Future Planning: Xello 10th Grade
Career Awareness & Option Exploration
Sophomore Leadership Opportunities!
If you would like to be considered for these opportunities, write a one page essay on, “What it Means to be a Leader” by November 22nd and hand it in to the counseling office.
One sophomore will be chosen to represent Stoney Creek for each conference. Conference costs are covered by the district and the recipients must commit to the conference dates.
The OSTC NE counselor came and spoke to sophomores on November 6th. If you missed the meeting, there will be a field trip to OSTC on November 21st! Permission slips are due November 15th.
Completing your Educational Development Plan in (EDP) in Xello
Click on RCS Bookmarks
Hover over Career Readiness
Select Xello Student Link
Click on Begin With Your EDP
Please complete all tasks that are listed in this section.
Complete Matchmaker or review results from last year's update
Complete the Personality Style quiz
Complete the final stage of Matchmaker
Choose 4 favorite clusters
Add 2 experiences to your profile.
After you've completed the above tasks, a final prompt will pop up. Please take some time and write a few sentences to answer the question. Click TURN IN and then DONE when finished.
Once you go back to Home and see that your EDP is 100% complete, please raise your hand.