ATA Weekly
December 6th, 2024
President's Message
Reflecting on Leadership Qualities That Build Thriving School Communities
As I continue my third year as ATA president, I have had the privilege of connecting with unit members across various sites, grade levels, and departments. These conversations have reaffirmed the profound impact that strong, supportive leadership has on the success of our schools. It is evident that educators thrive when they feel valued and supported—a sentiment that often stems from the qualities of their administrators.
Outstanding school leaders consistently demonstrate key characteristics that set the foundation for positive and productive learning environments. Here are the leadership qualities the unit members I've spoken with value most:
1. Support During Challenging Situations
Effective administrators excel at supporting educators as they face complex challenges, such as dealing with difficult students or addressing parental concerns. They provide practical strategies, consistent support, and recognition of educators' efforts, reminding them they are not alone. In contrast, administrators who fall short in this area often undermine educators by ignoring disciplinary referrals and failing to assist in managing challenging conversations with parents, which erodes trust and morale.
2. Recognition and Encouragement
Great leaders prioritize building their teams up. They recognize and celebrate achievements, offering encouragement that fuels educators’ motivation and growth. Whether through a sincere compliment in a meeting or a private acknowledgment of effort, this positive reinforcement inspires excellence. In contrast, administrators who play favorites or neglect the broader staff contribute to feelings of alienation and undervaluation.
3. Inclusive Decision-Making
Leaders who seek and respect educators’ input foster a sense of ownership and collaboration. Involving those directly impacted in classroom decisions or workloads creates a culture of trust and shared responsibility. On the other hand, administrators who rely solely on an inner circle while claiming broad staff consensus risk alienating the people whose expertise they need.
4. Fairness and Openess to Feedback
Fairness and transparency are the bedrock of effective leadership. Administrators who approach challenges with integrity and treat all staff equitably help build cohesive, trusting school communities. In contrast, those who respond defensively to constructive feedback—such as concerns about the quality of site professional development or the effectiveness of consultants—can hinder progress and create unnecessary tension.
5. Effective Advocacy
The best administrators advocate tirelessly for their schools and staff. They amplify the voices of educators, fight for essential resources, and ensure the school's needs are heard and addressed at the district level. Leaders who avoid advocacy due to fears of political repercussions often struggle to secure the support that educators and students need to succeed and the respect of their staff.
These qualities are the foundations of successful schools. As we progress, let’s acknowledge the many administrators in AUSD who embody these traits and are dedicated to creating a district where every educator feels supported, appreciated, and empowered to thrive.
Ralph Hernandez
Update on Retroactive Pay...or Lack Thereof
I understand that many of you are feeling frustrated about the ongoing delay in receiving the retroactive pay that was negotiated nearly eight months ago. The District had communicated that the goal was to issue the payment by December 2024. However, I have recently been informed that this timeline will not be met, and we are now waiting for further updates from the District. Based on information I learned from the Executive Cabinet, the projected distribution date for the retro check is now January 20th, 2025.
Your frustration is completely valid. This delay, combined with ongoing challenges related to the new payroll system, has placed an unfair burden on employees who have shown remarkable patience throughout this process. Please know that your Association has been actively advocating on your behalf. I have communicated with the Executive Cabinet that regular and transparent updates are essential—not just on the status of the retroactive pay, but also on the broader payroll issues that continue to affect staff.
I will keep you informed as we receive more information. Thank you for your resilience and understanding during this prolonged and challenging process.
Your Voice Matters: Share Your Thoughts by Dec 13th
The District’s latest contract proposals are not merely about numbers; they reflect a concerning disregard for fairness and respect for our profession and livelihoods. A proposed 0% salary increase, mandatory additional on-campus hours dictated by site administrators, and changes to health benefits that could significantly raise out-of-pocket costs all signal an unjust expectation: that we give more while receiving less in return.
Here’s what these proposals mean in real terms:
• Additional on-campus hours amount to a disguised pay cut of approximately 2.75%, misleadingly framed as “workday flexibility.”
• Health benefit changes could impose financial hardships, reducing salaries by as much as 2% for those managing ongoing health needs or caring for dependents.
These measures undermine our dedication, our time, and the sacrifices we already make for the success of our schools and students. If the District is committed to these changes, it must also commit to real solutions that support our efforts rather than exploit them.
Your voice is essential. Please review the November 19th Bargaining Bulletin and share how these proposals would impact you. Feedback is critical—submit your response by December 13, 2024. Click here to make your voice heard.
If we fail to stand united now, we risk enabling a pattern where the District continually demands more while offering less. Together, we must reaffirm our worth and prepare to show our collective strength if necessary. Be prepared to remind the District that our work deserves respect and that our unity commands attention.
How Are You Represented at CTA?
The California Teachers Association has 300,000+ members. The Association is divided into regions, districts, and service centers.
ATA belongs to Region 3, District L; our service center is Southeastern. We have two representatives from ATA who represent our Association. Your representatives are Alana Acosta-Martin, Monterey Highlands, and Ana Dacaret, Alhambra High School.
Your reps meet four weekends a year (Friday through Sunday) at the Bonaventure Hotel, along with 800+ representatives from all over California. Each representative is a member of one of over twenty committees. For example, Alana Acosta-Martin is on the Budget Committee, and Ana Dacaret is on the Student Support Services Committee. Both representatives are members of the general body, which is convened each day of State Council.
The body meets to approve business items, candidates for state and local offices, and a myriad of other issues. These issues range from membership benefits, politics and legislation, higher education, student CTA, civil liberties, and health care to name a few. To fully appreciate the scope of involvement, please visit the CTA website, www.cta.org. There is a wealth of information on all issues impacting education and educators. Your representatives have input on all items addressed during State Council.
The State Council Report book, which contains the work the committee completed that weekend and notes from your State Council Representatives are attached to the Friday newsletter following the State Council weekend.
Please contact your representatives with issues you would like addressed at future State Council Meetings or if you have input on first reads in the State Council Report book.
Alana Acosta- Martin
Ana Dacaret
Youth Garden Grant
KidsGardening is now accepting applications for the 2025 grant, aimed at creating opportunities for children to play, learn, and grow through gardening. The application deadline is December 15th. Apply here
Upcoming Events
Please Help Fill The AUSD/ATA Food Pantry!
Call for a Vote on the Social Security Fairness Act (H.R. 82)
The Social Security Fairness Act passed out of the House of Representative last month. The bill, which would repeal the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP), has broad, bipartisan support, including 62 cosponsors in the Senate—a filibuster-proof majority.
Click HERE to push for an immediate vote on the Social Security Fairness Act!
What is CTA Access to Savings?
CTA Access to Savings is an exclusive benefit for CTA members, featuring the nation’s largest private discount network. You’ll find savings up to 50% on everyday things such as food, clothing, car care, travel, entertainment, home and garden and more. During this unpredictable time, our number one priority is to ensure the safety and health of our members. Although we don’t always deliver these types of offers, we know they are very much needed at this time. We want to help you shop for those life essentials while saving you some money too.
Mark Your Calendars
December 9
- Grievance (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
December 10
- Joint BOD and Rep Council (4:00 pm, ATA Office) - Canceled
December 17
- Board of Education (6 pm, Marengo West)
January 6
- Grievance (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
January 7
- ATA Board of Directors (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
January 14
- ATA Rep Council (4:00 pm, ATA Office)
- Board of Education (6 pm, Marengo West)
Contact Us
The Alhambra Teachers Association (ATA) exists to protect and promote the well-being of its members; to improve the conditions of teaching and learning; to advance the cause of free, universal, and quality public education; to ensure that the human dignity and civil rights of all children and youth are protected; and to secure a more just equitable and democratic society.
Email: ataoffice3030@gmail.com
Website: www.alhambrateachers.org
Location: 3030 West Main Street, Alhambra, CA, USA
Phone: (626)289-1933
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AlhambraTeachersAssociation/