Principal Zeman's Notes
September 13, 2024
Say Something Anonymous Reporting System Letter (please read)
Student Fees
Student fees for lab based classes have been added and can be paid through the parent portal application.
Homecoming September 16- 20th
Counseling Update
PSAT: Optional Test Opportunity for Class of 2026: Deadline to register is 9/20/24
The PSAT will be offered on October 30, 2024 at ERHS during the school day for any interested juniors (Class of 2026). Interested sophomores (Class of 2027) may also register for the PSAT for practice. Please review our counseling website for registration details and deadlines.
College Admission and Military Visits
College admission high school visits and military visits are being scheduled for the fall. Over 50 college admission representatives and all branches of the military visit ERHS each year. This is a convenient way to learn more about admission, programs, degrees, and financial aid by talking with an expert from that particular college or military branch. All college admission visits will be held in the Career Center. Students can visit this form for a list of upcoming events and sign up to attend. Military visits take place during lunch in the Commons and students do not need to sign up. Additions are added to this list often, so be sure to check back periodically. Please encourage students to take full advantage of these opportunities to learn more about life after high school.
Career Center Open
The Career Center is open before school Tuesdays and Thursdays if students want to stop in and ask questions about life after high school. If these times do not work, please contact Mrs. Davison in the Counseling Office to set up an appointment.
Local Manufacturing Tours
Today's manufacturing careers are about advanced technologies, state of the art facilities, and fast paced, interesting work environments. But most of all, these technical careers are about those people who like to see the product of a honest day's work. Please see below for two great opportunities to learn more about careers in manufacturing. A free meal will also be provided by the sponsoring companies.
Cool Jobs Tour: October 3, 2024, 4-7:30 PM
Cool Jobs Tour: October 22, 2024, 4-7:30 PM
College Fair: September 26
ERHS is excited to host a College Fair during the school day on Thursday, September 26. Please see the list of colleges attending and the modified class schedule for the day.
Elk Pride Award Winners
The students pictured below were nominated by staff members for demonstrating the ELK way by being a positive caring part of our ERHS community. Congratulations!
Celebrating Successes
Congratulations to Delaney Lundquist and Lauren Lee for winning their 100th tennis matches!
Upcoming Events
Senior Panoramic Photo in Advisory Monday 9/16
Homecoming week 9/16-9/20
Homecoming Parade 9/20 5:00p
Homecoming Dance 9/20 ERHS, 9:00-11:00
College Fair 9/26
10/4 Final Picture and Retake day