Douglas Primary School
Dec. 13, 2024
Douglas Public Schools Mission Statement
“The Douglas Public Schools offer diverse learning experiences that meet the academic, social, physical, and emotional needs of all students. We provide a safe, supportive, and challenging learning environment in which students may achieve academic success and personal growth. Decisions are made in the best interest of students.”
Dear Parents and Families,
Thank you to all that attended our preschool Gingerbread Family Event today! The preschoolers surprised everyone with a cute Christmas song! Thank you to our preschool staff for putting this hour of fun together for everyone!
Our theme for December is Mindfulness and Stress Management!!
We will help students understand stress and its impact, teach them mindfulness techniques to stay present and calm, and provide them with coping strategies for managing stress.
Family Christmas Cards
We would love to have your family picture Christmas cards to hang in our foyer! Please send them in anytime!
Snowflake Drive
Thank you to everyone who sent in gift cards! Much appreciated!
Substitutes Needed!
We are in need of substitutes for teachers and paras. Please apply in School Spring or stop by for an application!
Douglas Youth Baseball & Softball Winter Clinic
see attached flyer
A few reminders to Parents and Families:
- Please use the absentee line to call in when your child is sick
- Please send your child to school with a coat, hat, and mittens for outdoor recess
- Parent Drop off is from 8:15 to 8:25, doors will close at 8:25. Students are tardy after 8:25 and will need to go to the front office.
Dates to Remember:
Spirit Week- Dec. 16-20
Dec. 16- Merry Monday, wear red & green
Dec. 17- Toasty Tuesday, wear X-mas socks & scarves
Dec. 18- Festive Wednesday, wear holiday hats or headbands
Dec. 19- Candy Cane Thursday, wear red & white
Dec. 20- 1/2 Day Cozy Friday, wear pajamas, no slippers please!
Christmas Break: Dec. 21- Jan. 1
Return to School Jan. 2
Principal's Blog:
If you have questions, concerns, or comments, please feel free to contact the school.
Have a nice weekend!
Principal Socha