
Be kind and forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you. Ephesians 4:32
Morning Devotion
Each morning at CCS is started with singing and scripture! This special time is led by Mr. Yearwood, faculty members, and volunteer students. Here are a few of the verses used this past week.
This week Mr. Yearwood continued our focus on the fruits of the spirit by speaking each day on KINDNESS.
- Titus 3:4-7
- Ephesians 4:29
- Ephesians 4:32
- Matthew 5:43-44
Current FTN Prayer Focus
Prayer Countdown
We are finishing up our FINAL WEEK of prayer focus for our Feed the Need packing party!
As we finish out our prayer focus, this week we have been praying specifically for the Rohingya Refugee Camp.
Our scripture this week is from Psalm 57.
“I will give thanks to you, O Lord, among the peoples;
I will sing praises to you among the nations.
For your steadfast love is great to the heavens,
your faithfulness to the clouds.”
Prayer Focus for the Week:
- Please pray and thank the Lord for all that He is doing in our school.
- Pray for the safe and timely delivery of the meals we will be packing.
- Pray that the people receiving the meals will see the love of Christ and come to trust him as their savior.
We are thankful for you and we are thanking God for all of the blessings that He continues to provide CCS! To Him be all the glory!
See the most up to date report of our progress at https://p2p.onecause.com/ccsftnLooking Back on Last Week
1st and 2nd Grade Turkey Relay
1st and 2nd graders had a turkey relay contest this week in PE. Each team was challenged to create a turkey using PE items and equipment. The results were fantastic!
4H Officers
This week the 4th grade class elected 4H officers. Congratulations to these student leaders!
The following students were elected to these positions.
- President - Wells Ford
- Vice President - Jude Smothers
- Secretary - Annie Drake
- Reporter - Levi Rutherford
The 4th Grade will be participating in the class 4H program and at their 1st meeting on October 25th they elected class officers.
Big Wins on the Road
Congratulations to the Varsity Girls and Varsity Boys for their big wins on Saturday verses Vina!
Final Scores:
- CCS Varsity Girls 46, Vina 32
- CCS Varsity Boys 53, Vina 48
It was a late night, but worth the fun! The teams stopped for a celebratory meal at McDonald's on the way home. As an important side note... Any time the teams are out like this, they always do a fantastic job cleaning up after themselves and leaving the places we visit better than we found it! We appreciate them and their parents for showing such wonderful Christlike character when we travel.
Flexibility and Mobility
Mrs. Haynes' Life Skills class enjoyed a visit and lesson from Athletic Trainer, Sheena Johnson. Mrs. Johnson talked to the students about the importance of maintaining flexibility and mobility.
Prepping for the Jingle Bell Jamboree
Upper School drama and chorus students have been practicing for the upcoming Christmas show. The Jingle Bell Jamboree: A Holiday Variety Show will be on Saturday, December 14th at 6 PM at the Depot Park campus.
Class Pictures
On Tuesday photographers from Spoiled Rotten Photography were back on campus to take our class photos and do some make up fall portraits. We can't wait to see the results!
FCA Iron Bowl Breakfast
Upper School athletes were up early on Wednesday to participate in the FCA (Fellowship of Christian Athletes) annual Iron Bowl Breakfast. At the event they got to hear an encouraging message from Gene Chizik, former Auburn football coach.
3v3 PE Basketball Champs
3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th grade students battled for the title of best in this week's 3 on 3 basketball tournament. These kids are competitive! Congrats to the winners!
K-6 Data Meeting
K-6 teachers and staff are analyzing data to make informed instructional decisions. This week they met to compare MAP Growth data and Alabama standards. We are so thankful for these life-long learners that are so willing to dig in and find new ways to work with students to build academic skills!
The More the Merrier
1st graders joined forces one morning this week to learn together. Seeing them together was a great reminder of the growth that is happening at CCS. We are so thankful for all the wonderful families that God is bringing to CCS!
LEO Club Meeting
Pastor Ory had a first meeting with upper school students who have applied for membership to the LEO Club. Student leaders are emerging! Next up will be elections for officers. Any student who is interested in joining that has not turned in an application needs to do so by Monday.
Christmas Parade
See More Photos from November 18-23, 2024
Dates to Remember
Praying Parents
Tuesday, Nov 26, 2024, 08:00 AM
1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Upcoming Items on the Calendar
- November 25 - Basketball at Falkville (VG,VB)
- November 26 - Basketball @ Southeastern (VG,VB)
- November 27-29 - Thanksgiving Holiday Break
- December 2-5 - ACEA Academic Testing Competition
- December 3 - Spelling Bee
- December 3 - Basketball at Sumiton Christian (VG,VB)
- December 5 - 11th/12th Grade Assisting with DC Christmas Event
- December 5 - Handchime Choir Performing at the Cullman Festival of Trees - 5 PM
- December 5 - Basketball at Home vs Addison
- December 6 - $1 Dress Down Day
- December 6 - Basketball at Lindsey Lane (JHB,VG,VB)
- December 7 - Youth Basketball at CCS
*Mark your calendar for December 14th for the Jingle Bell Jamboree Variety Show
Looking Ahead
Feed the Need Update
For more information about this project, email candase.wilkins@cullmanchristian.com or ory.hampton@cullmanchristian.com.
There will be one big last final drawing for lots of prizes the week after we return from Thanksgiving break.
Tuesday, November 26th
On Tuesday, November 26th, lower school classes and one team of upper school students will work on packing meals that will be shipped to ministry partners in Bangladesh. Each group will have an assigned time and duties for packing.
When all packing is finished, we will gather together as a whole school (Preschool-12th Grade) to pray over the meals. This will be around 1:30 on Tuesday afternoon.
Upper School Serve Day
It’s almost Thanksgiving break, so that also means that it is almost time for the finale of our school wide service project, Feed the Need. This year we have continued the tradition of fundraising to pack 10,000 meals and to benefit our school.
While the fundraising is a necessity for school operations, the service piece of the project is the most important part! With this belief in mind, we want to maximize the opportunity for students to participate in service learning. Planning for this participation has looked a little different this year. With almost 300 students now at CCS, the packing of the FTN meals among all would be spread a little thin. So, several months ago we began brainstorming about other ways to include activities that would be in alignment with our belief in the value of serving others as Christians. As a result, we have been able to plan and secure a few ministry partners that will help our older students actively serve in our local community.
Upper school students (grades 7-12) will serve on one of four teams on Tuesday, November 26th.
Team #1 - Beech Campus: Students who participated in the FTN project will serve at the Beech campus. They will be helping with the set up and management of the meal packing. They will also be working on campus clean up projects.
Team #2 - The Link of Cullman County: Team members will be helping with projects at The Link, a non-profit resource ministry in Cullman. They will be helping with the food pantry and filling homeless supply packages.
Team #3 - Cullman Caring for Kids: Team members will be helping at Cullman Caring for Kids, a local non-profit food ministry. They will be helping organize food donations and straighten up the inventory.
Team #4 - Northbrook Caring Center: Students on this team will be helping at the Northbrook Caring Center, a non-profit clothing ministry with Northbrook Church. They will be helping to load groceries and help with shut down for the holiday.
*Upper School Parents - Refer to your email for additional details on what the schedule of the day will look like.
Hoop Shoot Contest
Lower School PE classes will be doing the school Hoop Shoot contest in December.
The age divisions are: 8-9, 10-11, and 12-13.
School winners for each division will move on to compete in the area competition. The area competition will be held at Cullman Middle School mid-January.
More info to come!
Coming Soon!
The CCS Drama & Chorus group will be presenting A Holiday Variety Show: Jingle Bell Jamboree on Saturday, December 14th at 6:00 pm in the Depot Park campus auditorium. This event will include talent acts performed by students in grades 4-12. Admission is $5 per person (or $20 per family maximum).
Mark your calendar and make plans to attend!
A few other items...
Spelling Bee
Class/grade level winners will compete on December 3rd for the school title. The school winner will move on to compete at the Cullman County Spelling Bee.
ACEA Academic Testing Competition
- Upper School - December 2nd and 3rd
- Lower School - December 4th and 5th
Pictures with Santa
Santa, Mr. Delbert, will be at the Beech campus on Friday, December 20th for pictures! Mark your calendar now for this fun opportunity.
Birthday Thank You
This week Mrs. Yearwood turned 51! Thank you for all the birthday wishes and yummy treats!
The Latest Facebook Video...
Cullman Christian School
AdvancED Accredited
Email: office@cullmanchristian.com
Website: https://www.cullmanchristian.org/
Location: 1803 Beech Avenue Southeast, Cullman, AL, USA
Phone: (256)734-0734
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccsedu