the bottom of the front page for the most up-to-date information about school news and events.
Learn S'MORE about the PTO!
Become a PTO Member, Sponsor an Event, or Volunteer your time! Take a look at the flyers below to learn more about how your membership and sponsorship fees help to support Canyon View Elementary School.
*Participation in fundraisers and fundraising events is voluntary and not required.
PTO Membership
Learn S'more About The PTO
Sponsorship or Membership
CATCHING UP WITH... Peach Jar Flyers
Check Peach Jar for Flyers from the Community
- PUSD News
- After School Programs
- Community Events
- Clubs/Sports/Recreation
CATCHING UP WITH... Picture Books for Our Families
Specially Curated by Ms. Alice Burge, CVES Library & Media Tech: Autumn Explorations!
As the calendar rolls over into October, we start thinking about autumn. While subtle in San Diego, the change of season is a perfect time to recognize the wonders of nature and spend time exploring the outdoors. Here are a few picture books to inspire exploration!
Goodbye Summer, Hello Autumn by Kenard Pak
In his first book as both author and illustrator, Kenard Pak creates a gorgeous and inviting natural world, As trees sway in the cool breeze, blue jays head south, and leaves change their colors, everyone knows--autumn is on its way! Join a young girl as she takes a walk through forest and town, greeting all the signs of the coming season. In a series of conversations with every flower and creature and gust of wind, she says good-bye to summer and welcomes autumn.
The Hike by Allison Farrell
A sweet adventure story by author/illustrator Allison Farrell, The Hike celebrates how fun and rewarding it is to explore nature in your own backyard! Three intrepid young explorers set out to conquer the outdoors in their local forest, enjoying the process in their own different ways. Wren brings a sketchbook and a flag, El brings a poetry notebook, and Hattie brings feathers (and holds Bean the dog’s leash). They get lost and use maps to find their way. They draw wildlife, spot deer tracks, and see a deer before it startles and disappears, all before they finally and joyfully reach their destination.
Old Rock (is not boring) by Deb Pilutti
Old Rock has been sitting in the same spot in the pine forest for as long as anyone can remember. Spotted Beetle, Tall Pine, and Hummingbird think just sitting there must be boring, but they are in for a wonderful surprise. Fabulous tales of adventurous travel, exotic scenery, entertaining neighbors, and more from Old Rock's life prove it has been anything but boring. In this quirky story, written and illustrated by Deb Pilutti, Old Rock's stories are sure to inspire questions that lead to wonderful conversations about the past and the natural world.
Nondiscrimination Philosophy and Policy Statement
The Poway Unified School District (PUSD) is an equal opportunity employer/program and is committed to an active Nondiscrimination Program. PUSD prohibits discrimination, harassment, intimidation, and bullying based on actual or perceived race, color, ancestry, national origin, nationality, immigration status, ethnicity, ethnic group identification, age, religion, marital or parental status, physical or mental disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, or gender expression or association with a person or a group with one or more of these actual or perceived characteristics. For more information, please contact: Title IX/Equity Compliance Officer, James Jimenez, Associate Superintendent of Personnel support Services, Poway Unified School District, 15250 Avenue of Science, San Diego, CA 92128, 1-858-521-2800, extension 2121, jjimenez@powayusd.com. For students, you may contact Title IX Coordinator/504 Coordinator Jamie Dayhoff, Director of Attendance and Discipline, Poway Unified School District, 1-858-521-2840, jdayhoff@powayusd.com.