Midnight Sun Message
February 3rd-7th

Happy Tuesday! Monday is no school for students. Parent Teacher Conferences
February is Kindness Month at MSFLC
Alena Finney: Chair Amelia Tumbleson: Vice-Chair Nikolai Elliott: Treasurer
Evangalene Wojcik: Secretary
Class Representatives: Sidelinger: Maxim Kalashnikov Olson: Avery Nickerson
Marsh: Emma Smith Cassidy: Natalee Robinson H. Smith: Kodi Hannaman
Tuesday: Neon Day
Wednesday: Team Shirt day (any team, BOB, Sports or ???)
Thursday: Crazy Sock day
Friday: Pajama Day (no night gowns, no "see-thru" thin garments, no slippers)
Kindness Month is sponsored by our MSFLC Student Council.. We have adopted a school in North Carolina which is still rebuilding from September's Hurricane Helene; Undo 2025 is a underwear and sock drive for students ages 3rd - 5th grade (8-10 years old). Though simplistic, we recognize that when new socks and underwear are given to families that do not have the funds to purchase these for their children, it does empower.
The Great Kindness Challenge is a nationwide acknowledgement of need for humans to be kind to each other regardless of our differences. If you would like to donate, you can drop off unwrapped sock or underwear to the front office; your purchase will go to your volunteer hours outside of your $250 classroom purchases.
IXL and Math Tutoring THIS WEEK TUESDAY since Monday is PTC. 5th-8th grade
5th-8th grade ONLY. 3:45-4:45. I will return to the normal Monday schedule next week.
Changes at Midnight Sun for 2nd and 3rd grade:
The following teachers for next year:
K-1: Mrs. Monica Smith and Mrs. Kate Chambers
2-3: Mrs. Stacy Beesley and Mrs. Harren
4-5th: Mr. Shawn Sidelinger and Mrs. Heidi Marsh
6-8th: Mrs. Kristina Cassidy and Mrs. Haley Smith
Yes, you read that right. Mrs. Harren will take the open 2nd-3rd grade classroom for next year. I’m excited to have four walls for a classroom although I have enjoyed my space on the stage. For next year, instead of hiring new, I feel it is important for our building to have consistency for our core classrooms and teaching staff. Though I will miss teaching MS, this endeavor will allow me to dive deeper into the foundational side of our building through these young minds and keep rigor that our AK Reads Act responsibility requires. I will also give up my position as special education teacher for the building; this position will be posted in the spring for hire.
Please contact Mrs. Harren for questions or concerns: amy.harren@matsuk12.us
Congrats to our BOB Teams
Congratulations to our 3/4th and 5/6th grade teams! They did wonderful at District Battle! While neither team ribboned, each team took away great times and an idea on how to improve next year!
Report Card to the Public: Midnight Sun Family Learning Center 2023-2024
Recently the Alaska Department of Education and Early Development (DEED) released the 2023-2024 Report Cards to the Public for each school district and school in Alaska. These Report Cards present information about performance for the 2023-2024 school year. During this third administration of The Alaska System of Academic Readiness (AK STAR) assessment, students 3-9 were assessed in English Language Arts and Mathematics. Students in grades 5, 8, and 10 took the Alaska Science Assessment also. See the link below for MSFLC's report card from last year.
Pizza: Order by Wednesday 10am
Smash Burger: Order by Monday 10am
Chess Club: Tuesday AM 3-5th grade, Thursday AM 6-8th.
Battle of the Books: Tuesday pm. 3:45-4:45; BATTLE TEAMS only. Tuesday is our last meeting for the year.
Archery (non-Tournament league): Wednesday and Friday 8:00 am
Volunteer Time Policy Updates
All families should have at least 20 hours of volunteer time by this time of the year. If you do not, refer to the email I sent to families over break detailing ways to increase volunteer time.
The following is duplicate information sent prior to Winter Break.
Our APC voted on and approved the following policy changes:
* Increase to $250 classroom supply purchase (25 hours)
* Increase classroom cleaning totals from 4.5 hours per year to 5
* Families will receive volunteer time for any plays/sporting events held at Midnight Sun or events in which Midnight Sun is involved in outside the school (basketball games at other buildings, Battle of the Books Competitions, etc.). For example: our Christmas Program can be counted as volunteer time along with baking cookies and the cost of the cookies.
* Families cannot receive volunteer time from outside of the school (going to the museum, hunting, reading to your child) *
We understand the challenges families are facing trying to make volunteer time quotas. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Harren (amy.harren@matsuk12.us).
If you are in need of volunteer time:
* Clean Chromebooks
* organize books by subject area
* clean/organize ball room
* clean walls in gym and common areas (hallways)
* clean interior windows (after 3:30)
* laminate
* build bulletin boards
My Hot Lunchbox
My Hot Lunchbox is an additional program Midnight Sun is enrolled in; this takes ordering and payment out of our hands and into the parents. For now, we are teaming with Smashburger (Tuesdays) and Raising Caines (Friday). See the link to set up your account: https://ordernow.myhotlunchbox.com/sign-up
See the information attached about this great program! Subway is no longer an option for our building.