The Attea Flyer
The weekly newsletter for Attea families
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The Week Ahead
Mon., 5/27
- No School - Memorial Day
Tues., 5/28(Silver Day)
- 8th Grade Field Trip to Great America - pick up at Attea at 6:30pm
Wed., 5/29(Blue Day)Late start
- Graduation Practice Day - During the School Day
- Graduation Day - At GBS - 7:00pm(graduates arrive at 6:30)
- 8th Grade Only - No School
- LAST DAY OF SCHOOL - End of Trimester 3
- Reports Cards available via Powerschool after the school day
- Trimester 3 Spirit Assembly (special schedule, see below)
Please Note:
There are no late activity (4:15) buses the last week of school
A Moment With Ms O'Donnnell
Dear Attea Families,
Wow! We have so much to celebrate. It was truly an honor today to provide time to acknowledge our students for their accomplishments! We are all lucky to be part of such an amazing community! It was wonderful to hear Dr. William Attea present words of wisdom about all of us thinking about our impact on the world. In addition to the awards given out this morning we also have over 400 students for Trimester 3 who will receive our Attea All-Star award for positive behavior! Way to go!
Today, our 8th graders turned in their iPads and received their Attea graduation gowns(no mortar boards middle schoolers). This moment makes us all stop and reflect on how they have grown. More details are included in the "Class of 2024" section below for Great America, 8th Grade Graduation, and the 8th Grade Party.
We have a few more days in the school year and look forward to having memorable activities with our students. 6th and 7th graders will have our last Spirit Assembly on Friday before they head into the summer.
To all students and families, thank you for all your support to your staff and administration. We had an amazing school year! I wish you all safe, relaxing, and enjoy the time to connect with your students this summer!
Countdown to Summer Spirit Weeks!
Click on the Flyer to Support SPAT-PTA - Purchase Supply Packs Today!
Please consider supporting SPAT-PTA by ordering Supply Packs. However, if you prefer to purchase your own supplies here are the lists for the 2024-25 School Year
News from GBS for Rising 8th Graders
Dear 7th Grade Families,
The purpose of this message is to provide families with information about an upcoming assessment utilized by District 225 to determine where students will be placed when they begin high school at Glenbrook North or Glenbrook South.
Between October 1 and 18, 2024, eighth-grade students will take a standardized assessment during the school day at their middle school. The assessment is known as the PreACT 8. Results of the PreACT 8 and course placement directly connect to legislation called the Accelerated Placement Act (APA) being implemented in all Illinois high schools.
Accelerated Placement Act (Illinois School Code 105 ILCS 5/14A-10(4))
- Creates a state-wide standardization for how students are recommended for courses and is a new addition to our recommendation process for the 2025-2026 school year.
- Places students who meet or exceed standards on a PreACT 8 subject into the corresponding high school honors-level courses. For example, if a student meets or exceeds the English portion of PreACT 8, they are automatically placed in honors English.
- Is intended to stretch students beyond their academic comfort zone by allowing them to participate in a more advanced curriculum.
Glenbrook Placement
Parents and guardians may opt their student out of the automatic placement and choose the Glenbrook placement recommendation. The Glenbrook recommendation focuses on placing students in classes based on prior grades, teacher recommendations, and other student performance factors.
PreACT 8 Administration
In the early fall, specific information about the administration of the PreACT 8 will be sent to families by the middle school their student attends. District 225 has worked with the districts in the township to ensure common practices across all administration sites.
Families will receive additional information about the course recommendation and placement process during their student’s 8th-grade year. Additional resources and information about the PreACT 8 may be found here.
5th-6th Grade Parent Information
Couldn't make the 5th Grade Parent Orientation Night? Don't Worry. This parent slideshow was presented that evening. Please feel free to review it. As always, call Attea with any questions.
Ooops! Missed The Transition Survey deadline?
We Re-Opened the Link!
The 5th-6th GradeMiddle School Transition Survey is still available for families of current 5th graders to provide information or feedback for the move to 6th grade in '24-25. Access the survey through your parent Powerschool account.
All 5th grade families are required to complete the survey as Global Language choice as well as optional Performance Group(Band, Orchestra, Choir) participation needs to be indicated in order for schedules to be built.
Please complete the survey TODAY!
Fabulous to Be Flyer!
Early Dismissal? Late Arrival? Absence? Review How-To By Clicking The Button
Please call attendance line before 8:30am.
SPAT - PTA Corner
8th Grade Graduation Party Volunteer Sign Up
Calling all 6th and 7th grade parents to help chaperone the 8th grade Attea Grad party!!!
WE NEED YOUR HELP! There is a long standing tradition of 6th and 7th grade parents managing the party for the outgoing class of 8th graders. Please help and pay it forward by signing up to work a position at the 8th grade graduation party. Please review the available slots and sign up by clicking on the button below. Thank you!
PTA Volunteer Information
The PTA keep you informed and offer an opportunity for you to share your voice. We are always recruiting new volunteers and hope that you join us.
Please use this link to join the PTA
As an all-volunteer organization, we thank you for your time, energy and support in helping the SP-AT PTA. Let’s have a great year supporting our schools and our kids!
From The District 34 Office
Register Today! Early Bird Fee Discount Ends June 1st!
Registration for the '24-'25 School Year Is Now Open
REMINDER: Early Registration Deadline is June 1!
Dear District 34 Families,
Today is the day! You now can register your child for the 2024-2025 school year. Whether you are registering your first child for kindergarten or your youngest for 8th grade, register.glenview34.org will be the place to go. You may also need to provide health forms and proof of residency. Please keep reading to learn more!
Early Registration Deadline: June 1
We promise to be pleasantly persistent in reminding you to register before the early registration deadline of June 1, 2024. There’s a discount in it for you!
- Families who register for kindergarten with a full-day experience before that deadline will pay a $3,300 fee (a $330 deposit is due at registration); the fee increases to $3,600 after the deadline.
- The early registration discount for all other grades is $100.
See more details about fees at glenview34.org/fees.
Fee Waiver
Families who wish to request a waiver of the required registration fees for the 2024-2025 school year will complete a new fee waiver application. The form is available at glenview34.org/fees.
This fee waiver is separate from the National School Lunch free/reduced lunch application and applies to all grades, including full-day kindergarten.
Who Completes Residency?
Families of the following students must provide residency documentation in order for their child to start school on the first day of the school year:
- Students new to the district
- Students entering D34 Preschool, kindergarten, 3rd and 6th grades
- Families with a lease
- Families who have recently moved within the District
- Students living with another family/friend
View the residency requirements and submit documents online here.
Health Forms Due August 15
Health, dental and vision exam forms are due on August 15. You can bring the forms to the health office of your child’s 2024-2025 school, or to the District Office (1401 Greenwood Road). Check the Health Information page to see if this applies to your child.
For Families of Kindergarten Students: Information Nights are May 1 (Sign Up Now)
On May 1 from 6-7pm, Henking, Lyon and Westbrook are hosting information nights for incoming kindergarten families (adults only - students will have opportunities to visit their school closer to the start of the school year). You’ll meet the principal and other school staff, learn about the kindergarten program and take a tour of the kindergarten classrooms. School staff will be able to answer questions about registration as well.
Please sign up for Kindergarten Information Night!
Learn more about kindergarten at glenview34.org/kindergarten.
Need Help?
If you have questions or need assistance with registration, contact our registration and residency team at residency@glenview34.org or (847) 998-5063. They can quickly and easily answer most questions by phone or email! If you need in-person help, call your child’s school or make an appointment to visit the District Office (1401 Greenwood Road) – but do so before June 1!
Information About GRASP Summer Learning
Dear District 34 Families,
The District is not funding GRASP this summer, but the program is available for individual students currently in grades K-7 to sign up (click the "Sign Up" link at the bottom of the page). The cost is $38 for one subject or $68 for both math and reading. If you have questions, please email grasp@grps.org.
FREE One-Day STEM Minicamp Offered by GBS
Dear D34 Students & Families,
Through the generous support of NSERVE, the Career and Technical Education Department at Glenbrook South High School will be offering a FREE one-day STEM minicamp on Saturday, June 1 from 9am-3pm in person at Glenbrook South High School. This camp is open to current 5th through 7th grade female students who reside within the District 225 boundaries and will be attending Glenbrook South for high school. It is open on a first come, first served basis.
In this minicamp students will gain an increased awareness of STEM-related skills and careers by participating in an Infento Design Challenge! The purpose of the Infento Design Challenge is for 5th-7th grade students to get hands-on experience in the GBS makerspace using constraints to complete various design challenges! Students will construct various simple machines and vehicles using Infento kits! After construction, students will compete in challenges to assist their designs.
- Saturday, June 1st from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm
- Registration is limited to the first 24 female students
- Students must be in 5th - 7th grade during the 2023-24 school year in order to be eligible for participation
Click here for more information and the application!
Connect with Attea!
Email Us:
Diana O'Donnell, Principal
Allyson Thorne, Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning
Heather Santella, Assistant Principal for Student Services
Amy Frederick, Student Success Coordinator
Call Us:
Main Office#: (847) 486-7700
Attendance#: (847) 486-7712
School Nurse#: (847) 486-7716
Find Us Online: