Midnight Sun Message
Happy New Year Midnight Sun Families! 2025 will be GREAT!
Volunteer Time Policy Updates
All families should have at least 20 hours of volunteer time by this time of the year. If you do not, refer to the email I sent to families over break detailing ways to increase volunteer time.
The following is duplicate information sent prior to Winter Break.
Our APC voted on and approved the following policy changes:
* Increase to $250 classroom supply purchase (25 hours)
* Increase classroom cleaning totals from 4.5 hours per year to 5
* Families will receive volunteer time for any plays/sporting events held at Midnight Sun or events in which Midnight Sun is involved in outside the school (basketball games at other buildings, Battle of the Books Competitions, etc.). For example: our Christmas Program can be counted as volunteer time along with baking cookies and the cost of the cookies.
* Families cannot receive volunteer time from outside of the school (going to the museum, hunting, reading to your child) *
We understand the challenges families are facing trying to make volunteer time quotas. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Harren (amy.harren@matsuk12.us).
Winter MAP Testing 1/7-1/10
IXL and Math Tutoring
5th-8th grade ONLY. Math Tutoring: Starting Monday, January 13th afterschool. Student permission slips will go out Tuesday, January 7th. Mondays only through Mid-February then changing to Tuesdays/Thursdays.
Our building did purchase IXL for students to use as a supplement to their Ready math and IReady curriculum. IXL is research based to increase math concepts proficiency. See their flyer below and research this program for yourself. The more systems of support we can offer our students, the more confident they are in any content area. Now that their diagnostics is done, students can use this application at home for extra math practice.
Tuesday 1/7-Thursday 1/9 are MAP testing days. Tuesday we will start with Math, Wednesday Reading and Thursday, Language. Friday is reserved for Make-Up testing. Friday is our last day for testing; please have your student in attendance for next week. We cannot complete make-up testing after Friday, January 10th,
Chess Club: 1/14 start date (Tuesday AM 3-5th grade, Thursday AM 6-8th). Permission Slips to go home this next week.
Battle of the Books: Tuesday and Thursday: 3:45-4:30 pm
BATTLE OF the BOOKS 3-4th grade Battle February 6th @ 9:30am Colony HS Library. We will need one parent volunteer at the event. Parents: please read the following rules so you understand the team size. Only three (3) students make the team; those students are chosen by coaches and are based on the amount of books read. 5th/8th grade Battle to be announced at a later S’more. I am waiting from word back from our district coordinator https://docs.google.com/file/d/1F9sWqRUAwrCYtgGEBrR63Xd7KwJBcXld/edit?usp=docslist_api&filetype=msword
Spelling Bee: January 17th. Students grades 3rd-8th who are interested were given spelling lists prior to Winter Break.
Pizza: Order by Wednesday 10am
Smash Burger: Order by Monday 10am
If you are in need of volunteer time:
* Clean Chromebooks
* organize books by subject area
* clean/organize ball room
* clean walls in gym and common areas (hallways)
* clean interior windows (after 3:30)
* laminate
* build bulletin boards
My Hot Lunchbox
My Hot Lunchbox is an additional program Midnight Sun is enrolled in; this takes ordering and payment out of our hands and into the parents. For now, we are teaming with Smashburger (Tuesdays) and Raising Caines (Friday). See the link to set up your account: https://ordernow.myhotlunchbox.com/sign-up
See the information attached about this great program! Subway is no longer an option for our building.