Colrain Central School News
Where we learn by serving...
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January 17, 2025
A Note from Ms. Looman
A reminder that there is no school on Monday in honor of Martin Luther King, Jr.
- Please have your children check the Lost & Found. We are building quite the collection of sweatshirts, water bottles, coats, shoes/boots, and socks!
News from Ms. Jensen (Title I Math Interventionist)
Title I Math!!
Ms. Jensen
Our math curriculum, Bridges in Mathematics, includes components to engage children in math.
Problem Strings are fast-paced exercises in which the teacher presents a carefully structured sequence of problems one at a time to the entire class. Each time, students solve the problem independently using any strategy they like, and then the teacher uses a specific model (a number line or ratio table, for example) to represent students’ strategies. The goal is to help students develop more efficient ways of solving a particular kind of problem, based upon connections they see among the problems in the string.
PTO News
Hillside Pizza Fundraiser
The PTO and the 5th /6th grade classes are having a Hillside Pizza
fundraiser that will run through January 24, 2025. Orders will be ready for pickup on Thursday February 6th, just in time for Super Bowl Sunday.
All orders and payments (cash or check) need to be turned in to the school no later than January 24th. Checks should be made payable to Colrain Central PTO.
Profits from this fundraiser will support student activities, with a portion going towards the 5th and 6th grade nature’s classroom trip. Every student is encouraged to participate.
Pickup will be on February 6th from 3:30pm-5pm in the music room. Any questions can be emailed to Tawnya Graves
Thank you for supporting our students and teachers!
Next Meeting
The next PTO meeting is Thursday, January 23rd at 3:30 in the staff room.
MTRSD Spring Musical
MTRS is putting on a Spring Musical to be performed on May 2nd and 3rd of 2025. We would love to involve students in Grades 5 & 6 in this show. At this stage we would like to find out who might be interested. In January, Director Paul will schedule a student meeting for students in grades 5 & 6 at MTRS to see which roles students will take in the show. A parent information meeting will also be scheduled for January/ February with information about rehearsal and an opportunity to ask Paul logistical questions.
Places will be limited to the first 15 students who sign up: Spring Musical Interest
If you have questions, please reach out to Director Paul: Stagedirector@mtrsd.org
Upcoming Events
1/3-1/27: Hillside Pizza fundraiser
1/20: No school
1/31: Vernon Tornado Jump rope Performance
1/31: Grades K-2 field trip to Ja'Duke
1/31: 5:30 Country Night Dance
1:50 dismissals: 1/22
5/6 grade Calendar Raffle Fudraiser
Buy a ticket for the calendar raffle. There's a chance to win every day!