Midnight Sun Message
Merry Christmas!
The Christmas Program was absolutely delightful! I'm still humming "Dominic the Donkey"! We have such talented students and amazing teachers! Thank you for attending; the parking lot was bursting and it brought me so much joy to see families in the building.
NO PIZZA or Raising Canes this week
Volunteer Time Policy Change
Our APC voted on and approved the following policy changes for volunteer time:
* Increase to $250 classroom supply purchase (25 hours)
* Increase classroom cleaning totals from 4.5 hours per year to 5
* Families will receive volunteer time for any plays/sporting events held at Midnight Sun or events in which Midnight Sun is involved in outside the school (basketball games at other buildings, Battle of the Books Competitions, etc.). For example: our Christmas Program can be counted as volunteer time along with baking cookies and the cost of the cookies.
* Families cannot receive volunteer time from outside of the school (going to the museum, hunting, reading to your child) *
We understand the challenges families are facing trying to make volunteer time quotas. If you have any questions, please contact Amy Harren (amy.harren@matsuk12.us).
Secret Santa Workshop
The Student Council is sponsoring our school's Secret Santa Workshop. They are collecting toys/gifts for babies up to age 18 for children here in our community. Secret Santa Workshop is a local organization sponsored by Toys for Tots, Midnight Sun Riders, and many volunteers. See the list we were sent for needed items; this list is not exhaustive! Nor should these gifts be expensive. Thank you for your help. All UNWRAPPED items are dropped off at our front office. Delivery to kiddos is 12/16 which ends our gift drive.https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10C0D4BABAB2FABFEC70-53356217-secret
IXL and Math Tutoring
Tutoring for Math is going to be a Semester II activity. Our Mondays are obviously challenging to schedule for tutoring services. We are offering an AM and PM tutoring service for math after winter break. Until then, encourage your student to speak to their teacher about extra help in math. It is amazing when a math problem can be explained differently by their core teacher.
Our building did purchase IXL for students to use as a supplement to their Ready math and IReady curriculum. IXL is research based to increase math concepts proficiency. See their flyer below and research this program for yourself. The more systems of support we can offer our students, the more confident they are in any content area. Now that their diagnostics is done, students can use this application at home for extra math practice.
Kids Who Code: 3-5th grade Tuesday @ 8am
Battle of the Books: Tuesday only
Middle School Snow Ball: Thursday, December 19th 3:45-5:30. Permission slips due back by 12/18. Sponsored by MNC Student Council
If you are in need of volunteer time:
* Clean Chromebooks
* organize books by subject area
* clean/organize ball room
* clean walls in gym and common areas (hallways)
* clean interior windows (after 3:30)
* laminate
* build bulletin boards
My Hot Lunchbox
My Hot Lunchbox is an additional program Midnight Sun is enrolled in; this takes ordering and payment out of our hands and into the parents. For now, we are teaming with Smashburger (Tuesdays) and Raising Caines (Friday). See the link to set up your account: https://ordernow.myhotlunchbox.com/sign-up
See the information attached about this great program! Subway is no longer an option for our building.