GES Grey Wolf Gazette
January 17th, 2025
Principal's Corner
Students in K-4th have been taking mid-year assessments. We use this data to look at students' growth in skills and knowledge. We also look at areas that may need reteaching or different approaches. Some assessments will continue next week. Please try to have your student to have a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast. We want them to be at their best to show us what they know!
Students need to come to school with hats, gloves, boots and snow pants as we have outdoor recess almost every day. Also, remember that your child should be fever free without fever-reducing medication in order to return to school. It is also important to keep any visibly sick student home. We are starting to see the spread of flu-like symptoms throughout our school community.
Kindergarten registration and screening is starting soon. Please see the flyer below for more information.
Have a wonderful 3-day weekend!
PTO News
As always, if you have any issues or questions, please reach out!
Have a great weekend!
Kelly Shirk
GES PTO Box Tops Coordinator
Lunch Links
Lunch & Breakfast Menus https://www.fdmealplanner.com/
Online Payments https://linqconnect.com/main
January 20:- No School/MLK Day
January 21-24: Art Week
Classroom Happenings
First Friends 1
The First Friends 1 classroom is taking on roles in our restaurant. We are waitstaff, chefs and customers. The food is delicious and there are lots of choices. We are really good at taking turns, so everyone gets to have different roles. The cash register is a favorite toy! We are happy to be able to be outside and had a bit of fresh snow. We are learning about NH winter animals and have looked in our woods for tracks. We saw many red squirrel tracks.
The afternoon students continue to learn letter sounds and make a project for each letter. We are working on 3 attribute patterns and writing our names in lowercase letters to be ready for kindergarten. We hopped like snowshoe hare with Ms. Mary.
Ms. Trish
First Friends 2
This week in PS2, we talked about what deer, porcupine, raccoon and beaver footprints look like. We played with snow inside our classroom. We also made colored ice in square, circular and rectangular cups. We froze them outside with food coloring. When they were frozen, we brought them outside and made buildings, sculptures, and animals. We sorted mittens together by color, size and design. We read the book, The Mitten, where we had to listen carefully to put the animals in order when they went into the white mitten.
The afternoon students learned to write the number four and the letter Ll. We continue weekly to practice writing our names, patterns, positional words, rhyming, opposites, and recognizing the letter and sounds of A-L.
Ms. Colleen
Kindergarten & 1st Grade
Kindergarten started talking about maps in social studies this week. We started with a brainstorm about what maps are and they did a great job coming up with different ideas. Next week, we will use maps to help us start labeling things. In math, we are now looking at comparing sets of objects and using more than, less than, and the same as. On Friday, the activity was to compare 2 sets of objects that are different and find a way to demonstrate with different tools which one has more.
First grade math has continued to work with 2 digit addition problems as a way to solve 2 digit addition, but with one digit. Then, we started talking about place value and breaking 2 digit numbers into tens and ones. Some were feeling frustrated with the back and forth of talking about 43 as 40 and 3, and then saying it is 4 tens and 3 ones. They have done a nice job persevering through this frustration. We are going to see this a lot throughout the rest of the year so they have plenty of time to build mastery.
Ms. Hodgen
What a busy week in first grade! The first graders worked so hard to complete their reading winter benchmark assessments. Next week, we will finish up benchmarking assessments with the math portion of the NWEA assessment on Thursday. We learned about the phases of the moon this week and loved using ideas to show some of the phases. Our librarian, Mr. R., visited our class and read us a story about the Chinese Zodiac. The children were excited to learn the animal that represents their birth year. Most of us were roosters or dogs.
Kindergarten also worked hard on their winter benchmark assessments. They were so excited to show how much their reading brains have grown!
Have a great weekend,
Ms. Harrington
2nd Grade
It was another great week in 2nd grade. We did the majority of our winter benchmarks. The students worked hard on their reading winter NWEA assessment, spelling inventory and math winter NWEA assessment. They showed great perseverance. In math, we worked on subtracting with unbundling of tens and hundreds. We worked on this using place value disc and place value drawings. We are working hard to understand why and when we need to unbundle. In literacy, we continued to work on making inferences. We put on our detective hats and looked in the text for the clues that led us to make an inference. In science, we began learning about solids, liquids and gases. We learned a solid, liquid and gas song. We also read several books on the topic. The students also filled their star jar to earn brownies this week. Those are the pictures I have included. They earned stars for creating a work environment everyone could learn in. Also, the librarian came by and taught us about the Chinese New Year. He read us a story and presented to the class.
Ms. Quinn
3rd Grade
3rd grade was a class of rock stars this week. They worked so incredibly hard to show what they know during our winter benchmark testing. I was very impressed by the perseverance and grit that they showed. The class also finished up a couple of units. We finished our science unit on traits, with a lesson on what it would be like to live in space, and what human traits would change due to the changes in environment. We also finished up module 2 in math. We learned about different units of weight, along with adding and subtracting using three digit numbers and demonstrating understanding using models and the standard algorithm. Lastly, we finished our study of U.S. regions with volcano research and labeling maps to show what we learned. We ended the week with a really fun afternoon with our kindergarten reading buddies. We heard the story of Tacky the Penguin and made our own penguin crafts.
Ms. Cook
4th Grade
Hello families! The students have been working hard on their mid-year assessments in reading and math this week. We will continue next week for students who have not finished. In math, we finished a short unit of multiplying and dividing by 10 and 100. Next week, we will continue learning strategies on multiplying by multi-digits. We also started a new read aloud book, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. We will be doing a full novel study using this book over the next month or so. In reading, we started a text structure of comparing and contrasting. In addition, students are learning about Amelia Earhart. The students will be using those readings to create an informative writing piece about her life starting next week. We finished learning about the geography of New Hampshire in social studies and we will be learning about the Abenakis next week. The students are excited to begin lessons from the Harris Center starting next week. I hope you all enjoy a three-day weekend!
Ms. Slossar
Our Wellness Week at GES
This week, students played a variety of basketball skills, team games and tag. Basketball skills and games included dribble freeze, dribble tip over (basketball version of bulldozers and builders), steal the scarf, hula knockout, follow the leader (ball handling skills), island passing, make one/take one, basketball shuffle, math passing, and shoots and ladders. A new warm-up was math passing (credit to Kelli Smith). Students worked in teams to collect playing cards and then passed to a partner. The number of the card determined the number of passes they would make. At the end, students used math strategies to add up the total or sort the cards. Students also played tag favorites (secret agent and banana tag). We focused on learning, practicing and improving our basketball skills as well as being supportive team members. I was impressed by the encouragement students gave to each other as they worked together to accomplish a task. This created a respectful and fun learning environment. Thank you for encouraging healthy choices.
Enjoy the weekend,
Kelly Parker
Contact Information
Email: shilliard@conval.edu
Website: https://ges.conval.edu
Location: 860 Forest Road, Greenfield, NH, USA
Phone: (603) 547-3334