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Middle School Update
Aug 16, 2024
![Middle School Update Aug 16, 2024](https://cdn.smore.com/u/acaa/82d152d49f7e846835de06a84bd65d99.jpg)
January 31, 2025
Dear Oakdale Families,
Spring Pictures (individual and class): Feb. 5th is our date for spring photos. The digital flyer is right below this letter.
Parent/Teacher Conferences:
We have 2 dates for evening conferences: Feb. 20th and 24th. You have 2 options for conferences:
Option 1: You can meet with individual teachers separately by signing up just for that individual teacher at a certain time OR
Option 2: If you would like to conference with multiple teachers simultaneously, simply sign up for each teacher with whom you would like to conference at the same time and date. If you sign up for multiple teachers at the same time, you will meet in the science teacher's classroom.
Sign up HERE.
YONDR Reminder: At Oakdale, our policy regarding YONDR pouches is designed to maintain a focused and distraction-free learning environment. If a student brings a phone, smartwatch, or other device to school, it must remain secured in a YONDR pouch for the entire school day.
We rely on an honor system to ensure compliance; however, violations of this trust may result in disciplinary action. If a student or parent prefers not to use the YONDR pouches, the device should be left at home during school hours.
Thank you for your cooperation and support in fostering a productive educational setting.
Jill Willhoite
Edmond Memorial Volleyball Camp
Support EMHS Swine Week!
Gym sign ups for February
Here is the SignUpGenius link for February gym reservations:
If you have any questions or if any changes need to be made, please let me know!
Bella Pica
OSF Gala Save-the-Date
Save the Date! You're invited to the Oakdale School Foundation Spring Gala on Saturday, March 1st, at the stunning Civic Center Hall of Mirrors. An unforgettable evening of elegance, celebration, and support for our school awaits! Mark your calendars—formal invitations coming soon!
We can’t wait to share this special night with you.
OSF Gala Grade-Level Basket help needed
Hi Oakdale Supporter!
We know it seems early, but we are already gearing up for the Oakdale School Foundation Gala in March and we need your help! Each year, a huge part of our silent auction is made up of our Class Baskets. These are themed baskets put together by families from each grade with donations from parents and donations secured by parents. We are looking for 1-3 parents from each grade to assist as the lead coordinator(s) of their grade's auction basket. As the lead coordinator you will assist in picking a theme for the basket and securing donations from parents and others.
We will send some tips and directions to make this an easy process once we secure all the coordinators.
Thank you for considering serving as a Lead Coordinator this year. We appreciate your help and support to make this year's OSF gala the best yet! Sign up here: https://signup.com/go/ysRHQRF (https://signup.com/go/ysRHQRF)
Thank you,
OSF Board
7th grade basket info
Hi Fellow 7th Grade Parents!
It's that time of the year again where we prepare for the annual Oakdale School Foundation Spring Gala and we need your help! Its coming up quick on March 1, so mark your calendars! Every year, a large part of our silent auction is our class specific "baskets" that bring in thousands of dollars to the gala each year. Each basket has a theme and donations are procured from that class' parents and supporters.
This year our 7th grade basket theme is Art and Goodies. It will include hundreds of dollars worth of home goods and hopefully a large hand-painted piece of artwork by Sara Kay, a local artist. We are so excited to partner with Sara Kay Ball on our basket/silent auction items this year. Sara is generously donating her time on a piece of artwork and also donating items for the basket, but we still need your help! We thought it was easiest to ask for your help with a monetary donation towards the artwork, so you can Venmo monetary donations of any amount to @Alicia-Rowntree (phone number ending 3391). This money will go towards the supplies *only* for the artwork itself. Thankfully Sara has agreed to paint something spectacular for us at her cost. Any amount helps!
That's it! A reminder that the OSF does amazing work each year in granting hundreds of thousands of dollars to our students and their wonderful teachers and their many project requests to make Oakdale the best school around town!
Thanks, in advance, for helping us make the 7th grade basket our best yet!
Alicia, Rowntree, Mychelle Silva, and Terra Myers
6th grade basket info
6th Grade OSF Gala Basket
The 6th grade basket for the OSF gala will be themed “Museum Madness”. If you have any connections to get tickets/passes to any metro area museums, art studio type places (think Paint Your HEART), the Zoo, Science Museum, OKC Museum of Art, Museum of Osteology, etc., please email me at oujessie@sbcglobal.net with your specific place and I keep a list going! Also, swag like mugs, stickers, shirts, etc., that could go in our basket would be appreciated.
Thank you!
We will also take monetary donations that can be Venomed to @oujessie (last four of cell 5819) to go towards items/passes we may need to purchase.
We would like to collect and finish up the basket by February 14th.
Our deadline to submit our basket contents to OSF is February 21st.
Thank you!
Jessica Hill 405-401-5819
Christi McGahan 405-777-3889
alrt! seminar for parents
alrt! is a comprehensive, evidence-informed prevention education program for students in grades 4th-8th. There are three different curriculums based on grade level. The program educates and empowers students and all relevant adults with information and strategies to prevent, recognize, and respond appropriately to all types of abuse, sex trafficking, online exploitation and other digital dangers. We are having a parent seminar before we have our presentation to students. Please be on the lookout for information (and opt-out information) for the student presentations.
Daddy Daughter Dance (PTC event)
Last day to order YEARBOOK is TODAY!
Yearbooks are selling fast! Get yours today!!
Click Link or Scan Here to Purchase!
ORES tournament Ticketing Information
The ORES tournament begins tomorrow here at Oakdale! Our varsity girls will play at 10:00 followed by our varsity boys at 11:00. Reminder we are a digital ticketing school. You can purchase your tickets online on the school website or at the gate by scanning the QR code or using the card reader. Good luck to our Rockets! https://www.oakdale.org/o/ops/page/athletics
**Due to ORES regulations, Oakdale students MUST purchase a ticket for the ORES tournaments. Only ORES pass holders can get in free.**
Thank you and Go Rockets!
Rowing Information
We are excited to kick off the Oakdale Rowing Team spring season on February 11th! No prior experience is required. We would love to have any and all interested middle school students join us for T/Th/F practices (flexible attendance) beginning on February 11th. We have had many Oakdale students continue rowing through high school as well as earn college scholarships at the NAIA and NCAA levels. Thank you for your continued support of this unique and exciting Oakdale sport - Go Rockets Rowing!
February Menu
Important Dates
February 2025
- ORES games @ Oakdale
- Cimmaron Valley Band
- Academic Team meet
- Parent Info Night for Rowing (in MS pod @ 5:30pm)
- ORES games (evening)
- PTC meeting @ 8:30am in FA
- Menchie's spirit night begins
5: Spring Individual and Group (class) photos
- Last day for Menchie's spirit night
- ORES games evening
7: ORES games evening
8: ORES games
9: Last day to register for EMHS (for in-coming 9th graders) - see the 8th grade section for more details
10: School Board meeting, 6:00 pm in FA (changed to Monday, instead of normal Tuesday)
13: alrt! parent presention @ 6pm in Fine Arts (see info above)
14: Talent Show, 10 am in FA (4th-8th will attend) **NOT assembly schedule
17: Presidents’ Day (no school)
18: No school due to parent-teacher conferences
19: EMHS counselors here to enroll for 9th grade (see sign up in the 8th grade section)
- Band contest at Santa Fe (for 7th/8th graders only)
- Parent-Teacher Conferences, 4:00-7:30 pm
- Book Buddies (8th & 1st) @ 11:50am
- Spring sports photos
23: PTC Daddy-Daughter Dance, 3-5 pm in the gym
24-28: Spring Book Fair
24: Parent-Teacher Conferences, 4:00-7:30 pm
A Note from the Nurse
Reminder: All medication at school needs to be kept in the office with a completed Authorization for the Administration of Medication Form (AAMF). The exceptions for medications: asthma, anaphylaxis, diabetes, and pancreatic enzymes may be carried by the student with a completed Authorization for the Administration of Medication Form filed in the nurse's office.
From the Oakdale Student Handbook:
An Authorization for the Administration of Medication Form (AAMF) must be completed and returned to the school before medication can be administered by school personnel. The only medications students are allowed to carry and self-administer during school or school activities are asthma, anaphylaxis, diabetes and replacement pancreatic enzymes, and a completed AAMF form is required.
If your student has a health condition that may affect their school day, please complete this form:
For school enrollment, a parent or guardian shall provide one of the following:
1. Current, up-to-date immunization records; or
2. A completed and signed exemption form.
Save the date for our spring Book Fair......February. 24-28!
We had another great week in the library! This week's lessons were in conjunction with the projects and assignments students are completing in their ELA classes,.
6th Grade: These students created a works cited page to include at the end of their country research informative essay. Students learned to cite book, website, and online encyclopedia sources in proper MLA format.
7th Grade: This group reviewed works cited page, which we had covered in the first semester. Using that knowledge, students created their own works cited page to properly cite the web sources they used in their career research projects.
8th Grade: Eighth graders are almost done with their argumentative research paper! Finding quality sources, summarizing and paraphrasing information from those sources, and synthesizing that into a six paragraph essay is a MAJOR accomplishment. Your students have been working so hard! This week, students found their final sources to complete their research.
Jenny Jones
Oakdale School
Middle School Teacher Librarian
Oakdale Guidance Classes have been filled with wonderful discussion as it relates to growth mindset & fixed mindset. Students in all grades have addressed the importance of a growth mindset! They provided examples of how they can develop a growth mindset, when they have utilized a growth mindset, and times where they may have struggled with a fixed mindset! The students did exercises on changing negative self talk to positive self talk! They realize how practicing positive self-talk trains your brain to become stronger in every way!
As always, we love your kids and they amaze us with their wisdom!
If you need anything do not hesitate to reach out!
Gina McCarty & Bre Sizemore
Calm Waters
Dear Parents & Guardians,
Starting next month, Oakdale will again facilitate student support groups through Calm Waters Center for Children and Families. I am a trained facilitator and will be offering the groups at school during the school day.
Calm Waters Student Support Groups are open to any Kindergarten to 8th grade student who has experienced a loss due to death, divorce, incarceration, foster/adoptive care, deployments, deportation, and other major life changes. The curriculum covers emotions, coping techniques, and other topics the students may have experienced. These free student support groups take place over an 8-week period. The curriculum and groups are divided by similar ages/grades. Groups last between 30-45 minutes and will take place during lunch and recess to keep students from missing curriculum instruction.
In order for your student(s) to participate, parents/guardians must register through this link by Friday, February 7th. Once the registration ends, I will be able to set up groups and meeting times. All sign-ups go directly to Calm Waters. They then send a list of names to me and no other information about the students is shared. Per Calm Waters requirements, there must be at least 5 students to form a group. I will communicate with both the students and parents/guardians when their group meets.
If you have any questions about these groups, please feel free to contact me by emailing her at bsizemore@oakdale.org or calling the school at 405-771-3373.
Teacherease App and Texting OPT-IN
Did you know TeacherEase has an app?
Texting OPT-IN:
Parents can opt in and out of Text Messages in their parent portal by doing the following:
- Go to Parent Main > Miscellaneous > Communication Preferences
- Choose On or Off for SMS Text Messaging
- Save
OR, you can text "Start" to (877) 647-6041.
PTC (Parent Teacher Club)
What is PTC? Oakdale's PTC (Parent Teacher Club) is made up of a team of parent volunteers who want to see Oakdale be the best school it can be. If you are a parent looking for an opportunity to get involved, please consider joining PTC this year! We help plan and coordinate activities that benefit the teachers, staff, students, and families of Oakdale. Follow us on Instagram to get information on upcoming school events.
New Pals link for Spring Semester
Pals is an excellent way to get involved in Oakdale! Pals volunteers help teachers make copies and general workroom needs. Please sign up using the links.If you would like more information please contact Allie at allieagarrison@gmail.com or (580) 504-2219.
Pre K https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805094CAAA929AAFD0-53679548-prekpals
Kindergarten https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805094CAAA929AAFD0-53678803-kindergarten
1st Grade https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805094CAAA929AAFD0-53676670-1stgrade
2nd Grade https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805094CAAA929AAFD0-53677390-2ndgrade
3rd Grade https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805094CAAA929AAFD0-53678051-3rdgrade
4th and 5th Grade https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805094CAAA929AAFD0-53679184-4thand
6th, 7th, and 8th Grade https://www.signupgenius.com/go/805094CAAA929AAFD0-53679819-6th8th
OSF (Oakdale School Foundation)
Facebook Page for OSF
Exciting News! We've moved to a PUBLIC Facebook page! To all our wonderful supporters, please search for "Oakdale School Foundation" on Facebook and join our new public page to stay updated on all the latest news regarding funding grants in our schools. Don’t worry; our Instagram will stay the same! Thank you for your continued support!
Weekly Grade Level Updates
8th grade section
Dear 8th-grade families,
Here are the dates that Edmond has for us:
Edmond Memorial High School
Enrollment Dates for 25-26
January – February 2024
Jan 23 – Feb. 9 – Enrollment [online registration] window open for Oakdale District allows only Oakdale and 2 weeks ONLY
Jan. 31 – Enrollment forms due to Mrs. Willhoite
Feb. 19 - Counselors from EMHS @ Oakdale all day to enroll students. Sign up here: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0A49A4AD2BA2FC1-54370069-edmond
Oakdale EMHS INFO SHEET (including digital enrollment packets)
Completed packets are due to Mrs. Willhoite by next Friday, Jan. 31st. Students were given a paper packet today at the assembly.
**In order for the counselors to enroll you on the 19th, you must complete Edmond's online new student registration by Sunday, Feb. 9th. You can get to the Online Enrollment through Edmondschools.net and click on the general enrollment K-12.**
EMHS Enrollment FAQs
Q: Where is the registration link?
Q: The Edmond registration says to choose 2025-26, but there is only a 2026 option. What do I choose?
A: 2026
Q: Do I have to submit a transcript to EMHS?
A: Oakdale will submit all transcripts after the semester is over to the registrar.
Q: Why do we have to turn in the packets so long before the counselor meetings?
A: That gives me a chance to track down stragglers and make sure that all packets are correctly completed. This is EMHS policy as well.
9th grade StuCo elections for EMHS
For 8th graders planning on attending EMHS
We will have StuCo Elections for our Edmond Memorial High School freshman representative on Thursday, Feb. 13th. Please fill out this form by Friday, Feb. 7th if you would like to run. The rules are listed in the form. StuCo is an elective year-long class at EMHS, so make sure you are willing to use one of your electives for this class.
Mrs. Willhoite
Volleyball Info for EMHS
8th grade Outdoor photos
8th grade outdoor photos
Here are is the link and access code to all of the photos!
Important Links
Rocket Run 2024 – Event Photos Now Available!
We had an incredible time at the Rocket Run, and now you can relive those memories! All event photos are ready for FREE digital download!
Click the link below, enter the access code, and download your favorite photos for free. When you select "Buy Photo," you’ll see the FREE direct download option right next to it.
Access Code: rocketrun24
Tag us in your photos with #RocketRun2024 so we can see all the smiles, colors, and fun from this amazing day!
Mrs. Jill Willhoite
The Oakdale Board of Education does not discriminate on the basis of disability, race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, veteran status, or gender.
Email: jwillhoite@oakdale.org
Website: www.oakdale.org
Location: 10901 North Sooner Road, Edmond, OK, USA
Phone: 405-771-3373