Cardinal Connections
January 13, 2021
Welcome Back Families
We are so excited to have your students back in the building in our Hybrid Model! We know that nothing can beat in-person learning, but we want to ensure that they are safe when they are with us. Please know that our guidelines have not changed. Thank you for being patient throughout this process.
Important Information....
- Breakfast will start on January 20th
- SACC will start on Monday, January 25th
- January 25th is the start of the second semester, special for all students change.
- None of the social distancing requirements or expectations have changed.
- Students must wear a mask while in the building.
Plan to Return
In order to prepare, teachers will have a day of planning on Tuesday, January 19th. Teachers are able to work from home or come in the building, BUT NO LESSONS WILL BE PUBLISHED/MEETING CLASS MEETINGS WILL NOT BE HELD.
A copy of the email sent out on Monday evening to all CVS employees has been included below. Along with the email that was sent out to families.
NEW ~ Elementary Hybrid Learning Calendar
Message to Kindergarten Families ~ From Mrs. Susalla & Mrs. Tech
Parking Log Procedures
- We will highly suggest parents keep kids in their cars until our building opens
- Students cannot be dropped off prior to 8:53
- Busses will release at 8:53
- Teaching staff will be available during this time period to assist in arrival.
- Parents will wait to release their child from their vehicles until busses leave.
Water Bottles & Drinking Fountains
- Students can bring water bottles - all bottles must be labeled with student name
- Water fountains in hallways and classrooms are turned off
- Plastic Water Bottles (Sam's club disposable type) will be purchased for every child and labeled
- PTO will be replenishing the water bottles for the students
Are you looking for information regarding CVVA ~ Checkout the Smore below
Message from Monica Weaver, Social Worker
Resource from Dyana Bates, TC/Resource Room
Virtual PTO Meeting
What does Optimism/Prudence mean to you? ~ with Mrs. Chimenti's Class
Chippewa Valley Schools ~ Board Members
Treats/Birthday and Daily Snacks
- No birthday treats (food or non-food items) from the outside
Daily Snacks:
- Teachers will develop their own system within the classroom
- Allergies will be considered and families informed, if necessary
- Students will be allowed to eat their breakfast in the classroom.
- SACC will be open Monday - Thursday
- SACC will begin on 1/25/21
- Only students who are here for their day of instruction are allowed to participate in SACC if registered
Transportation/Meal Distribution Changes Update
For those students who receive transportation and breakfast/lunch:
Transportation Update:
• Students and staff will be required to use hand sanitizer upon entering the school bus
• Staff and students in Pre-K through 12 must wear a facial covering
• Students will sit no more than two students per seat as listed on the seating chart
• Siblings will be encouraged to sit together on the bus
• Students will sit in assigned seats
• Students will be dismissed by rows from the bus
• The school bus seats, and touchpoints will be disinfected after each route
• Windows will be opened when cleaning occurs
• Windows on buses will be open during transport if the weather permits
• Bus routes may experience time delays with the new protocols
Please review this short video about our Transportation 2020/21 New Safety Protocols
Meal Distribution Changes Starting Friday, January 22, 2021
Food Service meal distribution changes will begin on Friday, January 22nd. FREE Breakfast/Lunch is available to ALL Chippewa Valley students. Weekly food pick up is available on Friday’s 11 am to 1 pm at the following locations:
Cheyenne Elementary – 47600 Heydenreich, Macomb -- Door #6
Huron Elementary – 15800 Terra Bella, Clinton Twp. – Door #37
Iroquois Middle School – 48301 Romeo Plank Rd., Macomb – Door #8
Clinton Valley Elementary – 1260 Mulberry, Mt. Clemens – Door #10
Multiple meals for virtual learning days will be distributed at the above locations to all students under age 18. All meals are FREE. Parent/Guardian will be asked to provide student’s name & group letter when picking up meals. Distribution will not take place during holiday breaks.
To see if your family qualifies for additional benefits, please fill out a free/reduced application at