Amazing Grace
Summer Newsletter - July 2024
What's Happening This Summer?
GCA is growing and we are excited to announce that we have once again reached our highest enrollment ever! With increased enrollment comes new opportunities and we are very excited to welcome our new families. We are working hard this summer to prepare for our new and returning students and we will soon be announcing exciting changes and offerings for the upcoming school year.
It's going to be a great year at GCA!
- Thursday, 8/8/24 - Back to School Orientation, 6PM
- Monady, 8/12/24 - First day of school
Links to Important Information
If your child is in need of speech services they can receive speech therapy at GCA.- Free of charge to families
- Must be initiated by a parent
- This process can take a little time
- Don't delay, get started today
Please contact Beth Salter - saltere@duvalschools.org - (904)348-5218
Grace Christian Academy
Our Mission - Train up a child in the way he should go; and when he is old, he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
Email: gcaoffice@gcabaldwin.org
Website: gcabaldwin.org
Location: 479 Center Street North, Baldwin, FL, USA
Phone: (904)266-9532
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/gracechristianacademybaldwin
Heather Barber
Heather is using Smore to create beautiful newsletters